
Chapter 637 Collection

Chapter 637 Collection

Chapter 340 Eight Collection

As soon as this name was mentioned, everyone felt dizzy.Didn't everyone discuss before to solve the trouble caused by Wang Sheng?In order to make Wang Sheng understand, Dai Guohou was even willing to compromise and apologize, but was strongly rejected by the elder.

Now there is no longer the problem of the Great Elder.The Great Elder didn't even keep his own head, let alone veto any resolution.

The question is, if Wang Sheng really did this, doesn't that mean that Wang Sheng has already planned to take the initiative to recover his blood debt?Who will he target next?Dai Guohou?
"It is said that Chang Shenghou borrowed a group of great masters from Linglong Pavilion not long ago, saying that he wanted to build his own exclusive weapons." Someone immediately remembered the news and said it.

The inside of the capital is a big sieve, unless it is the inner courtyard of the imperial palace and Wang Sheng's mansion, you can find a lot of other places casually.Wang Sheng used quite a lot of manpower here. Except for what to keep secret, the others were not kept secret. It is very normal for outsiders to get the news.

"Could this be Chang Shenghou's exclusive weapon?" Dai Guohou looked at the strangely shaped arrow and asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter if it's Chang Shenghou or not." Some confidantes have been very smart to push back those irrelevant people, only Dai Guohou and a group of confidants are left, and they stepped forward to suggest: "At least the elder will not object to anything in the future. The Marquis doesn't have to worry about the influence of the Great Elder anymore."

When Dai Guohou heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

These days, it wasn't just the Great Elder and the Marquis who were arguing about Wang Sheng.In fact, from a long time ago, Dai Guohou had a lot of resentment towards the elder.Including the fact that the Great Elder took the initiative to hunt down and kill Wang Sheng with his own hands, which made Dai Guohou very upset.There have been many similar incidents, and it was because the Great Elder didn't take Dai Guohou seriously at all, and went his own way, arrogant and domineering.

Since Dai Wuji's death, among the elders of Dai's elders, there was one less person who secretly supported Dai Guohou. The first elder took advantage of the opportunity to promote an elder who didn't deal with the Patriarch very much. The elders confronted each other and fought for power.

The reason why Wang Sheng didn't retaliate against the person in charge immediately was because he didn't have any weapons at hand at that time, and secondly, he wanted to cause internal turmoil in Dai's family and create opportunities for himself.

Anyway, Wang Sheng concluded that as long as he blocked Qian Jedi from the Dai family, there would definitely be different voices within the Dai family.Maybe it's the Great Elder, maybe Dai Guohou, or maybe even other elders. In short, if the huge interests of the Dai family are damaged, someone will definitely jump out.

During the period of making weapons and improving his cultivation, Wang Sheng waited for this dissatisfaction to slowly ferment.Seeing that other family members are improving their children's cultivation base, and trying to explore the secrets of the core of the Thousand Jedi from all directions, while the Dai family, the only one who owns the boundary marker, is rejected. This kind of huge gap, as long as it is the Dai family unbearable.

As long as this kind of resentment accumulates to a certain level, then no matter who the person in charge was at the time, Wang Sheng would not cause fierce retaliation from the Dai family if he killed him.

If Wang Sheng killed Dai Guohou at that time without asking indiscriminately, it was not impossible, but once he did so, Wang Sheng would definitely be hunted down by the Dai family endlessly.

But it's different now, Wang Sheng killed the elder who made everyone dissatisfied, but the others only felt secretly happy.Especially Dai Guohou, who removed a hindrance on the road of his own rights, as long as he didn't chase and kill Wang Sheng, he would indirectly give Wang Sheng a big face. It is also beneficial for both parties to be able to open the net.

If Dai Guohou didn't understand and seized the opportunity at this time, he wouldn't be Dai Guohou.He absolutely has no chance to live until now, he has been killed many times already.

"Find out where Chang Shenghou is haunted as soon as possible, and you go visit in person." As expected of Dai Guohou, Dai Guohou immediately appointed the confidant who had just spoken: "With all sincerity, as long as Chang Shenghou no longer blocks Qianjedi, we will say that we are Dai Guohou. Willing to pay enough."

The confidant takes orders, go down immediately to make arrangements.As long as the blockade of Qian Jedi is lifted, the disciples of the Dai family can enter the practice of Qian Jedi again. This is a good thing, and there will definitely be many people supporting it.

"Immediately monitor the lineage of the great elder, and be ready to attack at any time." Dai Guohou ordered another confidant.Wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity not to take advantage of the death of the great elder to take over the influence of the great elder at this time?

Speaking of which, Dai Guohou is [-]% sure of taking action at this time.First of all, the Great Elder is dead, and secondly, most of the Dai family children who died in Qianjedi last time were from the Great Elder's side, which also caused the Great Elder's vitality to be seriously injured.To be honest, Wang Sheng killed the Great Elder, and to Dai Guohou, he was simply a benefactor, not an enemy.

All parties acted quickly, and the news of Dai Guozai's assassination quickly spread throughout the world.While countless people were shocked, many people also felt that it should be taken for granted.

At least that's what the emperor thinks.After he heard the news and information brought back by the three elder priests of the royal family, he heard the news that the elder of the Dai family had been killed within a few days.Manager Li had already told the emperor that Wang Sheng had already told him to collect the debt, and the debt was collected quickly.

"His weapon is so powerful?" The emperor asked Manager Li and Manager Zhou again.

Both of them nodded.Wang Sheng killed two monsters of the ninth level and a few monsters of the eighth level in the core of Qianjedi, all of which they saw with their own eyes.Now that the elder of the Dai family was killed, he used the same heavy sniper crossbow, so there was no mistake.

While the emperor was amazed, he was also very thankful that he did not become an enemy of Wang Sheng.At this moment, Pavilion Master Linglong was also fortunate. After receiving the news, Pavilion Master Linglong knew that Wang Sheng's heavy sniper crossbow was really powerful and had such a long range.Whether or not to spend a huge amount of money to do it again has become a difficult problem that Linglong Pavilion Master can't decide for a while.

As for the other parties, they are all interested in Wang Sheng's weapon, and at the same time, they are also interested in what happened at the core of Qian Jedi.Wang Sheng jumped out to warn at that time, no need to ask, it must be related to Wang Sheng, but I don't know how everyone can get specific information, this needs to be interviewed with Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng lived up to expectations, and after killing Prime Minister Dai, he went straight to Wuyou City.Some people will definitely want to know about the core of the Thousand Jedi, this is another fortune.Besides, Wang Sheng believed that with so much commotion inside, it would be strange if the historian Gan's family could still sit still.Don't they want to know what the hidden treasures in the peerless hidden treasure map are?

As soon as he returned to Wuyou City, Wang Sheng found that he still had to face a problem.Ah Qi, the long-legged beauty assassin of the Xia family, has been living in Wang Sheng's house all this time.

(End of this chapter)

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