
Chapter 663 The Discordant Voice

Chapter 663 The Discordant Voice

Chapter 360 A Discordant Voice

"The old proprietor of Baoqing Yutang is your adoptive father, and the kindness of nurturing is beyond heaven." Wang Sheng smiled, lowered his head and said to Mei'er: "I said it earlier, you are the master. No matter what you do I support all decisions."

Meier hugged Wang Sheng forgetfully, and put her pretty face on Wang Sheng's chest, her face was full of happiness, she didn't say anything, she just felt her whole body was warm.

Those servants who were in charge of serving had retreated winkingly when Meier came in, leaving room for Wang Sheng and Meier.

Wang Sheng could feel Meier's happiness, but Wang Sheng suddenly found that he didn't know how to face Meier.

At the core of the Thousand Jedi, Wang Sheng felt the existence of the girl in his dream.If one day the girl in the dream is really rescued by Wang Sheng, how will Wang Sheng face the girl in the dream and Meier?It is indeed a problem.Wang Sheng was not a person who was good at dealing with emotions on earth, and even more so in this world.

Sometimes Wang Sheng doesn't even know how to refuse, rejecting Meier, Ah Qi, and Song Yan, but they get involved with him again, so he really doesn't know what to do in the future.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng doesn't have to make a choice yet.Let’s wait until that time. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge.

"What gift did you prepare for Lu Wenhou's succession ceremony?" Wang Sheng wanted Meier to sit down, but Meier hugged Wang Sheng and refused to let go. Wang Sheng could only sit down with Meier in his arms, and Meier was still curled up In Wang Sheng's arms.

Hearing Wang Sheng's question, Mei'er raised her head and smiled and said, "It's simple! Runzifang has prepared a set of limited edition top-level cosmetics as you mentioned. Qian Shengyuan took a set of the master's unique product and took it out. It is also worth 500 million gold coins, enough."

"Yes, yes!" Wang Sheng nodded, and told Mei'er: "Remember that when the historian Gan's family begs to come to the door in the future, let them bear this part, and you can't easily take advantage of them."

"Okay!" Mei'er agreed very happily, and even the light of gold coins shone in her eyes.

The days passed quickly, Meier only rested for more than a day, and the day of Yubaozhai's succession ceremony arrived.

The entire Tongxing City turned into a sea of ​​joy, and the drums and gongs were blaring from the morning onwards, making it festive.Everyone had smiles on their faces, at least the people in Yubaozhai were very satisfied with the ability of Lu Wenhou, the young proprietor. Lu Wenhou took over the business of Yubaozhai, which won the hearts of the people.

The old proprietor and Marquis Lu Wen stood at the door of the largest and most central house in Tongxing City, welcoming all distinguished guests.Wang Sheng and Meier also came early, Wang Sheng regarded Lu Wenhou as a friend, so he didn't care if it was the rule that distinguished guests should come later.

Wang Sheng is the first time to meet the old proprietor of Yubaozhai.To be honest, the appearance of the old proprietor was similar to what Wang Sheng guessed.There is a faint shadow of Lu Wenhou on his face, and he looks like a suave and suave figure when he was young, even more handsome than Lu Wenhou.His face is more vicissitudes than that of Lu Wenhou, and he has more beards, but he looks more attractive. It gives people the impression that he is more reliable than Lu Wenhou, who has no hair on his mouth and is not stable in his work.

Of course, this is just the first impression.Anyone who despises Lu Wenhou because of his handsome looks will surely die soon.Lu Wenhou is definitely an expert-level profiteer who eats people without spit out his bones.

After saying congratulations several times, Meier presented the gift list, and Lu Wenhou personally brought the two of them into the house with a smile on his face to settle down, and then went back to the door to welcome the guests.

It didn't take long for guests from all over the world to come to the door in an endless stream.

The only ones who could be arranged around Wang Sheng were basically representatives of the various vassal states.Wang Sheng didn't recognize all of these people, but they all recognized Wang Sheng, and they were all very polite, they always saluted Wang Sheng first when they met.After all, Wang Sheng is the Marquis of Chang Sheng who was conferred by the emperor himself, and they still ask Wang Sheng, which is very polite.

On a festive day, if there is an unpleasant incident, wouldn't it be a shame to the host?These guests are all veterans in this field, and they will definitely give enough face in the big scene, but some people do not play their cards according to common sense, and make troubles.

The reason is still very ridiculous.Wang Sheng has a title, and the representatives of the various princely states are also considered official figures, so they naturally sit in the most honored area, so there is nothing wrong with the arrangement of Yubaozhai.The problem is, some people are just unhappy, especially after seeing Meier, they are extremely unhappy and take the opportunity to explode.

"Hey, isn't this the owner of Qianshengyuan and Runzifang in the capital?" A cold, arrogant and uncomfortable voice sounded in everyone's ears: "Why are you sitting in the VIP area of ​​the official house? Could it be that it has become Mrs. Hou is here? Why didn't you see the wedding and didn't notify me?"

Meier was with Wang Sheng, and everyone already regarded Meier as Mrs. Hou Ye, but the embarrassing thing was that Wang Sheng never admitted it to the outside world.Although he didn't deny it, after all, there was no real wedding event. In this world, this is not justified.

"Where did the crow come from? Quack!" Wang Sheng cursed without turning his head: "Get out!" He was right next to Meier, who dared to be so provocative and didn't want to live anymore?If it wasn't for Lu Wenhou's face, Wang Sheng could have done it on the spot.

"The young proprietor of Baoqing Yutang, the son of the old proprietor." Meier whispered in Wang Sheng's ear, but Wang Sheng could already hear her anger in her tone.It's just that with Wang Sheng standing in for her, Mei'er won't do anything else.

loser!Hearing this identity, Wang Sheng directly gave the other party a definition.

It is also the second generation young proprietor, Lu Wenhou, the young proprietor of Yubaozhai, is going to hold a succession ceremony today, but the son of the proprietor of Baoqing Yutang has already taken back all his powers, and the old proprietor will go to battle in person.Not to mention older ones, they are far worse than Meier back then.When this guy came to power, besides eliminating dissidents, he took it for granted to force Wang Sheng to cooperate. Is this the way of doing business?

Arrogant and domineering regardless of occasion, today's grand ceremony is the top priority of Yubaozhai.Even if this guy is able to come, he probably came with his father. As a guest, he doesn't care what the owner arranges. The guest can do whatever he wants. This is something that your guest should take care of?
What's more, the old proprietor of Baoqing Yutang came over, clearly intending to discuss cooperation with Wang Sheng afterwards.Because of the kindness of her upbringing, Meier reluctantly vomited on this matter, so she can proceed further.But when this prodigal son opened his mouth, not to mention Wang Sheng, even Meier would be angry.

"Don't worry, if he dares to embarrass you, I will give you back ten times and a hundred times from his father." Wang Sheng stared at that guy coldly, and said softly to Mei'er.

Meier nodded lightly, ignoring that guy.

Seeing that no one paid attention, the former Shaodong of Baoqing Yutang became more and more arrogant: "Why, I hit the mark, you bitch?"

(End of this chapter)

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