
Chapter 59

Chapter 59
Chapter 58 What a black pot
After giving the order, the first thing Patriarch Shi did was to immediately open the four-phase exquisite seal box that had been damaged by his own jade pendant.Once the corrosive liquid inside is incomplete, can a part of the treasure map be left behind?That's half a sheet!
Maybe the heavens really have eyes. When Patriarch Shi broke open the broken four-phase exquisite seal box, he did find a corner of the treasure map left behind.Although only a small corner is left, there is still a little bit, isn't it?
But when he examined it carefully, his heart turned cold.It was indeed a remnant of the animal skin scroll, but there was only a small piece left.

Reminiscent of the smiles of the men in black when they were dying, Patriarch Shi was both angry and desperate.He was angry because he was completely played by others, and desperate because the treasure map was really destroyed. Even if he caught the escaped boy, there was no hope of getting him back.

However, this matter was said in public by the man in black, so it is impossible to rely on this to cause trouble for Linglong Pavilion and let them bear part of the loss.

Wang Sheng, who was running away, didn't know it at all, and he was blamed again.This scapegoat is even more troublesome than being Song Yan's fiancé.

Although the four families of historians are only in Linchuan City, a small border town, if they really want to make a move, it is no less than the family of the main historian.What's more, this incident directly alarmed the main family, and the entire historian was mobilized.

In fact, it wasn't just the historians who were mobilized, the faction to which the man in black belonged was also targeting the only guy who escaped at the scene.Not to mention, the historian directly took the destroyed four-phase Linglong seal box to the Linglong Pavilion, asking them to bear part of the loss, and also sent a piece that was thrown into the corrosive liquid by the historian later, leaving only one Corner of sackcloth.

Linglong Pavilion claims that the four-phase Linglong seal box is absolutely impossible to be opened, and even the master who made it patted his chest to promise, but the treasure map inside was replaced with a rag. This matter, even if Linglong Pavilion considers its own signboard, it can't be opened. Impossible to stay out of it.

Wang Sheng's identity was found out almost at dawn the next day.There is no way, the short hair revealed by his turban is too eye-catching, it is as bright as fireflies in the dark night.In a few months, he hasn't completely turned into the indigenous hairstyle of this world.

This obvious feature almost confirmed his identity as soon as the investigation.The murderer who killed Young Master Dai Jiahuan and Fourth Master Dai, the most wanted criminals of the Song family and the Dai family, this time, the Shi family, Linglong Pavilion, and even the mysterious black-clothed family will be added.

Wang Sheng felt the unprecedented pressure almost the next day.It is impossible for Wang Sheng to escape very far in one night, and he is definitely not as fast as a fast horse. Therefore, Wang Sheng has only one choice, which is to run into the mountains.

Only in the mountains and forests is Wang Sheng's world.So that night, Wang Sheng went straight to the mountains.

The historian directly mobilized the power of his entire family to search frantically within hundreds of miles.As long as you see someone who is suspicious, go up and check the hair first. Under strict inspection, even Wang Sheng can't slip through the net as easily as last time.

If this was the case, Wang Sheng would not be desperate. The crux of the problem still comes down to practice.

According to the news from the Song family and the Dai family, Wang Sheng should have fused with a low-level soul, and he can only be an ordinary person for the rest of his life.

On this point, several shops in Shanglin City can testify that Wang Sheng has used their Yuan Jing, and it is indeed a low-end carp soul, which cannot be faked.

But according to the disciples of the historian who had received treatment from Wang Sheng, this was not the case at all.Wang Sheng is obviously a little cultivator in the first level, and there will be no fakes.The feeling of spiritual energy entering the body during massage is absolutely unmistakable, at least [-] disciples of historians can prove it.

When the news spread, almost the whole world was in an uproar.First, Wang Sheng has a magic weapon in his hand, which can kill the masters at the peak of the fourth level from a distance of several miles, and later, the low-level soul enters the first level. These two things, no matter which one is taken out, can Enough to make many people tempted.

Coupled with half a piece of peerless treasure map that historians have collected for hundreds of years, it is said that it is the secret treasure of a powerful family that was outstanding hundreds of years ago.There are even rumors that Wang Sheng also sold Baoqing Yutang's ice cream making method.

The treasures of the aristocratic family are illusory and do not know whether they are true or not, but Snow Sugar Frost has sold at least 10,000+ gold coins in just three months so far, which is a real wealth.

Whether it is seeking fame or profit, whether it is seeking secrets of cultivation or seeking peerless magic weapons, it seems that they can all be obtained from Wang Sheng.

All the eyes of the whole world focused on Wang Sheng at this moment.The big aristocratic families moved their minds, and even sent elite masters led by fifth-level masters to capture Wang Sheng.

Except for some members of the Dai family who wanted to kill Wang Sheng immediately, all other forces dispatched wanted to capture Wang Sheng alive and obtain all his secrets.

