
Chapter 605 Contrast Test

Chapter 605 Contrast Test

Chapter 330 Contrast Test

As long as Wang Sheng has confidence, Meier will have confidence.This is the confidence brought by Wang Sheng's previous record of almost invincibility in this area.

Sure enough, the results of the test a few days ago were very good, and everyone felt that Runzifang was exaggerating and trying to suppress the conspiracy of its peers. When the rumors were spreading, there was a sudden turning point.

On the sixth day, some pimples appeared on the face of a female slave.Fortunately, the other slaves in the experiment performed well, and everyone thought it was just a coincidence.

However, on the seventh day, when eight female slaves had pimples on their faces, and the first one with pimples had broken the skin and spread half of his face, everyone was speechless up.

On the ninth day, the people who had been observing the ten female slaves no longer paid attention to whether their faces still had the whitening effect.The faces of all the female slaves were red and swollen, and the skin of the six female slaves was broken. The whole face was either red and swollen or pitted. Not to mention whitening, it was already a luxury to keep it as it was.

On the tenth day, the faces of all the female slaves turned into pitted old orange peels, with frequent dark spots and wrinkles, redness and swelling appeared from time to time, and the scars left after the skin was broken were extremely obvious.

There is no need to test any more. The ten-day test has thoroughly proved that the problematic cosmetics mentioned by Runzifang are indeed problematic. The recall is too timely and sincere.

If this happened to the five slaves who used Runzifang's cosmetics experiment, everyone would think that Runzifang has a good conscience, and it is trustworthy, and they can give priority to buying products from Runzifang in the future.

However, the changes on the faces of the five female slaves who used traditional rouge were even more exaggerated than those who used Runzifang products. products of traditional stores.

As soon as the results came out, the theory of Runzifang's conspiracy to suppress colleagues has long been thrown out of the blue.This kind of effect is still suppressed by other people's Runzifang?It is estimated that those old customers who heard the results will be able to make them eat and walk around.You must know that some whitening products are sold at high prices to the wives and concubines of dignitaries. If these people come to find them, they would not be able to kneel and apologize every day.

After the experiment was over, the news spread like wildfire, causing an uproar in the entire kingdom.This is not limited to the capital, but has spread to all the vassal states.

Runzifang became famous in the first battle, and directly became the industry benchmark, not the largest cosmetics and beauty shop in Beijing.Runzifang said that the products to be recalled must be problematic products.Runzifang said that this product is not good, so it must be that this product is not good.Runzifang said that this kind of raw material is not suitable. Needless to say, whoever sells things made of this kind of raw material in various places must be looking for losses.

At the end of the day's experiment, the turnover of Runzifang increased by [-]%.This result frightened the female shopkeeper who was in charge of Runzifang, and hurriedly reported to Meier and another major shareholder, Empress Empress.

After the investigation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.The result of the sharp increase in turnover is not because of other reasons, but because there are customers from other places buying in large quantities, and it is estimated that they want to bring them back to the princes for sale in the country, so the sales volume has soared.

"Shall we go to the capitals of the various vassal states to open a few branches?" Mei'er couldn't contain her excitement after learning the result.The capital city alone has already made so much money, if it is really going to be opened to all the vassal states in the country, how will it be a profitable business?
"Forgot about the salt and sugar business in Baoqing Yutang?" Wang Sheng looked at Meier's cute and charming eyes full of gold coins, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to scratch her nose: "Do you want to repeat the same mistakes?"

Speaking of Baoqing Yutang, is there anyone more familiar than Meier?The salt and sugar business of Baoqing Yutang earned [-] million gold coins in two years, and was directly nationalized by the princes.Now Runzifang can have hundreds of millions of pure profits a year, and if it is really going to be opened to various vassal states, I don't know how it will be eaten alive.

Meier thought about it, but finally gave up the idea of ​​opening a branch.However, now I am worried about this store in the capital, what if the royal family takes action?
"Uncle Su is a member of the royal family, right?" Thinking of the series of miraculous events before, Meier finally asked her long-standing doubts.

"Just found out?" Wang Sheng's expression of hatred for iron and steel is so dull that Mei'er is no one else.

"I didn't just find out, I suspected it a long time ago, but I just didn't want to be sure." Mei'er is not stupid, she has already discovered something is wrong, but Wang Sheng has never said it, so she has never asked, and now she can't help it. asked out.

"So, it's safest to be in the capital." Wang Sheng didn't tell Meier the identities of the emperor and queen, but the identity of a royal family can guarantee that there is basically nothing to worry about in the capital: "Actually, there is another benefit."

"What good?" Meier asked.

"There is only one store in Runzifang, the most authoritative store." Wang Sheng pointed out with a smile: "At any time, only the things that come out of Runzifang are the most authentic, no matter where you buy them Runzifang can deny all things. In this way, people from various vassal states may come to the capital if they want the best. This can be regarded as indirectly strengthening the status of the capital, and the emperor will definitely be happy to see it. Zifang’s business will become more stable.”

Mei'er nodded, acknowledging Wang Sheng's statement.Then in a blink of an eye, he forgot the idea of ​​opening a branch store, and continued happily holding bottles of cosmetics for Wang Sheng to taste.

During this time, Meier was with Wang Sheng almost every day, and there was no need for Meier to deliberately seduce or anything. The two of them just talked, and sometimes their true feelings would be revealed, just like Wang Sheng's close scratching of Meier's nose just now. It's a natural intimacy.Meier enjoyed this increasingly natural intimacy.

While appreciating the cosmetics, Wang Sheng was still paying attention to the giant cauldron in the soul space.There are more and more patterns on it.



70.00% five.



one hundred percent.

When the patterns on the tripod were all covered, like the three legs of the giant tripod, the patterns on the tripod began to flicker and flow, and it also became a radiance.During the flickering of light, the outline of the cauldron's body became a little uncertain, like an illusory giant cauldron.

Now, there are only two tripod ears that have not been covered with patterns, and the remaining cosmetics are enough to complete everything.

(End of this chapter)

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