
Chapter 676

Chapter 676

Chapter 360 Eighth Support

"You want this, is it because of Mei'er?" Manager Li must have reported this matter to the emperor, otherwise Manager Zhou would not have given the information to Wang Sheng in front of the emperor.The emperor saw that Wang Sheng put away the scroll, so he asked a lot.

"Of course!" Wang Sheng smiled: "Otherwise, who else would I be for?"

"If it's because of Meier..." The emperor suddenly laughed, "I'm afraid you will be very sad after reading this document."

Wang Sheng was taken aback, sad?Why?When looking at the emperor, the emperor laughed in an inscrutable manner, and did not answer, leaving Wang Sheng confused.

Turning to Zhou Guanshi, Zhou Guanshi also had a mysterious smile on his face, but he just didn't say anything, which made Wang Sheng very uncomfortable.

"That's right!" Wang Sheng suddenly remembered something, and now that the emperor was here, Wang Sheng also brought it up face to face: "There is one more thing that really needs your help."

"Let's talk, what's the matter?" It was rare for Wang Sheng to ask the emperor to help. This should be done well, and the emperor immediately asked Wang Sheng to ask for it himself.

"Is there any royal diva and luthier in the palace, lend me two months." Wang Sheng was also unceremonious, and directly said to the emperor: "I want the best one, who can sing and play both elegant and vulgar tunes." kind of."

"Want a singer? Do you want more beautiful ones?" The emperor's gaze was obviously wrong, and he seemed to question Wang Sheng: "Should I find you some more beautiful dancers? What are you going to do? "

"Of course I'm listening to the music, what else can I do?" Wang Sheng rolled his eyes at the emperor, and said following his words: "What you said makes sense, all of them must be beautiful. If there are dancers, send them here too. I haven't looked at them much yet. Dance."

"Master Hou has some ulterior motives, right?" The Son of Heaven kept silent angrily, annoyed by Wang Sheng's request, and Manager Zhou smoothed things over: "Miss Meier has been looking for a pianist and singer everywhere for Lord Hou. Looking around for all kinds of tunes, could it be useful for Lord Hou?"

"Of course!" Wang Sheng quickly admitted, "It's used for practicing kung fu."

There are many eyes and ears of the emperor in Hou's mansion. Of course, the emperor knows whether Wang Sheng has touched these women. He is just very displeased with Wang Sheng's attitude.Now I heard that Wang Sheng was actually using it for practicing kung fu, I immediately became interested and listened.

"Master Hou's skills are so special?" Seeing that the emperor was interested, Zhou Guanshi also asked jokingly.As for the exercises practiced by Wang Sheng, in fact, Zhou Guanshi didn't like them. Everyone knew that Wang Sheng didn't have many acupuncture points.But the emperor likes it, so it doesn't hurt to ask.

"It has nothing to do with the exercises." Wang Sheng is not afraid that Zhou Guanshi and others will know the truth, not to mention they don't know at all: "It's the problem of the soul."

"My original soul has been upgraded, and the senses, vision, taste, and smell have been strengthened several times. These are the keys to my survival in Thousand Jedi." Wang Sheng is not hiding much now, it is indeed strengthening These things, and it is indeed used many times in Thousand Jedi: "So, the next step is to strengthen my sense of hearing."

"Then you asked those alchemists to make alchemy, in fact, you meant to strengthen your sense of smell?" Hearing this, the emperor immediately thought of the last time Wang Sheng asked him to borrow an imperial alchemist.

"A little bit, but the fragrance of the cosmetics is the most useful." Wang Sheng has already strengthened his sense of smell and completed the transformation, and now he is not afraid of others' interference when he speaks out.Now that the emperor has guessed it, then admit it and make him happy.

The Son of Heaven nodded thoughtfully. He agreed with Wang Sheng's enhancement that does not seek the strongest combat effectiveness, but only seeks to be suitable for the occasion.Because the exercises practiced by the Son of Heaven also do not seek combat power, but to strengthen one's own thinking and calm skills. Regardless of the high level of cultivation, if it can be used for fighting, it is not as good as Wang Sheng's transformation.

But this does not prevent the Son of Heaven from becoming a wise Son of Heaven. People who can know their own advantages and amplify them are far smarter than those who only know how to improve their combat effectiveness.As for killing people, Wang Sheng only needs to hold his heavy sniper crossbow, and kill him with one arrow a few miles away. Why do he have to fight you for dozens of rounds in close quarters?
Thinking of this, the emperor suddenly rose up, wanting to see what Wang Sheng could do.Of course, he won't tell Wang Sheng face to face now, it will be interesting to wait for the eyeliner in the Hou's mansion to report Wang Sheng's face after reading those materials.

"Okay, you go back and wait, the person you want will be delivered to your house soon." The emperor spit out directly, and waited to see the good show.

Wang Sheng chatted with the emperor for a while before Meier came out with the queen. After seeing the ceremony, Wang Sheng and Meier bid farewell together and returned to the Hou's mansion.

"Old Zhou, tell me, if you give Chang Shenghou a few beautiful singing and dancing girls, will he not be able to bear it?" No one else was around, and the emperor asked Manager Zhou suddenly, as if joking.

"Master Hou will definitely be able to hold back!" Guanshi Zhou replied without hesitation.

The empress didn't react. When she heard that the emperor wanted to send some beauties to Marquis Chang Sheng, she frowned immediately: "What are you going to do? Why are you sending beauties to Marquis Chang Sheng? This is not to..."

"That's what I asked. Didn't Lao Zhou say that he would definitely not touch it." The emperor smiled and comforted his wife.While talking, he still didn't forget to wink at Zhou Guanshi and let him speak.

"Your Majesty, don't worry! Chang Shenghou has been with Meier for so long and hasn't touched her. His determination is not ordinary." Zhou Guanshi hurriedly explained with a smile: "He is a person who can only be trusted by me. He will let his guard down, and if someone else gave him 1, he won’t even look at it.”

"Hmph, didn't he say that he has already raised a child in Wuyou City?" The queen is not a good person, and immediately grabbed Wang Sheng's so-called second wife in Wuyou City and started talking: "A man is unreliable!"

Killing a boatload of people with one sentence, even the emperor was scolded.The Son of Heaven laughed a few times, and gave Steward Zhou a wink.

"The female assassin in Wuyou City, Chang Shenghou should not have touched it." Zhou Guanshi carefully accompanied her with a smile: "Shadow has seen her many times, and the news came back, saying that according to the court's secret law, the female assassin is still alive." Not broke."

This news made the Queen's anger calm down a lot, but in the blink of an eye she began to worry again: "He doesn't move when there are women around him, so it's...inhumane?"

puff!Tianzi almost spit out a mouthful of water.If Wang Sheng heard this, it must be very interesting.It's a pity that I can't tell him!

"Don't worry about this lady." Zhou Guanshi couldn't laugh or cry, he could only explain with all his heart: "The eyeliner in the inner courtyard of the Hou Mansion has personally served Lord Hou to take a bath, everything is normal for Lord Hou, and may even be several times stronger than normal people. Take it easy."

(End of this chapter)

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