When the eyes of all the people in the world are attracted, even if Wang Sheng is covered with wings, it is impossible for him to fly out of such a huge net.As long as Wang Sheng shows up, he will immediately attract locust-like pursuers.

Before the real master appeared, the people who tracked Wang Sheng had died in the forest this time, if not one hundred, there were eighty, but they still couldn't stop those greedy guys.

The more people chasing in front die, the more it means that they are following the right direction, and at the same time, it can be regarded as eradicating a possible competitor for them. When Wang Sheng collapsed from exhaustion, he does not know which lucky one will get it time.

Wang Sheng is resting, drinking water and eating at the same time.Among his rings, there were already more than 30 killer cards from the city of worry-free, at least four of which were silver, which represented at least a third-level killer.At the same time, there are a few more weapons that look good in the ring.

At this moment, Wang Sheng had a longbow slung across his body. This was the weapon of a certain tracker, and he almost shot Wang Sheng to death with an arrow.But that guy made a mistake, thinking that he could kill Wang Sheng with a longbow a few feet away, but he was shot in the head by Wang Sheng.

This long bow is very good. I don't know what material the bow is made of. It has excellent elasticity and has a range of 200 meters.It is now Wang Sheng's main long-range attack weapon.Most killings, including hunting, are done with this longbow.The meat he was eating was a rabbit that had just been shot by an arrow.

Wang Sheng didn't understand why the historian chased him so urgently this time.I just killed a historian's dude, why did I end up here?He killed Fourth Master Dai, the foreign affairs face of the Dai family, and he wasn't hunted down so hard, right?
Wang Sheng didn't know what happened in Linchuan City afterwards.In the process of being hunted down, although Wang Sheng also captured a few pursuers alive, those guys didn't know everything, and they never had a chance to get a complete confession, let alone that he was dragged into the water by the dying man. To what extent has the men in black been pitted.

While resting, Wang Sheng decided in his heart that he must catch someone alive and ask carefully what happened, otherwise he will always be kept in the dark, and one day he will miss.

Being hunted down is not completely useless, at least in terms of practice, Wang Sheng has gained a lot.

It has to be said that strong pressure is a huge motivation for a guy with an extremely strong psychological quality like Wang Sheng.Most people will collapse when the pressure reaches a certain level, but Wang Sheng will not, if the pressure is extreme, he will only rebound.

After half a month of chasing and killing people who were almost out of breath, Wang Sheng's Chi Kiss Primordial Soul has also been tempered to a limit.Just three hours ago, Chiwen Yuanhun swallowed the smallest boulder in one gulp.

The surging spiritual energy was absorbed by Wang Sheng like the carp of Wang Sheng's soul just jumping over the dragon gate.That boulder was originally formed by the gathering of aura, and it was swallowed by Chiwen Yuanhun in one gulp, and directly integrated into Wang Sheng's body.

Reiki nourishes and transforms the body. Wang Sheng has already experienced it once, and this time he is no stranger to it. With the help of the fighting-conscious villain, he actively controls the aura and continues to strengthen his eyes.

Wang Sheng has already experienced the benefits of greatly improved eyesight more than once or twice. This time, if he has such an opportunity, why don't he keep his advantage even more?Comparing cultivation base to aura, can Wang Sheng compare with those natives who have practiced since childhood?
It took another two hours before Wang Sheng's spiritual nourishment was completed.Just by moving his hands and feet, Wang Sheng knew that his physical fitness had improved again.It's a pity that there is no way to do big exercises to adapt to it now, first replenish energy, and slowly get used to it in actual combat!

After eating and drinking enough, Wang Sheng covered up all traces and disappeared into the dense forest without making a sound.

Pa, a master chasing and killing accidentally stepped on an empty stone, his feet were empty, and his figure staggered.Before he could fully balance his body, his ankles tightened, and his whole body was thrown into the air.

Bang, he was punched in the chest while he was still in the air, and immediately after his shoulder hurt, a sharp blade pierced directly into the socket of his shoulder, went in from the front, came out from the back, and nailed his whole body to a big tree behind him. on the trunk of the tree.

The ankle is bound by a very flexible rattan, and behind the rattan is a curved tree trunk, which is being pulled up violently.However, his body was nailed to the tree by the long sword. Under the tension, the wound made him so painful that he couldn't bear to live, and he screamed miserably.

Heck, it was another long sword, this time it passed through his hand that was still free, and nailed his hand to the tree.This time, the master of tracking rushed down, his ankle was pulled upwards, but his body was nailed to the tree trunk, which was horrible.

"Who is chasing me? For what?" Wang Sheng's figure finally appeared in front of the controlled master, and he put the tiger-tooth saber in his hand on the guy's neck, and asked in a deep voice.

Everyone cherishes their lives, especially the trackers.This time Wang Sheng was lucky. Under Wang Sheng's questioning, this guy finally explained the reason intermittently.

"Damn!" After hearing the confession, Wang Sheng couldn't help but swear.This is the real disaster!Who knew that the group of men in black would put the boss's blame on him.

(End of this chapter)

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