
Chapter 482 I dare not use it

Chapter 482 I dare not use it

Chapter 270 I Don't Dare to Use

Tie Lao solemnly took the long sword.Just when Mei'er thought that Tie Lao would carefully look at every detail of the long sword, Tie Lao closed his eyes and began to grope on the long sword like a blind man.

"Why doesn't Tie Lao look at it?" Mei'er couldn't understand Tie Lao's actions at all, but the people around seemed to be not surprised, which made her feel itchy, and asked Wang Sheng in a low voice.

"Because sometimes the flaws that are ten times thinner than a hair can't be seen by the naked eye, but can be clearly sensed by hands." Wang Sheng replied subconsciously in a low voice, but he carefully stared at Tie Lao's movements: "This Only the most experienced masters can do it. A lady with delicate skin and tender flesh like you must be unimaginable."

On Earth, Wang Sheng belongs to the kind of high-level fighters who can customize their own personal weapons, so contacting some masters in military factories is indispensable.Wang Sheng once saw an old fitter with his own eyes, using his callused hands to stencil on the parts to be tested, and accurately said that there was a little extra judgment somewhere.Quality inspectors use a spiral micrometer to measure, no more, no less, just a tiny bit off.

A thread is one hundredth of a millimeter, which is [-] millimeters, ten microns, ten times thinner than a normal hair.

Although Wang Sheng's words were low, none of the masters around him had any low level of cultivation, and they all heard Wang Sheng's explanation clearly.

With just this sentence, Wang Sheng gained the confidant thoughts in the hearts of at least a dozen great masters.Indeed, how could a lady with delicate skin and tender flesh understand the efforts of these great masters?This young man insisted on it.

After stroking it carefully, Tie Lao seemed to be very satisfied and nodded. Then he opened his eyes and looked at the long sword from front to back, up and down. After reading it, he didn't speak, but handed it to Another old man next to him, let him continue to watch.

The old man held the long sword, first looked at it and then stroked it, and after admiring it, handed it to another one.In this way, more than a dozen old men and old ladies present watched one by one. After Master Lu finished the last one, the long sword was actually handed over to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng took the long sword, lit the fire, and observed it carefully.Wang Sheng looked very carefully, observing the sword edge, sword tip, sword ridge, blood groove, sword breech, sword hilt and so on all the way. Under his enhanced vision, the subtle parts of the long sword are clearly visible.

"Why do you only look at it and not touch it?" Meier asked a little out of place.

"Because I don't have the ability to touch it!" Wang Sheng answered mei'er angrily.This woman is really, which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, in front of so many great masters, isn't this embarrassing?

Hearing this sentence, all the old men and women around burst into low laughter.But everyone also appreciates Wang Sheng's candid attitude of saying he doesn't know what he doesn't understand. At least such a person is ten times better than those who pretend to understand.

Mei'er gave Wang Sheng a blank look, and then turned her gaze to the long sword itself.Seeing this, his eyes immediately fell in and couldn't be pulled out.

Although I watched the long sword transform from a piece of iron embryo into a finished product, it was only when I watched it from a long distance, and the long sword was in front of my eyes, that I could really see its magnificence.

Not to mention the material, how could Grandmaster Wu use poor quality materials if he wanted to advance to the assessment of Grandmaster?Just the carefully carved and engraved patterns embellished on it, as well as the bright light deliberately made of a certain material, are enough to show a word, expensive!

This is just the material, not the handwork.Among the extremely exquisite patterns evenly distributed on the two sides of the sword spine, there is actually a painting.If you look carefully, you can see that a long scroll is divided into two parts. Meier is very skilled in this area, and she can tell at a glance that this scroll is actually "A Thousand Miles of Battlefield Map" hand-painted by the master of painting thousands of years ago.

However, the scroll of the original painting "A Thousand Miles of Sand Field" is more than three feet long and two feet wide, and it is drawn on a complete piece of Wuyin anaconda skin.But the "Thousand Li Battlefield Map" in front of me is only on the Three Chi Sword Peak.The shape is carefully crafted in advance with an extremely thin material, and it is attached to the spine of the sword bit by bit.

This handwork alone is enough for more than 90.00% of the long swords Aoshi Meier has seen.Not to mention the gorgeous decoration on the hilt of the sword, if it is matched with a carefully crafted scabbard, Meier can guarantee that it can be sold for 20 yuan if it is placed in her store. The sky-high price of gold coins.

After reading these patterned accessories, Wang Sheng held the slightly slender hilt and swung it a few times to feel the center of gravity of the long sword and the balance of the moves.

As a master blacksmith, Master Wu would definitely not make such low-level mistakes.The long sword is easy to wield, whether it is stabbing or slashing, there is no problem of center of gravity shifting, it is indeed a good sword.

After Wang Sheng finished reading it, he wanted to pass the sword to the old Taoist Qingling, but the old Taoist shook his head and refused to accept it at all.It's not something he's interested in.Wang Sheng could only hand over the long sword to Meier, and then watched Meier hold the sword in her arms like a miser, touching and admiring it bit by bit, completely ignoring Wang Sheng.

Seeing this scene, everyone smiled.This little girl doesn't hide her hobbies at all, which is rare.

Master Wu was very patient, waiting for everyone to finish reading one by one, without urging, just stood there and waited slowly, waiting for everyone's comments.

This time it was the master blacksmith who was promoted, so Mr. Tie presided over it.Seeing that everyone had finished watching, he ignored Mei'er who kept watching with her sword, and asked, "What do you guys think?"

Although most of the people around are not blacksmiths, but at the level of a grand master, they really have a taste of bypassing the analogy.Sometimes a comment from a great master in another industry can often stimulate more ideas from the great masters in the industry.The Linglong Pavilion is obviously deeply silent on this point, and even the promotion to the Grand Master is not judged by a Grand Master in the industry.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They seemed to have something to say, but no one seemed to want to say it, as if there was something unspeakable.This scene made Grandmaster Wu secretly a little uneasy. Could it be that there is something wrong with creating it by himself?

No one wanted to say that Tie Lao was in trouble, and then he glanced away and saw Wang Sheng next to Meier, who was holding a sword and admiring him. His heart moved, and he said to Wang Sheng: "Little killer, tell me!" , how about this sword?"

When it was mentioned suddenly, Wang Sheng looked at Tie Lao with a wry smile.Shopkeeper Chen spread rumors that Wang Sheng just thought it was Lao Tie being polite, but he didn't expect to really want to review it himself?
(End of this chapter)

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