
Chapter 474 Poor Baoqing Yutang

Chapter 474 Poor Baoqing Yutang
Chapter 260 Seven Poor Baoqing Yutang
The imperial court's reaction was much faster than Wang Sheng had imagined, or in other words, the emperor's degree of panic about something had exceeded Wang Sheng's expectations.

Early the next morning, as soon as the court meeting was over, the court announced a major news.More than two months ago, the seventh prince and four important ministers conspired against each other, intending to kidnap and force the emperor to abdicate.

For this reason, the Seventh Prince and the four important ministers ransacked all the families, and all the servants in the family were reduced to slaves, and rewarded to the righteous men who rescued the emperor.

As for the righteous man who rescued the emperor, the emperor was grateful for his loyalty to rescue him, so he made an exception and conferred the title of Marquis of Changsheng.Reward a Hou Mansion with countless treasures and treasures.The belongings of the Seventh Prince and the four important ministers were all confiscated and sent to Changsheng Hou's Mansion.Not to mention, the Son of Heaven even treated Qian Jedi as a fief and enfeoffed it to the new Marquis Chang Sheng.

After the news of these things rewarded earlier, it made people think that the righteous man who rescued the emperor was simply lucky to be able to run into such a treasonous conspiracy.But when they saw that the fief was actually Qian Jedi, those people didn't even envy them for a while.

Marquis, huh?There is also a fief, right?It's a pity that the fief is the Thousand Jedi, and now only a few people can enter and exit the Thousand Jedi. What's the difference between being given and not being given?
Everyone felt that the righteous man who rescued the emperor must have been deceived by the emperor and the court, and dismissed him, a marquis who appeared suddenly without making a sound, with a fief that was basically inaccessible.To put it bluntly, it is just using a bunch of money to buy people's hearts.

But when the court next announced Chang Shenghou's name, everyone was dumbfounded.Chang Shenghou is actually Wang Sheng?
In the whole world, if there is only one person who can enter the Thousand Jedi, then this person must be Wang Sheng, and there will be no one else.If you want to calculate it from Wang Sheng's point of view, then Wang Sheng has made a lot of money all of a sudden.

In the entire Thousand Jedi, who doesn't know that there is a huge treasure inside?It's just that because of various reasons, people from any family couldn't get in.The same is true of the major princes now, at most they rely on the camp created by Wang Sheng and Yu Baozhai to practice near the core of Qian Jedi.

Now that the Son of Heaven has officially entrusted Qian Jedi to Wang Sheng, the princes are probably going crazy.In the future, if the major princes want to send people into the Thousand Jedi, do they still have to get Wang Sheng's consent?There was a lot of fun watching.

The spies of the major princes in the capital quickly sent the news back to all parties. This is the emperor's announcement to the world, and there is nothing to keep secret.When the princes of all parties got the news, they all smiled contemptuously.

So what if Wang Sheng entrusted Thousand Jedi?All parties do not want to go in.It's nothing more than Wang Sheng occupying the title. Could it be that he can really occupy Qian Jedi by himself?A mere Wang Sheng, even if he is a marquis, he is nothing more than a polished commander.Not to mention that he is a Marquis of Chang Sheng, and even conferring Wang Sheng as the Son of Heaven of Marquis of Chang Sheng, isn't that just a title?Could it be that his imperial decree can really get out of the capital?

What the powerful princes saw was that Wang Sheng happened to save the emperor, but he only got the reputation of a Marquis and some rewards for property and houses, and the reputation of a Marquis of Thousand Jedi, that's all.

But what those masters of practice who do not belong to the various forces of the big family saw Wang Sheng, a killer in Wuyou City. Because he saved the emperor, he was promoted and made a fortune. Countless gold coins.If there is such an opportunity again, it may be said that everyone will find ways to seek refuge with the emperor, in order to win a wife and a son, and beautify future generations.

This is an afterthought.As soon as the emperor announced it to the world, the unsolved case in the capital two months ago was immediately explained.There is also a reason why the Seventh Prince and the four important ministers were ransacked and exterminated. There is also a reason why the emperor has been living in seclusion for the past two months.

The news in the palace is really not easy for the princes of all parties to get.The royal family has been operating in the capital for hundreds of years, and the imperial city is even more like an iron bucket, and it is easy to send out any news.Now I finally know the ins and outs.

Knowing the answer, all parties can feel at ease.The royal family is not trying to play tricks, but internal turmoil.OK!Civil turmoil is good!It would be best to have a few more princes restless, and it would be best to toss the emperor half to death, this is in the interests of all parties.

As soon as the news was released, the atmosphere in the entire capital changed suddenly.It turned out that the emperor was angry and really wanted to chop off the heads of hundreds of people, even his own son.Those in the imperial court who have different intentions are now dormant in a well-behaved way, not daring to show any abnormalities easily, lest they hit the emperor's sword.

Wang Sheng didn't expect the emperor to be so impatient. He discussed his speech overnight and announced it to the world the next day.This is also good, and it can be regarded as rounding up the reason why he was rewarded by the Marquis.If those princes knew that the emperor's idea of ​​entrusting the princes was given by himself, I'm afraid they would be particularly wary of themselves.This is very good, and it is most suitable in the name of saving the emperor.

In particular, last night, Wang Sheng slept in his bedroom in the Houfu.Of course, it does not mean that Meier and Wang Sheng were together, but during the two months when Wang Sheng was away, Meier had someone clean up the other bedroom to live in by herself, and returned the room that belonged to Wang Sheng to Wang Sheng. That's all, nothing special happened.

Early in the morning, Wang Sheng invited Uncle Liu and the others to have breakfast together.During the period, everyone talked about Baoqing Yutang, and everyone was very happy.

During the two months that Wang Sheng practiced in Laojunguan, Baoqing Yutang literally walked through hell.All the vassal states, like the Song Dynasty, took the sugar and salt business into the official business, and completely separated the two businesses of Baoqing Yutang.

The state of Song was close to the sea, and the salt industry was developed. It seized raw materials and refined processing at once, and made a lot of money.Although the princes of other parties have no way to control the production of coarse salt, they can buy coarse salt from the Song Dynasty and refine refined salt by themselves, which also makes huge profits.

However, relatively speaking, it was Tang who took the biggest advantage.Tang State is not only close to the sea, but also relatively close to the south. It is an important sugarcane producing area, and it also belongs to the raw materials that control the two businesses of sugar and salt, making a lot of money.

Even the royal family has made a fortune. In just two months, they have already made hundreds of thousands of profits.You know, this is just one place in the capital.

As for Baoqing Yutang, it is no longer enough to describe their misery with a serious injury to their vitality, and it is afraid that they are barely similar to their current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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