
Chapter 61 The Burning Valley

Chapter 61 The Burning Valley

Chapter 60 Burning Valley

People in this world will study all kinds of elixirs and have primitive chemistry, but there will never be large-scale and systematic research.Therefore, many people, including these masters who are single-minded in cultivation, will never know that there is something called methane.

For people on earth, as long as they have taken high school chemistry, of course they know what methane is.There is a lot of methane in nature, and a lot of it is formed under this kind of environment in the valley.

The reason why it is called biogas is that these methane gases are formed in swamps in the natural environment.However, most of the naturally occurring methane, if not diffused, is at the bottom of water or silt.

This valley was carefully selected by Wang Sheng.Wang Sheng was not in vain while waiting for the masters from various families to arrive, he finally found such a unique and good place.

Those on the ground and in the water that were poked with small holes by wooden sticks, in the eyes of the world's masters who chased after them, were the marks left by Wang Shengpa who fell into the swamp and used wooden sticks to test them.But Wang Sheng knew very well that those small holes actually channeled the methane from the underground water.

This valley is not the kind of well-ventilated valley, which is especially suitable for the formation of methane. There is a lot of methane in the air on weekdays.Mixed with the rotten smell of those leaves, people in this world generally think it is miasma.

The methane extracted by Wang Sheng from the underground water quickly merged into the air.According to Wang Sheng's judgment, the explosion limit has already been passed, as long as there is a little spark, it can trigger an explosion in the entire valley.

It is certain that the gas in the valley is poisonous, but this cannot trouble Wang Sheng.Wang Sheng's hard mouth and nose shield can perfectly solve this problem, and the activated carbon filter layer in it can absorb most of the toxic gases.In addition, there are two compressed air bags, which Wang Sheng basically only used a few times, and there is still a lot of compressed air, which is enough for Wang Sheng to stay safely in the valley.

Seeing those masters who were chasing and killing them, Wang Sheng felt a little pity. There are still 400 people who stayed outside and did not follow in. Otherwise, that would be the most perfect ending.

After rushing out of the valley, Wang Sheng opened the fire scythe.It is a kind of fire-making tool in this world. There is a certain kind of grass blade burning in the small bamboo tube, which can last for a long time. As long as it is blown, an open flame will appear.

Throwing the scythe, Wang Sheng himself didn't dare to stay. He could run as far as he could. Anyway, he had already turned a corner, and he would not bear the direct impact of the explosion.

The nearest Qiu family master who was chasing after him was only a hundred meters away from the mouth of the valley. From a distance, he saw the scythe drawing a perfect curve and flying into the valley.

Boom, before the scythe fell to the ground, a blue flame ignited somewhere, and then the whole valley turned into a huge bomb, which exploded with a bang.

A huge valley with a length of several miles, a width of more than one mile, and a depth of nearly one mile. The entire valley is filled with methane and countless explosive gases. What kind of terrifying scene is the sudden explosion?

All the ground in this area shook suddenly several times as if hit by a giant hammer.The power of the explosion was almost comparable to a small earthquake. A mushroom cloud rose from the center of the valley, and soon filled a smoke column several kilometers away.

The most dense gas in the center of the valley instantly reached a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and the more than 100 chasing masters in that area turned into coke without even making a sound.

Regardless of whether it was a master of the fifth level or a follower of the second level or third level, the results were all the same. In the face of this kind of explosive power comparable to Tianwei, no matter how strong the expert was, he was still a scumbag.

The fringes are a little better, but only a little bit better.Those chasing masters distributed in this area flew up neatly like a baseball being hit.

In the average of hundreds of life-and-death fights each of these masters, the experience of being able to hit their bodies so far is estimated to be less than one per person on average.But this last time, it took the lives of most people.

The damage caused by the violent explosion definitely exceeded the full attack of the most powerful masters among them. Seventy percent of the masters vomited blood and died while they were still in the air.

Those who can survive under the power of this kind of explosion are all top experts, and the worst is in the middle and late stages of the fourth level, so that they can protect their bodies with a breath of spiritual energy, so as not to be killed immediately by the explosion.

But even so, it doesn't mean they have a chance to survive.Originally, everyone held their breath in the valley, for fear of inhaling too much poisonous miasma.Later, when Wang Sheng was running away, everyone chased him all the way, their breathing became short of breath, and they involuntarily inhaled a lot of poisonous gas and methane.

And because of this, some of the explosion and combustion takes place inside the body, in the respiratory system of everyone.In other words, even if they survived an explosion of that magnitude, everyone's respiratory system would inevitably be injured to a greater or lesser extent.

Being blown away and thrown heavily to the ground was another injury.This level of attack is enough to shake the viscera of these top experts, vomiting blood and hurting them.But that's not all.

