
Chapter 612 Suan Ni Transformation

Chapter 612 Suan Ni Transformation
Chapter 320 Suan Ni Transformation
Seeing Wang Sheng's move to advance, Patriarch Lingxu and Master Daguan couldn't help but wry smiles.

Without him, the muscles on Wang Sheng's body are so developed that for Taoist priests, sitting cross-legged with five hearts facing the sky is a luxury for Wang Sheng.

The last time Wang Sheng completed the spiritual body tempering while sitting, this time it was even more exaggerated, he just half-lyed on a reclining chair.

If it was someone else, Da Guanzhu must have raised the ruler long ago, but for Wang Sheng, a secular elder whose seniority is higher than him, he is not qualified to reprimand him. To reprimand him, he must be the ancestor Ling Xu who is acting as a teacher and accepting apprentices.

But would Patriarch Lingxu reprimand Wang Sheng for such a trivial matter?The first time I came to Laojunguan, I drank and ate meat with Lingxu in the hall of the Buddhist scriptures building. Lingxu's ancestor never said a word of no, would he open his mouth because of a gesture?
As soon as Wang Sheng lay down on the recliner, there was no movement, as if he was in the state when he was doing exercises, and he didn't move for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Master Da Guan and Patriarch Ling Xu were stunned again.Don't you want to advance?As long as it is advanced, it will definitely induce the aura of heaven and earth to quench the body, triggering a changing sky.The last time Wang Sheng quenched his body with spiritual energy, the sky was directly covered by dark clouds for half an hour at the beginning, but now there is no change at all. Is this a promotion?
Da Guanzhu looked at Patriarch Ling Xu's questioning gaze.Patriarch Ling Xu was also puzzled, his doubts were exactly the same as Da Guanzhu's, it shouldn't be like this when he was promoted!

Could it be that Wang Sheng just made a movement, and nothing was triggered?Seeing Wang Sheng lying motionless, Da Guanzhu really wanted to call Wang Sheng to ask for clarification.

"Don't move!" Patriarch Lingxu suddenly organized Daguanzhu's plan. He had been staring at Wang Sheng just now, and it seemed that a golden light flashed on Wang Sheng's face, and then disappeared suddenly. Could it be that he was watching by himself? wrong?
"Look at his body and face." Patriarch Lingxu's voice sounded in Grand Master's ears, but it didn't disturb Wang Sheng who was advancing.

Daguanzhu was stunned for a moment, and then calmed down. He was just staring at the vision of heaven and earth, and did not pay attention to Wang Sheng.Ancestor Ling Xu reminded that the Lord of the Grand View never looked at other places, but stared closely at Wang Sheng's face, neck and hands exposed outside his clothes.

After a while, a golden light flashed in Wang Sheng's hand.The Grand Priest's gaze immediately turned to the Patriarch's side, and at the same time, the Patriarch Ling Xu's gaze also turned to the Grand Priest's side, obviously both of them saw the slight abnormality.

what's the situation?When he was promoted, there was no phenomenon of heaven and earth, no aura to temper the body, but a golden light flashed on his body, what happened?
Rao Lingxu and Da Guanzhu belong to the kind of well-informed masters, but the strange situation in front of them makes them unable to see clearly, but one thing is finally certain, Wang Sheng is really Advance, not show off.

Is there really no aura to temper the body?Patriarch Lingxu looked around strangely.With his cultivation base, once the surrounding aura surges, as long as it exceeds a certain power, he will definitely notice it.How could it be possible not to feel the spiritual energy quenching the body, which is almost like the spiritual energy in the sky pouring into the human body?

Taking a few steps forward cautiously, Patriarch Lingxu was only about ten feet away from Wang Sheng.After reaching this distance, Patriarch Lingxu finally felt that thin but extremely violent and terrifying aura, so it was so.

The Master Daguan watched the ancestor take a few steps forward and smiled on his face. He didn't know what happened, and looked at the ancestor in bewilderment, waiting for him to explain.

The ancestor looked at Wang Sheng, who was half lying down, and then at the Daguanzhu who had been puzzled all the time. When he stretched out his hand, a fallen leaf from the ground flew into the hands of the ancestor Lingxu out of thin air.

Da Guanzhu seems to be familiar with this trick of the ancestor, he is just very curious about what the ancestor discovered, so he smiles so happily.

With a light flick, the leaf in Ancestor Lingxu's hand fluttered to the top of Wang Sheng, just above his head.

The Lord of the Grand View followed the light and fluttering leaf all the time, and saw that it floated to a height of more than one foot above Wang Sheng's head, but nothing happened.Unable to bear it, Da Guanzhu turned his questioning eyes to Patriarch Ling Xu again.

The old ancestor kept staring at the leaf. When Grand Master looked at the leaf again, the leaf stopped in the air, paused, and then suddenly turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

This scene directly made Da Guanzhu's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.How can this be?what happened?

Neither of them could see the trace of spiritual energy, but Patriarch Lingxu could feel that a very thin thread of spiritual energy hung down from an unknown height, and it happened to penetrate into Wang Sheng's nostril.

Because the aura thread is extremely thin, so thin that it is unimaginable, even a master like Patriarch Ling Xu cannot detect the fluctuation of this aura thread at a slightly further distance.Only within a distance of less than ten feet from Wang Sheng can one feel the appearance of this aura thread.

As for Daguanzhu, although his cultivation base is extremely high from the outside, it is not enough to look in front of Patriarch Lingxu, not enough to discover this aura thread.

The leaf thrown by the ancestor just now was controlled by the ancestor to slowly approach the aura thread.As soon as he touched it, he was shattered into pieces by the violent aura.That is to say, the leaf itself is very light and insignificant. If it is replaced with other things, it will definitely affect Wang Sheng's advancement.

Seeing this scene, the Grand View Master also gradually understood that Wang Sheng didn't lack spiritual energy to temper his body, but for some unknown reason, the spiritual energy that should have gathered from all directions condensed into a spiritual force above Wang Sheng Silk, continuously supplying Wang Sheng's spiritual energy.

After discovering this, Da Guanzhu felt relieved.Wang Sheng had asked the two of them before that they did not advance immediately after meeting the promotion requirements, which resulted in another mutation in the Yuanhun. Could this be the mutation?
No matter what, Wang Sheng was tempering his body with spiritual energy, neither Patriarch Ling Xu nor Master Daguan dared to neglect, and they were here to protect the Dharma personally, lest someone who didn't know what to do would disturb Wang Sheng all of a sudden, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

In the high altitude that Lingxu Patriarch and Daguanzhu couldn't see or feel at all, and even more unreachable, this position is much higher than the height of ordinary clouds, so the changes above did not affect the clouds at all. There is no sign of dark clouds covering the sky at all.But here, a terrible aura storm is taking place.

A huge aura cloud with a radius of tens of miles is slowly rotating like the satellite cloud image that Wang Sheng has seen on the earth.In the most central part, a line of spiritual energy went down and became thinner and thinner, and finally reached the nostrils of Wang Sheng who was half lying down.

(End of this chapter)

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