
Chapter 651

Chapter 651

Chapter 350 Five Common Faults of Unbelief

Every day, Wang Sheng only needs to pour out the contents of the hot water bag when it cools down, put it in any ring, and find a time to pee the next day. Who can see the abnormality?
As for using aura to monitor, that's even more of a joke.In this realm, everyone wished to restrain all their aura, for fear of being discovered by monsters. Who would dare to use aura to probe presumptuously while camping and sleeping? It would be because they slept too peacefully and died not fast enough.

The formation of the second monster master was reconfirmed, and it matched perfectly with the peerless hidden treasure map.Basically, at this point, [-]% of everyone believed what Wang Sheng said.The only thing I don't believe is the positions of these formations that have not been discovered yet but have been marked on the peerless treasure map.

"In that iceberg, there should be a monster master who hasn't been awakened yet." Two days later, Wang Sheng pointed at an iceberg from a distance and said to everyone.

Without further ado, the master who was in charge of recognizing and marking the map immediately matched this area with a certain circle on the treasure map, and marked it carefully.

"You said it's in the master of monsters?" I have to say that there are always people who sing naysayers, and the same is true in the core area of ​​​​Qian Jedi.

"Yes!" Wang Sheng nodded without hesitation, "I say yes!"

"Why?" This master of the historian has suffered so much suffering along the way, and the majestic master of the legendary realm, when he travels, he will not be called before and then have someone to serve him, and he has suffered so much here.Under the gloomy mood, he also felt that Wang Sheng did nothing but lead the way and received high rewards, and they were doing the hard work, and his heart was already unbalanced, so he took this opportunity to release it.

"No reason." Wang Sheng smiled: "Believe it or not!"

This time, Wang Sheng was like poking a hornet's nest, and at least four masters from the two families jumped out to express their dissatisfaction.Not to mention the hard work along the way, Wang Sheng cheated each of the two of them at least [-] gold coins with a piece of thick gauze, and this will be unbearable without an explanation, which is tolerable?

Fortunately, the leaders of the two teams are smarter, knowing that Wang Sheng is there and Wang Sheng is not there are completely different situations.Don't dare to say anything else, the attack of monsters is at least ten times different.Wang Sheng was just working hard where he couldn't see it, and didn't show it.Therefore, they immediately persuaded their respective players.

However, it is easy to persuade them not to act, but it is difficult to persuade them to Wang Sheng.The two team leaders transferred to Wang Sheng's side, and discussed with Wang Sheng in a low voice: "Master Hou, look, do you want to give me some pointers, or else everyone has no idea!"

"Want to know?" Wang Sheng sneered: "It's too easy! Why don't you just go and have a look?"

The two team leaders were stunned for a moment, not only the two team leaders, Wang Sheng's voice was not low, everyone heard it, and those few masters who went crazy were also stunned at the moment.Yes, such a simple method, do you still need to ask?Don't you know if you go and have a look?

"Let's talk about it first, I won't go there." Wang Sheng sneered, pointing to the iceberg and said: "Whoever doesn't believe it, go to see for yourself. It's only five miles away, not far away. If you can't see anything in the past, as long as you If you have the ability to control the area where your breath radiates, just target that iceberg, and you will know the result immediately."

After finishing speaking, Wang Sheng didn't leave. He found a comfortable place, patted the snow and ice, put three layers of thick leather cushions on it, and sat there watching the dissatisfied people.

What should I do now?Several people sat on the wax.Fight with Wang Sheng?It's not necessary, and it doesn't make sense.Wang Sheng is not their opponent, but Wang Sheng has the means to die together, which makes them afraid to do anything.However, just looking at an iceberg and saying that it is a formation area, isn't that too casual?
The two team leaders looked at the two people who were in charge of marking the map at home, and asked briefly. The positions of the two icebergs coincided with the positions of the circles on the Peerless Treasure Map. In theory, they should be where the formation is, that is, the monsters Where the masters are.However, without seeing it with their own eyes, no one dared to really confirm it, except Wang Sheng.

If you want to verify, it seems that you can only follow Wang Sheng's method and go to have a look.The two team leaders had no choice but to discuss with a few unconvinced masters and ask them to go and see for themselves.

As Wang Sheng said, there are only five miles, so be careful, it won't take long to go back and forth.But if you can be completely sure whether there is really a master of monsters, whether there is really a formation, it is worth taking a little risk!

The four masters gave Wang Sheng a dissatisfied look, and began to walk carefully towards the iceberg.Wang Sheng and the rest of the people just watched from a distance.The two team leaders were very worried, but Wang Sheng was not afraid at all, as if he had a plan in mind.

Seeing that the four people had turned into four white spots, basically invisible, the two team leaders came to Wang Sheng's side and asked cautiously: "Master Hou, do you think they are okay?" Sheng, even the title has become a respectful title.

"Basically, it's not a big problem." Wang Sheng was very satisfied with this title, smiled slightly, and unceremoniously pointed out the unbearable speculation in the hearts of the two families: "It's just a delay. It's good to verify it, so that you don't think that I just point out A place is called land."

The two team leaders were a little embarrassed, but as Wang Sheng said, it's good to verify it, so as not to cause problems, be careful and make no big mistakes!That's what they thought in their hearts, including the few masters who didn't vent, they actually all had the same idea, Cheng Fushen just didn't express it.

The four masters have already rushed to the foot of the iceberg, but what can be seen from an iceberg?They couldn't sense the hole under the iceberg like Wang Sheng did, they could only rely on looking.The problem is, it's all covered in snow and ice, and you can't see anything.

"Be careful, there are fluctuations in the formation." A master historian took the formation stone prepared by his family, and finally found some slight fluctuations in the formation very close to the iceberg.The fluctuation is very secretive, if it is not so close, it is impossible to detect it.

If there is a formation, it means that Wang Sheng is right.But the four of them couldn't get off the stage, so they went back in such a despondent way, wouldn't they be laughed to death by Wang Sheng?A junior whose cultivation is not as good as theirs and their age, lose face in front of him?

"The monster is inside the iceberg? Let me see!" A master of the Gan family said incredulously, stepped forward, hesitated and asked, "If I push the snow off the iceberg, won't it touch the formation? "

"Probably not!" The historian master shook his head and replied: "The fluctuation of the formation is so weak, it means there is still a little distance."

The master of the Gan family nodded, knowing what to do, reached out his hand to touch the iceberg, and began to wipe off the ice and snow on it.

At this time, a sudden change occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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