
Chapter 683

Chapter 683

Chapter 370

Every guard watched Wang Sheng practice boxing every day with excitement and gratitude.This is a rare opportunity. Even a disciple who is not at home in Taijiquan will always gain a lot from watching Wang Sheng boxing like this every day.

For this reason, the leader of the guards even arranged a schedule for guarding Lord Hou in the swimming pool of the Hou Mansion, so that all the disciples in the capital could be covered as much as possible.

And when Wang Sheng doesn't use the swimming pool, it's time for these guards to go down one by one to experience it.The Hou Mansion created more than a dozen sets of weighted suits in different sizes, just to let them go down and feel it for themselves.

Water, soft and good, is exactly in line with the original intention of Tai Chi.Not only did Wang Sheng make rapid progress in Taijiquan in just a few dozen days, but the group of guards also benefited a lot.

This time, it took another month to fight the body.During this period, Wang Sheng still did not forget that he would set aside a certain amount of time every day to listen to music and piano.

The path of piano keys with black and white grids in Yuanhun space, 88 keys, Wang Sheng’s Yuanhun has gone halfway to 44, but next, no matter how Wang Sheng listens to the music that he has never heard before, how can he hear it? Even the qin music can't make Wang Sheng take a step forward.

Wang Sheng understands that this is another bottleneck period, just like the previous few times, there must be other breakthroughs.

Next, the luthiers that the emperor sent to the Hou's Mansion and the luthiers that Meier had hired long ago began to be busy. They were no longer one musical instrument, but a combination of various musical instruments, and even searched for all kinds of brand new musical instruments all over the world. , Let Wang Sheng listen.

Sure enough, when he heard some new tunes played on some new instruments, Wang Sheng felt that the bottleneck began to loosen, and the piano path continued to move forward.It is still almost the same as the original ratio. For every ten instruments, Wang Sheng can move forward by one key.

Meier helped Wang Sheng collect all kinds of musical instruments all over the world, while the emperor was puzzled in the palace.Although Wang Sheng had already told him that this time he wanted to strengthen his listening skills, so he needed to listen to various tunes and musical instruments, but this was a bit out of tune, right?How can anyone practice like this?
Still the same sentence, money is easy to do.If Wang Sheng were to find these instruments and musicians all over the world by himself, it would take an average of three or four days to find a musical instrument and a musician, and it would take a year or two for so many musicians.But now when Qianshengyuan Runzifang put together their words, musicians from all over the world would bring their instruments to the capital to play for Wang Sheng.

In just one month, Wang Sheng came into contact with no less than 200 kinds of musical instruments in this world.It can be said that Wang Sheng has already touched more than [-]% of the musical instruments in this primordial soul world.

When Wang Sheng finally passed the No.60 six piano keys in Wang Sheng's soul space, Wang Sheng ushered in a small-scale breakthrough in hearing.

It belongs to the spiritual energy tempering body, but it does not belong to the spiritual energy tempering body at the time of promotion. It will not cause changes in the sky, but it is the real spiritual energy tempering the whole body.

When the huge spiritual energy poured into Wang Sheng's body, Wang Sheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.With this opportunity to temper the body with spiritual energy, the medicinal power of the 160 Creation Pills accumulated in his body can finally be completely cleaned up.

The aura wandered crazily in the body, washing over Wang Sheng's body, taking away the medicinal power in Wang Sheng's body, repurifying it into aura, rushing through various acupoints, then rushing into the soul space, and finally rushing to Wang Sheng's ears Nearby, focus on strengthening Wang Sheng's inner and outer ears.

Wang Sheng has experienced this kind of strengthening several times, knowing that his consciousness can guide this kind of strengthening process in a small area, so he deliberately concentrated his energy in his inner ear.

Wang Sheng doesn't want to become a big ear just because of strengthening his hearing.The companion of Ah Qi who was killed by Wang Sheng with excellent hearing was nicknamed Big Ears, and his distinctive feature was that his ears were a circle larger than normal.Wang Sheng didn't want to become like that, so he concentrated on strengthening the inner ear.

In addition to maintaining a normal appearance, doing so can improve hearing by improving the sensitivity of the inner ear, and it also has the advantage of strengthening the semicircular canals.

The semicircular canals in the human body are inner ear sensory devices related to maintaining posture and balance, and are very fragile.Concussive weapons attack the semicircular canals, causing the body to lose balance, unable to stand up, unable to maintain posture, and always fall into a state of dizziness.If you attack hard, you will lose consciousness.

Strengthening the semicircular canals can also allow Wang Sheng to increase his resistance in this area.Wang Sheng had already planned to strengthen the semicircular canal at the same time as strengthening the hearing from the very beginning.

The aura was concentrated in the inner ear and continued to strengthen. Wang Sheng could feel the improvement of his hearing. With the continuous strengthening, Wang Sheng even found that he could actually feel the vibration from the ground with his ears.

This is a powerful function that Wang Sheng has never thought of. Although the vibrations that can be felt now are relatively large vibrations, Wang Sheng firmly believes that this is just the first small-scale enhancement. , will definitely bring you even bigger surprises.

After a few hours, Wang Sheng found that the world he was in seemed to be slightly different from before.Eyes, ears, nose, and tongue are all stronger than when they were on earth. I don’t know how many times I feel the world through them, which is really far from when I first came here.

Wang Sheng could hear the slight sound of footsteps clearly.In order not to disturb Wang Sheng, the maids walked in soft-soled shoes, almost silently, but now Wang Sheng could hear the faint footsteps clearly and clearly.

Almost half of the medicinal power accumulated in the body has been removed. As long as there is another formal spirit quenching body, it can definitely be completely absorbed and digested.

Before, he felt the possibility of a breakthrough in the concentration of the senses, but now Wang Sheng has firmly believed in this.It's a pity that there is only a slight difference, and it is impossible to reach the next more sensitive state.Maybe it's because Wang Sheng's own cultivation is not enough, he should be able to complete these final transformations when he advances to Prisoner Transformation.

It's gotten to the point where it seems like all you have to do is find new instruments and keep listening.But the problem is that almost [-]% of the musical instruments in the world have already been heard by Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng had to face a new problem again, that is, just like the original delicacy, if he wanted to complete the transformation of the prisoner cow, it seemed that he had to make a musical instrument and play a tune before he could complete it.

Making musical instruments is simple, Wang Sheng only needs to move over what is on the earth and what is not here.But what about the music?Could it be that they copied it and turned themselves into a musician?Also, how to play it?

After much deliberation and not knowing what to do, I simply stopped the headache and made things first.

(End of this chapter)

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