
Chapter 655 Articles of Association

655 The Return

Chapter 350 VII Return

"Is there any advice?" Wang Sheng turned to the side that made the voice, looking at the expert Shi Jia who had questioned him before.

The guy who jumped out to speak out simply didn't want Wang Sheng to leave immediately. Judging from the experience of these days, in the core area of ​​Qianjedi, having Wang Sheng and not having Wang Sheng are completely different things.Although the agreement between the two parties is that Wang Sheng can leave when he arrives at the place, but if Wang Sheng can stay, maybe there will be greater benefits, isn't it?

No one jumps out to stop it, everyone understands the truth, if this guy jumps out, he can keep Wang Sheng, isn't it great?

"It's still not sure if it's really here." The historian Wang Sheng didn't even want to know his name, said pretentiously.

"According to the marking on your treasure map, it has arrived." Wang Sheng pushed back unceremoniously.

"But half of the treasure map was drawn by you." The historian expert said tit for tat.The implication is that I don't believe that the picture drawn by Wang Sheng is correct.

"The mark of the treasure house is on the half map of the Gan family." Wang Sheng turned to the leader of the Gan family and asked loudly, "Did the Gan family take out a fake map?"

This is related to the basis of cooperation between the two parties. How could the Gan family take the blame? The team leader hurriedly jumped out to deny it: "Impossible, our Gan family is holding the original picture."

"Then is there anything wrong with the picture I drew for you?" Wang Sheng turned to the expert historian who was in charge of labeling pictures and asked: "There are several formations on the way we passed that are in this picture. Up."

Not right?How can it be!The master who marked the map directly sighed: "Everything along the way is right."

Wang Sheng transferred to the expert historian who jumped out and said, "What else can I say?"

The master historian glared fiercely at the master who marked the map on his own side. He didn't even know how to speak for him. Are you pig-headed?
"Don't look at it. A master who can cultivate to this level is not the kind of person who doesn't even have this kind of responsibility." Wang Sheng sneered: "Just say what you want to do, and don't beat around the bush. People look down on you."

One sentence made many people feel comfortable in their hearts, and it also made many people secretly resent.They have consciously put themselves on the kind of people who are looked down upon by Wang Sheng and beat around the bush.

"You stay and don't leave." This time, the master of the aristocratic family stopped beating around the bush and ordered directly.

"The other type of person I hate the most is those who break their promises." Wang Sheng sneered again: "I will leave when I get to the place. This is what I said before I left. Hello, hello, everyone, don't force me!"

"So what if I force you?" The expert historian sneered, "Is it just relying on that ridiculous avalanche you mentioned to release those monster masters?"

As soon as this guy spoke, the eyes of the others changed obviously, and they were all waiting to see what he could say differently.The reason why everyone is afraid of Wang Sheng is because they are afraid that he will burn everything together?
"I have lived on a snow-capped mountain for a while, indeed, it is easy to cause an avalanche on a snow-capped mountain." The expert historian looked at Wang Sheng, like a civet cat looking at a mouse, with a playful expression on his face: "But this is not a snow-capped mountain. How did you create an avalanche?"

Everyone was afraid of Wang Sheng before, but when they heard what their companions said, they suddenly seemed to be guarding the clouds and seeing the moonlight, and it suddenly became clear that everything was just Wang Sheng's bluff, and they were frightened by themselves.In this case, what is there to be afraid of?

"What you said makes a lot of sense." Wang Sheng wasn't annoyed, nor was he guilty of being exposed. He just smiled and said, "So what? I still have ways to threaten you."

"Did you tamper with the formation?" The historian, a master, sneered again: "Don't forget, I am also someone who has had close contact with that formation. With your cultivation, you can touch the edge of the formation. Zhang Wai thinks highly of you, and still wants to play formations? I don’t know how powerful the heavens are!"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Wang Sheng still smiled, still not guilty, and asked calmly.

"I've done this, so what can you do?" The master historian had already secured the victory at this moment, feeling that Wang Sheng had nothing to threaten him, he sneered and threatened.

"Have you thought about the consequences?" Wang Sheng asked with interest.

"What are the consequences? Either you stay by yourself, or we take you down, so you have to stay?" The historian simply didn't care.Having said all this, is there any room for maneuver?

"What about you?" Wang Sheng suddenly ignored this guy, and turned his gaze to the two team leaders of Shijia Gan's family: "What do you mean? Do you want to force me to stay?"

"No, no, no!" The leader of the Gan family shook his head directly: "We didn't mean that. However, he is not from our Gan family, so we can't control him."

For the Gan family, it is the Shi family who do the work, and the Shi family is responsible for the blame, but the Gan family also benefits when it is done. What a good thing?Therefore, they don't admit it, but they don't care about it, and let the gaffe develop.

Wang Sheng turned to the team leader Shijia.

"The people are our Shi family." No one is a fool. The leader of the Shi family imitated the leader of the Gan family. He pushed [-] and said irresponsibly: "We are just of the same clan, and there is no relationship between subordinates and subordinates. Bigger than us, we can't control it. Sorry!"

"Understood!" Wang Sheng nodded, and once again looked at the proud historian.

"Last chance." Wang Sheng still said to the historian master who was smiling triumphantly, "I will leave with two people, and what you want to do with the ones left behind."

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Wang Sheng's words, the master of the Shi family laughed wildly. He had never heard such a funny joke.After laughing wildly, he pointed at Wang Sheng out of breath and said, "This is the funniest joke I've ever heard, hahahaha!"

"There are always people living well in this world, and they must seek death!" Wang Sheng shook his head and sighed, then looked at the historian not far away as if he was looking at a dead person, and suddenly said loudly to everyone: "Either he dies alone, or you all die, you choose one!"

Not only the expert historian, but even the other members of the Gan family historian were taken aback when they heard the words.What's the meaning?A mere junior of the fifth or sixth level threatens them, the masters of the legendary peak level?Do you dare to exaggerate?A little more threatening?
(End of this chapter)

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