
Chapter 469 The Emperor Can't Refuse

Chapter 469 The Emperor Can't Refuse
Chapter 260 The Emperor Cannot Refuse
Wang Sheng understood the emperor's mentality very well.But just because I understand it, I am even more unaccustomed to their bad habits.

The root of everything is still the pure cultivation theory that is common in this world.This world is a world of practice, and practice is more important than anything else, and those with high cultivation can kill and seize the lives of those with low cultivation.Therefore, from the emperor to the seventh prince and those important ministers, they felt that Wang Sheng, a small guy who was only in the third and fourth realms, should be manipulated by them at will.

But when Wang Sheng, an ant in their eyes, suddenly showed the ability to kill their elephants, the elephants became unbalanced. They felt that this should not be done, and that such dangerous elements should be eliminated to prevent future troubles.

The problem is that these so-called elephants have never felt that those peerless masters are also factors of instability that can threaten them anytime and anywhere. They only think that those masters should be able to threaten them because their cultivation is higher than them.

For this kind of person, Wang Sheng only has one comment, that's a bitch!Dare to push his nose on his face again, Wang Sheng doesn't mind letting them know the consequences of angering him.

Wang Sheng's words just now made the emperor vigilant for a while, what do you mean by looking at it after two years?Could it be that after a few years, the princes will have a reason to take action against the royal family?

"Why?" The Son of Heaven is now concerned but confused, unaware that he has once again entered the predicament of being obsessed with the authorities, and blurted out.

"Think about it yourself!" How could Wang Sheng be so good, he kindly helped the emperor find the reason under such circumstances?He sneered: "Don't you think you can sleep well? Slowly think about it in your sleep!"

Seeing Wang Sheng's attitude, the emperor almost slapped himself several times.I am indeed the kind of idiot Wang Sheng said, who forgets the pain when the scar is healed. I really think that solving one of Wang Sheng's problems will solve all the problems. People don't have to do anything, just a few words can make me go on. Continue to live that sleepless day.

Steward Zhou was on the sidelines, and really wanted to help the emperor solve his worries, but he didn't dare.

When I saw Wang Sheng last time, I was frightened by Wang Sheng's extremely lethal gas bomb and dared not move.This time, if Wang Sheng was unprepared at the beginning, with Wang Sheng's cultivation level last time, Guanshi Zhou could still guarantee a one-hit kill without Wang Sheng being able to make a move.

But things backfired, Zhou Guanshi suddenly discovered that Wang Sheng's cultivation base had improved again.This greatly reduces the possibility of him killing with one hit.What made him even more hesitant to do anything was that Guanshi Zhou always felt that Wang Sheng exuded a unique aura, as if monitoring his every move anytime and anywhere. Once he acted rashly, it would definitely cause immeasurable consequences .

I didn't feel this way last time. It can only explain that this is a new ability after Wang Shengxiu's promotion.Even if Wang Sheng wasn't facing Steward Zhou, he wouldn't be able to see Steward Zhou's movements, but he could sense Steward Zhou's movements at any time, and this made Steward Zhou's success rate drop again, to the point where he was even half sure of it. nothing.

It is easy to understand that the emperor is worried about gain and loss now.In the past, the royal family had never tasted the superiority of the present, but now that they have tasted it, even if they were allowed to return to the original state, they themselves would not be willing.It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Wang Sheng has given them a taste of power, so how could they be willing to be mediocre?
Seeing Guanshi Zhou in a dilemma over there, while the emperor's face turned red and white, Wang Sheng felt so relieved.But it seemed that this was not enough, a flash of inspiration, an old song that Wang Sheng had heard on Earth suddenly appeared in Wang Sheng's mind.

That is the theme song of the Hong Kong TV series "Qin Shi Huang", the name is "Qin Shi Huang", also called "The Earth is under my feet".Luo Jialiang is the original singer, a Cantonese song.

While the Son of Heaven was meditating, Wang Sheng casually hummed the song in a low voice in Mandarin.

"The earth is under my feet,
The national economy is in the palm of your hand,

Who dares to talk more?
Who are the Eight Kingdoms?

Which unity dominates?

Who has a higher record than the lonely family?

High above!Let's see!
My country is beautiful and picturesque.

Climbing the mountain and stepping on the fog!Laughing at God!
Who can praise me?
The emperor is the beginning, and the people are here,
Take away the eternal chic.

Steady stone carvings preserve history.

Praise me for how powerful I am! "

Out of connection with this world, Wang Sheng changed the sentence "Who are the six countries to be razed" from the six countries to the eight countries.Changed "Qin Shi Shi" to "Huang Shi Shi", leaving the rest basically unchanged.

The Cantonese of this song sounds very emotional, but changing it to Mandarin doesn't seem to violate the harmony, and the meaning is expressed very accurately.

A few days ago, I sang a song "Follow the Fate" at the old Taoist's side of Laojun Guan. Today, Wang Sheng sang "The Earth is Under My Feet" in front of the emperor. Wang Sheng found that he seemed more and more like a singer up.

It has to be said that this song sung from the perspective of Qin Shihuang has a fatal attraction for any emperor, especially the emperor in front of him.

The scene of the emperor who is in control of the power and swallows the world described in the song makes the emperor addicted to it after only listening to it once, and he can't get out of it.

Listen, who is it that flattened the Eight Kingdoms?Which unity dominates?This is clearly the portrayal of the emperor's heart now!Such a great achievement, which emperor can remain indifferent?
The earth is under my feet, and the national plan is in my hands. Who dares to speak more?These words are simply poison!The emperor didn't know how many nights he had never dreamed of such a crazy dream, but Wang Sheng just sang it in front of him.

If Wang Sheng has already joined the emperor, presenting this song will definitely make the emperor happy.But now, the Son of Heaven just made a stupid mistake and angered Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng sang this song, which is simply ironic!
The lyrics make holes in the bloody heart of the emperor.If you don't anger Wang Sheng and speak well, maybe Wang Sheng will come up with a few ideas, and the royal family will be so grand that the emperor can't even imagine.

Just look at Wang Sheng waving his hand, he made a feudal prince and sent the royal family from mediocrity to heaven, and then in a blink of an eye, a man who took the emperor ordered the princes to step the royal family into the abyss of eternal doom, and then sent the royal family back with an idea After entering the heaven, it is clear that the wisdom pearl is in the hand, turning the hand into the cloud and covering the hand into the rain!

Such a person, how could the emperor be so stupid that he would be tempted and provoked?Shouldn't this kind of person immediately send the most beautiful princess to win him over?Why did I get so confused by the lard, and challenged him like I was full?

Fortunately, Wang Sheng didn't turn his face immediately, which showed that there was still some discussion, and the emperor's tone and attitude softened immediately.

"Just kidding, it's my fault!" Amidst Zhou Guanshi's dumbfounded, the emperor apologized to Wang Sheng without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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