
Chapter 667 My

Chapter 667 My

Chapter 360 Mine

As soon as Zhu Shaodong said this, the representatives of all the princes looked at Wang Sheng immediately.To be honest, they wanted to question Wang Sheng for a long time, but they were afraid that they would lose face after asking, and they would not be able to cooperate in the future.Zhu Shaodong asked well, asked wonderfully, and asked quack!
As soon as he heard this sentence, Wang Sheng understood.This Zhu Shaodong was secretly supported by an unknown family, and he probably promised him something to make trouble here.Of course, the most important thing is to let Wang Sheng break the monopoly of Qian Jedi, so that all parties can participate in and get benefits.

Poor fool!Wang Sheng secretly gave a comment in his heart, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Bold!" Wang Sheng didn't answer. The one who uttered the scolding was the representative of the royal family. Hearing the high-pitched voice, he knew it must be a servant.

"Chang Shenghou is the Lord Hou who was conferred by the Son of Heaven. How dare you call him by his first and last name just like a commoner?" In the next sentence, the servant gave a reason to convince everyone.

Wang Sheng is Lord Hou, a mere business representative from Zhu Shaodong. You can call him Lord Hou or ask him, but calling him by his first name is not acceptable.This point was unanimously affirmed by the representatives of all the princely states present.Otherwise, calling Wang Sheng by his first name and replacing him with his own prince, Guobo, and shouting in such rude manners, wouldn't it be an insult?The master is worried about the humiliation of his ministers, the master humiliates his ministers to death, just screaming is not acceptable!
Seeing that almost all the officials had the same attitude, Zhu Shaodong didn't dare to be too presumptuous.The people behind him didn't support him, how dare he commit public outrage at this time, so he could only change his title: "Master Hou, why do you dominate the Thousand Jedi all by yourself?"

With one word from Wang Sheng, if the Song family's camp is closed, the Song family must obediently close it.In a word, tell the Dai family not to approach, and the masters of the Dai family have to stay outside obediently and watch others practice inside.

Everyone knew that Wang Sheng relied on the huge army of man-eating ants and his familiarity with Qian Jedi, but everyone just refused to accept it.If you are a big force, that's okay, but you are obviously only one person, but you dominate Qianjudi so that everyone can't get benefits, that's not okay.

"There is a reason why I can monopolize Thousand Jedi." Wang Sheng glanced at Zhu Shaodong at this moment, and replied reluctantly.

"Isn't it just relying on man-eating ants to control everyone's life and death?" Zhu Shaodong's voice was very low, but everyone present heard it. He did it on purpose: "Bullying the weak."

Wang Sheng almost laughed when he heard that.Bully?Which of the princes here dare to say that they are weak?One person is above so many vassal states?joke!

"Don't forget, I am the Marquis of Chang Sheng personally appointed by the Son of Heaven!" Wang Sheng gave a reason slowly.

"So what?" Of course Zhu Shaodong was not convinced, and immediately asked tit for tat.

"As a marquis, I have a fief!" Wang Shengcai said slowly, regardless of how angry Zhu Shaodong was, "Does anyone remember where my fief is?"

When everyone heard the fief at this time, there was a buzzing in their heads.Of course Chang Shenghou has a fief, if everyone remembers correctly, Chang Shenghou's fief is Qian Jedi.When they heard the news before, everyone took it as a joke, a fief that cannot be entered, what is it if it is not a joke?But at this moment, when they heard Wang Sheng holding the seal to say something, everyone couldn't laugh anymore.

Qian Jedi is a fief granted to Wang Sheng by the Son of Heaven, so from a legal point of view, Qian Jedi belongs to Wang Sheng.Since it is someone else's property, there is no talk of bullying or cannibal ants blocking it. If they don't let you in, it should be fair and aboveboard, and no one can say no.

Even those vassal states can't tell, unless they deny the emperor's reward.It can be denied that while rewarding Wang Sheng's fiefdom, it also means that the legal status of their respective vassal states no longer exists. If you don't recognize what the emperor granted to Wang Sheng, then don't you also recognize what was granted to you?
The reason was so strong that when Wang Shengyi asked this question, everyone was dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer it.

It's difficult now, unless the emperor issues an edict to take back Wang Sheng's fief, otherwise, what's the point of talking about it?The fief doesn't want you to go in, and there's nothing anyone can do about it!Letting you in is a gift, don't be ignorant!

"Do you have any questions?" Wang Sheng seemed not to let Zhu Shaodong off, looking at him leisurely and asking back.

"No...no more!" Under Wang Sheng's gaze, Zhu Shaodong couldn't say another word, Nuonuo squeezed out a few words, and stopped talking.

"Since everyone is sitting here to talk, there is no need to cover up what you have to say." Wang Sheng blocked Zhu Shaodong's mouth, looked at the representatives of all parties and said with a smile: "As long as you admit that Qian Jedi is me Yes, then it’s not impossible to talk about the things inside, come up with a specific charter.”

Hearing Wang Sheng's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Qian Jedi belonged to Wang Sheng, this acknowledgment is nothing to say.The matters inside can be discussed, so it will be easy to handle. At worst, all parties are like Yubaozhai, and those who should pay tribute to Wang Sheng will pay part of the tribute.

"I talked about the camp of Yubaozhai earlier." Wang Sheng continued: "Then let's talk about the camp first. Do you think it is better to expand the camp? Or it is better to open a few more similar camps in all directions, you can decide for yourself."

There is such a good thing?Of course, I am willing to open a few more, what is the question?All parties became excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.Why did everyone arrange all kinds of arrangements to catch Wang Sheng off guard? Isn't it just to get this permission?

Wang Sheng was generous, but the parties didn't know how to speak.Wang Sheng is notorious for asking for money even leading the way into Thousand Jedi once, so he will openly let you set up a camp?What kind of price will be paid in this, everyone does not have a unified caliber, maybe whoever speaks first will suffer, and in the end there will be a complaint.

The scene was very weird, everyone wanted Wang Sheng to let go of Qian Jedi's restrictions, but Wang Sheng really let go, but everyone didn't know what to say.

Zhu Shaodong of Baoqing Yutang, who just jumped up and down, couldn't even utter a complete sentence at this moment, his eyes were full of emptiness, and he didn't know what he was thinking of.Maybe at this moment he wants to understand his status in the eyes of some people. Today, he provoked Wang Sheng like a clown. The ending may not be so good.

"What? Everyone has no idea?" Wang Sheng glanced around again, and then smiled at Lu Wenhou: "Why don't you, Brother Lu, tell me how to deal with the camp now?"

(End of this chapter)

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