The sudden explosion of an entire valley is simply the explosive power of a large cloud bomb.After the explosion, the air in a radius of several miles around the valley was immediately consumed by violent combustion.

This is a valley that is not very ventilated and not conducive to diffusion. Now, people inside and outside the valley are all facing a catastrophe, lack of oxygen.

If you are not injured, hold your breath in time. With everyone's cultivation base, you can definitely reduce oxygen consumption and support until fresh air diffuses over.The problem is, the surviving guys in the valley were all seriously injured, not to mention that they were all short of breath before, and now their respiratory systems were all burned.

The few strongest masters who survived with great difficulty died of painful suffocation one by one under such desperate circumstances.

When the masters who were watching outside the valley exploded, at least 30 people facing the valley entrance were affected by the explosion in the valley and flew away.Only less than half can get up.

Those masters who didn't directly feel the power of the explosion looked at what happened before them in horror. No one could believe that the entire valley had turned into a valley of death in just a moment.

How can this be?There are at least ten experts in the fifth level, dozens of experts in the fourth level, and the rest are all in the third level and second level. How could they all die in an instant?
No one died, and people outside saw it.But at this moment, they can't take care of themselves, and suddenly they can't breathe. How can they spare time to take care of others?

Everyone held their breath, and no one dared to act rashly. They could only watch helplessly as the few surviving figures in the valley were struggling, each scratching their own throats. They were so painful that they couldn’t even make a sound. After struggling for a while, they finally recovered. Die slowly.

That scene was really horrifying. Every master who saw it felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body felt cold.More than half of the people didn't realize that their bodies were trembling, and the upper and lower rows of teeth were knocking against each other, making a deafening sound.

The contempt when I received the order to hunt down, the surprise when I chased here, the horror and unwillingness to find that Wang Sheng had entered a thousand jedi, and the surprise when I found that Wang Sheng was in the valley, etc., all emotions are left at this moment. Under a complex mood, that is fear and rejoicing.

When the fear is at its extreme, maybe you don't feel it anymore, at least you don't feel that you are trembling like the people around you.But everyone clearly had a trace of luck in escaping death.

Fortunately, he didn't chase him in, and fortunately he was not among the people who chased him in. Otherwise, he would definitely be the same as those inside. The most comfortable thing is to die on the spot, and the most unfortunate thing is to suffocate to death later.

With so many masters, who hasn't seen a dead person?Everyone killed with their own hands, on average, there were eighty if not a hundred.But have they ever seen such a terrifying and shocking killing scene?Especially when he almost became one of the pile of corpses, Wang Sheng's figure seemed to become the scariest symbol in the deepest part of their hearts, as long as they thought of it, they would tremble uncontrollably.

Those masters at the fifth level had the highest cultivation, the strongest spirit, and the fastest recovery.Waking up from the shock, he immediately realized something was wrong, and hastily yelled loudly to wake everyone up from the shock.

The fresh air has been replenished, and everyone no longer feels suffocated. Just take a few quick deep breaths and mobilize the spiritual flow to make the body normal.

It's just that at this time, no one has the heart to chase after him.Not to mention crossing the valley and entering the Thousand Jedi, the scene in the valley alone made everyone lose the courage to chase and kill them at this moment.

The Qiu family's fifth-layer expert who chased him the fastest was only a little bit able to dodge the power of the explosion.It's a pity, it's just a little bit, just a little bit!
His body was thrown high by the explosive power, and he fell down heavily. A mouthful of blood spurted far away. The pain of suffocation made him almost gouge his own throat.At this moment, he saw the figure of Wang Sheng, his target.

Wang Sheng still stood straight, wearing a complete set of skydiving equipment, helmet, goggles, hard mouth and nose protective mask, camouflage uniform, big-toed military boots, holding a Glock 17 in his right hand, and a Huya in his left hand. It was so slow. Slowly walked to his side.

The masters of the Qiu family couldn't understand why Wang Sheng didn't seem to be suffocating at all, let alone why Wang Sheng only threw a scythe, which caused such a terrible killing.At this moment, his eyesight was already blurred, his pupils dilated, and he was about to die.

In his eyes, Wang Sheng has become blurred.There was only one sentence in the mind of the master of the Qiu family: "If I knew it, I wouldn't have come." Then, he fell into the darkness completely.

Through the heavy black smoke, Wang Sheng couldn't see the scene on the other side of the valley, but he still shouted towards the valley: "If you are not afraid of death, catch up!"

At this moment, the valley has become the best loudspeaker and repeater, and sound waves are reflected, filling the entire valley.

"Catch up with those who are not afraid of death!"

"Catch up with those who are not afraid of death!"

"...Catch up!"

"...Catch up!"


(End of this chapter)

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