
Chapter 689

Chapter 689
Chapter 370
"Boy, didn't you say that if we start work, you want to help us make a set of tools?" Master Lu didn't pick up on the master's words, but turned directly to Wang Sheng: "Shouldn't it be time to start?"

"Okay!" Wang Sheng was also happy. He found a great master who can make and perform music. It is possible to make musical instruments on earth. Of course, Wang Sheng doesn't mind making some handy tools for these masters.Looking at Master Yu, Wang Sheng asked cautiously: "Master, why don't you find a place to do it together?"

"Okay, I also want to see, what is your tool to make them fall in love?" Master Yu was very happy, he could do whatever he wanted when he met the right person.

To do things, the Tiangongfang where Linglong Pavilion is located must be the most convenient, but there are so many people and messy, it is not as quiet and undisturbed as Hou's Mansion, it is safer, and the environment is better and more comfortable, and it is more suitable for the great masters to maintain their health.So, a group of people went to the Marquis of Changsheng hand in hand.

It wasn't until this time that Master Yu knew that the kid brought by the great masters turned out to be the famous Chang Shenghou.

Although he had no direct contact with Chang Shenghou before, the vernier caliper made by Wang Sheng still made Master Yu very happy.With this tool, he can make the parts of those musical instruments more precise and assemble them more precisely.Now he actually dealt with Chang Shenghou directly, and he is still very proficient in musical instruments. It's too late to meet each other!

After entering the Hou's mansion, a group of great masters received the most solemn reception, and then Wang Sheng selected the people to do it according to the needs.

Master Liu of the formation is definitely needed, without him, the power of modern machinery cannot be realized.In this primordial soul world, it can only be realized with formations. As for the source of power, it is each great master's own aura.

Blacksmith Tie Lao is definitely needed, and Master Wu is best at exquisite crafting, so he needs it even more.Most of the musical instruments are made with wood, and the woodworker Wang also needs them. Anyway, there is no one who is familiar with Wang Sheng.

Most of the materials of musical instruments are wood, so the tools Wang Sheng made are mainly carpentry tools.Wang Sheng doesn't know much, but he also knows the basic types, such as sawing, planing, drilling, grinding, lathe, etc. After realizing these types, the construction speed of these masters will be greatly improved.

The motivation is very simple, as long as the formation master can create a formation that will rotate when input with aura.This is the source of power for all machinery.The power source is also divided into two types, one is for desktop machines, and the other is for small handheld machines.

For circular saw blades, Tie Lao and Master Wu made saw blades of different sizes according to several saws used in woodworking.The technical requirements of the wire saw are relatively high, which can be ignored first, and then manufactured after suitable materials are available.

Tie Lao built a solid platform, leveled and ground it, and slotted wire grooves on it. The vertical one can be used to place saw blades, and the horizontal one can be used to place circular planers. It can become a drilling platform.Of course, grinding stones of various materials and meshes can also be placed in suitable positions to replace sandpaper for manual grinding.

The desktop can be combined into one, but the handheld is a separate function.Hand-held aura circular saws, hand-held aura planers, hand-held aura drills, hand-held grinding tools, and so on.

What everyone lacked was just an idea. Wang Sheng helped everyone raise this idea, pointed out the direction, and then everyone knew what to do.

Master Array designed the formation, Master Tie Lao Wu built the platform and small accessories, and Master Woodworker Wang considered the layout of the desktop machine from a practical point of view. With the joint efforts of everyone, the prototype of a desktop woodworking machine was quickly created.

For the sake of safety, Wang Sheng specially asked the formation master to design that as soon as the input of spiritual energy stops, the machine will stop immediately, so it will be much safer to use.

In order to facilitate the user to use this woodworking machine with both hands, the input of spiritual energy is realized by a special slender rope connected to the user's wrist.In this way, even if the user does not touch the machine with both hands, he can still input spiritual energy to make the machine turn.

The circular saw rotated rapidly, a piece of wood was placed on it, and pushed from one end to the other, it easily became two sections. Because the operating table was horizontal, the sawn material was straight.There is no need to control the direction while pulling the saw hard like ordinary carpenters, it is really too simple.

The plane turns, a flat plate is placed on it, pushed along the countertop, and a layer is evenly planed off the bottom.Because it is a rotary planer, the planer is not particularly smooth, and it needs to be modified by hand with a planer.But it is enough to do rough machining, especially the speed is very fast, it is not known how many times faster than manual push planing.

Drilling is even more simple. The drill bit can be replaced according to different sizes, fixed on the top, and a round eye can be formed by pressing down gently, which is not too convenient.In the past, to do it, you had to use an ancient manual drill to control the direction, and all this was saved.

Not to mention grinding, the rotating whetstone can easily smooth the material to be polished.It is enough to touch up the subtleties by hand.Or use a small manual grinder, which can even take care of some corners that are not easy to grind.

Relatively speaking, handheld machinery is even simpler.Single-use features that make sitting up easier.

"It's a good thing! Why didn't we think of it before? It's so simple!" As for the right to speak, Master Wang, a carpenter, must have the right to speak. After using it a few times, he nodded frequently: "Although in the end it has to be carved It is finely crafted, but this thing can increase the speed of the initial rough material by more than ten times, good stuff! What a pity!"

"Good things still can't stop your mouth?" Master Lu couldn't see this kind of saying that it's a pity to praise things good, and immediately retorted: "What's the pity?"

"With this thing, who will study the basic skills of those little carpenters in the future?" Master Wang said with some emotion: "In the past, it took me several months just to practice sawing a straight line. This thing only takes a few days." , what do you say?"

"Let's wait until they have a spiritual energy that can be used continuously!" Master Lu dispelled Master Wang's worries with one sentence: "Before they have this level of cultivation, let's honestly use our hands to saw!"

"That's right!" Master Wang immediately became happy, and after figuring out this problem, he couldn't put it down immediately.

At this point, the rest is just a few masters who have leisure time to slowly carve and refine, and then make this set of things more refined and practical.However, before that, it's time for everyone to help Master Yu and Wang Sheng make the musical instrument that Wang Sheng said.

With this set of tools, the speed in the early stage will definitely be greatly improved.If a craftsman wants to be good at his work, he must first sharpen his tools. Sharpening a knife does not mistake a woodcutter.
(End of this chapter)

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