
Chapter 500 Brand spokesperson

Chapter 500 Brand spokesperson
Chapter 280 Brand spokesperson
Qianshengyuan has not opened for a long time, except that the works of the great masters have not been prepared and the manpower has not been trained, there is another reason, that is, the sword of Master Wu has not been completed.

This sword, which Wang Sheng promised to sell to the emperor, is also the best gimmick for Qian Shengyuan's opening. Without waiting for this sword, Qian Shengyuan Wang Sheng will definitely not open.

Master Wu brought the sword and took it out from the animal skin roll, Wang Sheng's eyes lit up.When Master Wu brought it to Wang Sheng, before it was delivered to Wang Sheng, Wang Sheng had already stretched out his hand to snatch it.

Sword King Sheng has seen it before, it is perfect, but this scabbard looks even more perfect.

Perhaps it was because Wang Sheng promised to use it for the emperor, so the scabbard of this sword was designed in the direction of the emperor's sword from the beginning.

The color directly uses the color of the emperor's robe, with a bright yellow tone, and I don't know what material is used.Wang Sheng felt very comfortable in his hand, neither slippery nor sticky, just right.Most of the middle part of the scabbard was pasted with a metal painting with undulating mountains and rushing rivers, which is exactly the picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains that Wang Sheng said.

"This picture is ready-made. It happened to be drawn by a court painter when the Taizu of this dynasty ascended the throne. It is said that several mountains on it are still the royal brushes of the Taizu of this dynasty." Master Wu saw that Wang Sheng was paying attention to it. The map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, quickly opened the mouth to explain.

It is actually the imperial pen of the Taizu of this dynasty, so this is even more appropriate.Wang Sheng looked at it carefully. Although the picture is small, it is still consistent and detailed, and all the details are very complete.The picture itself is also very good, with a magnificent momentum, and a faint ambition to swallow thousands of miles, very good, very perfect.

"Meier, remember to send 200 million gold coins to Linglong Pavilion tomorrow." Wang Sheng accepted the sword, and without further ado, ordered Meier to settle the gold coins first.

This is also Wang Sheng's attitude, a confident attitude of betting ahead of what he promised before, and this is obviously the best affirmation for Master Wu who has just entered the Grand Master stage and is still a little cautious.

Master Wu's face turned red.As Wang Sheng said, he was indeed a little apprehensive as if he had just entered the grand master.After all, when he was promoted, he was almost dismissed because of a little thoughtlessness. It was Wang Shengli who overcame the crowd and made him a grand master.Now half of what Wang Sheng promised has been completed, which shows that he is really optimistic about him, how can he not make him blush with excitement?
One of my own swords, a sword that took two months to craft, is really worth 200 million gold coins!Wang Sheng didn't just say nice words, but actually used 200 million gold coins to give him this confidence.With this confidence, it seems that it is not impossible to become the Sword of the Son of Heaven.

"Those seniors are all here, Lord Hou can just send someone to take me there, and see if there is anything I can do to help." Master Wu was in a better mood and confident, and his mood was naturally different.

Wang Sheng quite likes to associate with these great masters, the more he reaches this level, the less airs he has, and he does things with sincerity.Not like some guy who dangles from a bottle full of half a bottle.

With the sword in hand, Wang Sheng savored it carefully for a long time before receiving it into the ring.Meier was still there, Wang Sheng thought about it, and said to Meier: "Meier, you send someone to ask the lady next door, you want to drop by and see when it is suitable."

Mei'er is also so busy that she is about to go crazy, and she hasn't visited the opposite side for a few days.The lady on the opposite side also seemed to know her situation, and did not invite her these days, so that Wang Sheng originally reminded her that the business of the women's beauty salon could be cooperated with the lady next door, so there was no time to discuss it.

Hearing Wang Sheng mention it, Meier agreed, and then remembered these things, and she was also a little curious.Finally, I know that the family on the other side is also doing business, and the time may not be suitable at any time. It is better to send someone to ask and see the time.

Speaking of it, this is already the Hou Mansion sending letters to the next door. Meier sent someone over to ask, and the other party responded readily. They went to ask in the afternoon, and replied in the evening, tomorrow afternoon.

"We used to bother people in the past, shouldn't we also invite them to be our guests?" Meier didn't know that the quiet and dignified lady at the door was the queen, let alone that the middle-aged hostess who kept smiling was actually the present-day queen. emperor.Today, it was said that she was going to be a guest, but Mei Er suddenly remembered this trouble before discussing it with Wang Sheng.

"Let's forget it for the time being. There are so many masters in our mansion. It's not suitable for outsiders to know what they do. Besides, there are too many people with mixed hands. After this period of time, after clearing up all the people in the mansion, we will invite them to be guests." Let's go!" Wang Sheng smiled and explained: "Besides, I don't know if people are willing to come or not, so you have to ask!"

Just kidding, can the emperor casually come to Wang Sheng's house as a guest?Even if half of the people in the mansion are eyeliners arranged by the emperor, there are so many strangers in the mansion at this time, and most of them are masters of the seventh or eighth level who are not obvious at first sight, even if there are old monsters Li and The old monster Zhou guarded together, and the emperor would never dare to bring the queen to the Hou's mansion easily.

What's more, the old Taoist Ling Xu just warned that a top old killer from Shenwei Prison had arrived in the capital and had just shown his presence. Even if it was not aimed at the royal family, the emperor could not put himself in possible danger.Even if the emperor himself is willing, old monster Li and old monster Zhou will try their best to stop it.This is called the son of a daughter who cannot sit still.

It just so happened that the second batch of top-quality rice paper produced by Master Xuan had already come out, and Wang Sheng won a batch.Except for the array, everything else about Lu's pens was complete, and Wang Sheng was not polite, and took two or three pens, including a large pen.Li Mo has also taken out the experimental product, and Wang Sheng thinks it is good, just in time for the emperor to evaluate it.

Before the Son of Heaven became the Son of Heaven, he was always the nominal emperor respected by all the major families. Government orders could not go out of the capital, and he had nothing to do. Almost every emperor was a master of calligraphy and painting.They themselves have high attainments in calligraphy and painting, so they must have enough right to comment on these four treasures of the study.

However, Wang Sheng has another purpose.Qian Shengyuan is going to open, and Mei Er wants Wang Sheng to inscribe the sign board.Although Wang Sheng's handwriting must be good enough, but for a business, Wang Sheng's reputation is not influential enough.

If this sign board was inscribed by the emperor's imperial pen, it would be another matter.Now the emperor still has something to ask for from Wang Sheng. Of course, Wang Sheng can ask the emperor for a signboard of Qian Shengyuan's imperial pen inscription.

(End of this chapter)

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