
Chapter 614 Golden Streak

Chapter 614 Golden Streak

Chapter 320 Seven Golden Stripes

Developing acupuncture points is a long process that requires a huge amount of spiritual energy.This can only be done at a faster speed with the help of the sixteen clones of the villain with fighting consciousness, otherwise it will take longer.

Without him, there are too many acupuncture points.Last time Wang Sheng only developed sixteen acupoints and completed the Tai Chi Yin-Yang cyclone, which took two full days and two nights. This time the number is doubled, and it is estimated that the time will also be doubled.

Calculated, it seems that Wang Sheng can only develop the acupuncture points first, and then complete the Tai Chi Yin-Yang cyclone after a break, otherwise the delay will be too long. If the total time is six days, the water will not enter, and it will be very harmful to the body. loss.Even if there is enough aura to replenish now, the body still needs substances and needs to be metabolized.

It's not that there is no such thing as long-term seclusion without water, just like the old Taoist Lingxu did last time, but that kind of body is too exhausted, even if the cultivation level is as high as the old Taoist Lingxu, he can't move when he just wakes up. Slowly relaxing the meridians and activating the blood, and then I couldn't eat too well, and it took half a month for the rice porridge to slow down.

Even so, it took several months until Wang Sheng led the people from Yubaozhai to complete the development of the camp, and it took several months for Lingxu to fully recuperate.

For the two things that could have been carried out separately, they had to be completed together at one time, and the price of physical damage was also paid. Wang Sheng is not that stupid.If it weren't for the development of acupuncture points after the upgrade of Yuanhun, this matter cannot be interrupted, otherwise Wang Sheng would not mind separating these two matters.

Developing acupuncture points is still an important process, and Wang Sheng also treats it with caution.The huge aura vortex in the sky was still there, sending a steady stream of aura into Wang Sheng's body through the aura thread, and then rushed to open the acupoints one by one.

One, two, three... thirty, 31, 32.When the two acupoints of No.30 were completely opened, it finally came to an end.Wang Sheng slowly opened his eyes, and the thread of spiritual energy disappeared the moment Wang Sheng opened his eyes, and within two breaths, far away in the sky that was unknown how high, suddenly there were several muffled thunders , rumbling, the momentum is quite astonishing.

Wang Sheng raised his head and looked at the sky, it was endless, where did the clouds come from?But where did the thunder come from?
Not only Wang Sheng was surprised, but even Lingxu and Da Guanzhu were surprised. It's sunny and sunny, what's the situation with thunder in dry weather?
"Okay?" Seeing that Wang Sheng made a move, Ling Xu said angrily.

"Okay!" Wang Sheng nodded and replied.

"Is there anything unusual?" Ling Xu asked again.

"Abnormal?" Wang Sheng tried to feel it, it was normal and there was nothing wrong.With a twitch of the nose, it is easy to tell who is in the courtyard of the scripture building, how far away is the book, and how far away is the building. It is more sensitive than before. I don't know how many times.

This is not considered an abnormality, but an enhanced normal sense of smell.The aura has not been checked yet, but at least it seems to be fine, everything is fine, so Wang Sheng immediately replied: "Everything is fine, nothing unusual."

Old Daoist Ling Xu closed his eyes, and sensed Wang Sheng's aura again. Wang Sheng was right there, and he didn't disappear like when the aura quenched his body.The old Taoist frowned. Could it be that it only works when the spiritual energy quenches the body? Then it doesn't make much sense.

"You can't see it yourself. The two of us have discovered some unusual things in the past three days." Seeing Wang Sheng's bewildered expression, Ling Xu knew that he didn't understand either.What's more, Wang Sheng had asked the two of them before they were promoted, what was the reason for the abnormal state of the original soul, so Wang Sheng probably didn't know about it.

So, Ling Xu explained, and Da Guanzhu added that the two of them told Wang Sheng about the abnormal situation they both discovered in front of Wang Sheng who had just finished the promotion and was holding a bowl of rice porridge.

A golden light appeared on the surface of the body, and it disappeared in a flash; it did not trigger the vision of heaven and earth, but the body was quenched smoothly with spiritual energy; when the body was quenched with spiritual energy, the two masters could not feel the breath of Wang Sheng, and one of them was the super master Ling Xu Laodao.Each of these incidents was more peculiar than the last and could not be explained.

Hearing that the golden light began to appear on the surface of his body, and then disappeared, the first thought that flashed in Wang Sheng's mind was the golden pattern on his arm that he saw when he absorbed the fragrance of Mei'er and Daughter.There must be something related to it, and Wang Sheng doesn't know exactly what it does, but it must be related to the abnormality behind it.

Wang Sheng doesn't care if there is no phenomenon of heaven and earth, as long as he can successfully temper his body with spiritual energy, then there will be no problem.After all, triggering the heaven and earth vision is just a step in the normal promotion process, without it, there may not be no successful results.Wang Sheng has successfully advanced, which means that the result is correct, and one less step is not so critical.Really, isn't thunder in a dry weather also a vision?

But the two masters couldn't detect Wang Sheng's aura, which was really useful for Wang Sheng.If he could use this trick anytime and anywhere, would Wang Sheng still be afraid of being followed?Just find a forest and drill, who can find Wang Sheng?

It's a pity that no matter how much Wang Sheng wants to break his head, he can't figure out how to use this method. It seems that he can only wait for the future to slowly explore.

Right now, Wang Sheng will take care of it a little bit, after all, it took three days and three nights.After a good rest, recharge your energy, check your body and soul space carefully, you can add Tai Chi Yin and Yang Qi to the newly opened acupoints, and then you can practice advanced exercises that you dreamed of before but couldn't meet the conditions.

Sense of smell, just checked too hastily, not very carefully.Now Wang Sheng has carefully tested it, and he is indeed much sharper than before the spiritual energy was quenched.Wang Sheng sniffled the bowl of rice porridge that Da Guanzhu made from far away, and he knew what ingredients were used in it and how the heat was boiled enough. It was so far away, it was like a dog's nose.

The whole body has experienced another spiritual enhancement, and the physique will only improve further.As for the spiritual energy cultivation base, he has just been promoted, and there will not be many earth-shaking changes.

Yuan Hun has completely turned into the appearance of Suan Ni, swallowing clouds and fog.Wang Sheng hasn't figured out what the conditions are for the Prisoner's Change, so the opportunity for change has not yet appeared.On the contrary, the villain with fighting consciousness seems to have absorbed a lot of spiritual energy this time. Seeing that Wang Sheng only needs to advance again, he will be able to split again.

After checking the combat consciousness villain, Wang Sheng's consciousness was about to exit the soul space, but he suddenly discovered that in the path full of clouds, some golden stripes appeared slightly, and then were instantly blocked by the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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