
Chapter 633 Wang Sheng's Experiment

Chapter 633 Wang Sheng's Experiment
Chapter 340 Six Wang Sheng's Experiment
Including the old Taoist Ling Xu, the expressions of the four changed at the same time.

Such a large iceberg is suspended above this void, is there anything more mysterious than this?This is too unbelievable, right?
Looking at the light of the still burning torches from the opening of the hole, the old Taoist Ling Xu and the three old royal priests couldn't believe their eyes.However, judging from what Wang Sheng saw when he played three holes in a row, there is a [-]% chance that what he said is correct.

There is a formation here, is it because of the formation?Wang Sheng didn't let him touch the iceberg just now, probably because he discovered the danger on the iceberg.

"What's here?" Old Eunuch Shen asked, pointing at the iceberg.

"I don't know." Wang Sheng shook his head directly, but still added: "It feels very dangerous."

"Will you know if you touch it?" Director Li asked.If you don't touch it and just maintain the current state, you shouldn't cause any trouble, at least you didn't find any abnormalities when you dug the hole all the way.But the premise is that you don't touch the iceberg. If you touch it, you don't know what will happen.

"I don't know." Wang Sheng shook his head.

After carefully looking at the iceberg and the ice cave below, Wang Sheng's mind was spinning rapidly, imagining various possibilities.

When did the first master burst out?If Wang Sheng thinks back now, it seems that it should be when the Qingchen old Taoist practiced successfully in the underground palace and reached the peak of the legendary realm.At that time, the old Daoist Qingchen was tempering his body with spiritual energy. Was it because of this?

Wang Sheng looked at the four of them, and they all looked at Wang Sheng and waited for him to speak.Finally, Wang Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "Just do an experiment. However, the consequence may be that we have to run away, why not?"

"It's done!" Wang Sheng's question was actually just to ask three old eunuchs. The old man Ling Xu must be the kind that Wang Sheng can say anything, so the answer is also Director Li.After discussing with his two companions, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

"You still maintain the current state, stand here, don't show your breath." Wang Sheng told everyone, and then left the team by himself and walked to the front.

Before approaching the iceberg, nothing seemed to happen.Wang Sheng stretched out his hand cautiously, and touched towards the iceberg.Everyone behind held their breath and watched Wang Sheng's movements, especially the old Taoist Ling Xu, if something went wrong, he would pull Wang Sheng away.

Wang Sheng's hand finally touched the iceberg.First a finger, then the entire palm, nothing moved.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Director Li even felt that it was a bit of a fuss for Wang Sheng to tell him not to touch it just now.But that's okay, be careful and make no big mistakes, at best nothing happens.

Wang Sheng himself breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that his guess must be right.Those whose cultivation is not at the peak of the Legendary Realm may not be able to cause any danger at all.

Stretching out his hand to wipe the surface of the iceberg, Wang Sheng wiped off the covered ice and snow, revealing the clear and transparent ice underneath.After wiping it a few times, Wang Sheng stopped, staring blankly at the transparent part that he wiped away.

Following Wang Sheng's movements, the four people behind them all became tense again, carefully guarding and ready to strike at any time.After waiting for a while, nothing seemed to happen.

What are you doing?What the hell is Wang Sheng playing?Manager Li was about to remind Wang Sheng, but Wang Sheng moved away in front of him, revealing the small window on the transparent iceberg that was just blocked by him.

Everyone looked inside through the small transparent part, and then all four of them froze in place.

Through the small window, the four people could clearly see that there seemed to be a strange shadow frozen in the iceberg.

The shadow looked like a person, but through the thick ice, I couldn't confirm it.After a lot of refraction, it seems to be a little deformed, but if you really want to distinguish carefully, you can still see the outline of the person.

The five of them swallowed a mouthful of saliva in unison.A formation, with a person frozen in the ice floating above, isn't that too unbelievable?

"My cultivation is far from the peak of the legendary realm." Wang Shenghu said in a low voice, "If any of you let out a breath, I'm afraid it will anger many monsters here."

"This is what you want to test?" Now Manager Li understood what Wang Sheng meant by the test.Wang Sheng can touch it because his cultivation level is not yet at the peak of legend.But Mr. Li can't touch it, and it might cause disaster if he touches it.

Wang Sheng nodded.The aura of the four of them is still restrained now, basically they have been restrained since they entered the Thousand Jedi, and they have never let go.Even if he encountered a monster, he killed it quickly and did not completely release his breath.If it really released the aura of the legendary pinnacle here, it might just be a big firecracker.

Should we continue?The old Taoist Ling Xu had no objection.Ever since he met that terrifying master of monsters, he has a certainty in his heart, at least he still has the strength to fight.It is mainly the three offerings of the royal family. Do they want to confirm what it feels like to let go of their breath.

The three still kept eye contact, and finally reached a decision to give it a try.Everyone came here to learn more about the secrets of the Thousand Jedi Cores. This experiment can be regarded as allowing Royal and Wang Sheng to learn more about the Thousand Jedi Cores.

Wang Sheng stepped back, and Director Li stepped forward, intending to let go of his breath and touch the iceberg.

As soon as the breath was released, before Mr. Li touched any part of the iceberg, a burst of violent breath erupted from the fierce iceberg, and then the inside of the whole iceberg became red, and countless heat radiated from the inside to the outside. poured out.

The iceberg melted almost instantly, and the melted iceberg water fell into the hollow below in an impartial manner, quickly filling up the entire hollow.

At the core of the original iceberg, a berserk master roared fiercely towards the sky, triggering a burst of berserk aura.Afterwards, the master turned to Manager Li, and let out another roar that shook people's hearts.

Everyone just felt like thunder was exploding in their minds, buzzing.Wang Sheng had already stuffed his ears with a small ball of cloth, even so, he was still dizzy.

The three of Director Li were also stunned by the shock, but they were still vigilant, and Director Li restrained his breath instantly.

The old Taoist Ling Xu was the least affected. Without saying a word, he raised his hand, and four ropes flew out, entangled Wang Sheng and the three old eunuchs, and ran away from the berserk master without looking back.

The old Taoist Ling Xu didn't stop until he had escaped several miles away.Wang Sheng and others also recovered a little, at least they can act on their own.

Director Li was about to thank the old Taoist Ling Xu, when suddenly, two violent auras that were exactly the same as before erupted from the left and right directions, and countless monsters ran out of their hiding places crazily, scurrying around in a panic. .

(End of this chapter)

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