
Chapter 691 New Instruments

Chapter 691 New Instruments
Chapter 370 Five New Musical Instruments
Wang Sheng carefully examined the guitar in his hand.

Don't think it takes a total of one or two days to make it, but the craftsmanship is definitely first-class.

As soon as his hand touches the guitar, Wang Sheng can tell that it is the finished product that was handed over to Wang Sheng after the final polishing.Judging from this fineness, it should be carefully ground with the hand-held grinding machine that Wang Sheng just built, and it is very delicate.

The size of the guitar is the same as what Wang Sheng described, and the edges are very tightly bonded. It looks like a masterpiece of top craftsmanship.The size of the resonator board is just right, and you can hear a pleasant sound with a slight pluck of the strings.

With Wang Sheng's current ears, the sound of an instrument can be said to be pleasant, and it can almost be said that it is a top-level instrument.What's more, the top part of this guitar is not these.

The strings are not the metal strings Wang Sheng has seen on Earth, but the sound is exactly the same as Wang Sheng remembers.Another advantage of not having metal strings is that you don't cut your hands and you can play without picks.Of course, some use of picks is a technique of playing and has nothing to do with the strings.

After admiring the work of the guitar and the material of the plank strings, Wang Sheng began to press the strings and test the sound one by one.From time to time, I turned the knob on the guitar a few times, loosened or tightened the strings, and after some tuning, I finally achieved the effect Wang Sheng wanted.

Then Wang Sheng sat on the chair, holding the guitar horizontally, and played a simple introduction to "Romance De Amor" for everyone on the spot.

When the simple and melodious tune sounded, no matter it was Master Yu or the royal luthiers, they all listened carefully.The timbre of this instrument is different from the plucked plucked instruments that everyone has used before. The resonance box is larger and the sound of playing is softer.

After playing a song, Wang Sheng already felt that the path of piano keys in the soul space has moved forward one more step.On a whim, I came up with an impromptu solo, and I just felt indescribably comfortable.

When Wang Sheng finished playing, everyone nodded frequently.Although this song is simple and the rhythm is not fast, it can be regarded as a classic song, and the delicate emotion contained in it is very emotional.

"So it's played like this." After watching it for a while, Master Yu quickly understood how to play it.When Wang Sheng returned the guitar, he couldn't help but began to hold down the strings one by one to test the sound.

"Master's shot is really extraordinary." Wang Sheng gave Master Yu a thumbs up: "Amazing!"

Master Yu just smiled, tried to speak one by one, and ignored them.After trying all the strings, Master Yu began to copy the tune that Wang Sheng played just now.

Rhythm, intonation, everything is correct.After Master Yu played it one time, Wang Sheng was completely stunned.What else can Wang Sheng say?I just listened to it once, and then tried it once, and I copied the piece that Wang Sheng had played before without any mistakes. Even if the score of this Romance of Love is relatively simple, it can't stand that it's the first time I touched it. ah!
A master is a master, so you really can't look at it with a normal mind.

Wang Sheng's previous solo was improvised by himself, Master Yu seemed to have noticed it, and did not copy this section.Instead, after he casually played a few notes, he also improvised a short section.

This impromptu playing left Wang Sheng dumbfounded.At any rate, Wang Sheng had seen this kind of impromptu performance many times. Master Yu actually learned it without a teacher. After watching Wang Sheng demonstrate it once, he immediately learned it well.

The key is that the master's impromptu performance not only combines the timbre characteristics of the guitar, but also contains some classical charm of this world, and the combination of the two is seamless.Just this moment, it reflects the master's deep skill and understanding of various music and culture.

Nothing to say, apart from giving all the thumbs up, Wang Sheng has nothing to say and is extremely admired.Speaking of it, Wang Sheng's ears are at most slightly strengthened now, but if Master Yu just came in and listened to a little ensemble, and then immediately pointed out the height of the problems one by one, he still needs to be further strengthened.Now Wang Sheng can only distinguish a single musical instrument, and his ensemble skills are not good enough.

"Your thing is very interesting." Master Yu began to comment: "The voice is soft, not as cold and harsh as the pipa, and there are more suitable tunes. However, the method of notation still needs to be studied."

As early as at Master Yu's home, Master Yu knew that Wang Sheng must not be able to write notation, otherwise he would not just hum and fail to mark.

Those royal luthiers were also fortunate enough to see the premiere of a brand new musical instrument, and they were all curious.After Master Yu played, under the eager eyes of the principal, he smiled and handed over the guitar to let him feel it for himself.

The luthiers tried to play one by one, and some of them had already moved their minds.This new musical instrument was brought out by Chang Shenghou and made by Master Yu himself. Maybe it will have a bright future in the future. Do you want to change the strings and learn this guitar instead?

Everyone had different thoughts, but Wang Sheng was already lost in thought.

Judging from the effect of making the guitar, it is still useful for the upgrade of the original soul. At least one musical instrument is on top of listening to ten musical instruments.But Wang Sheng is also very clear that the further you go, the more difficult it is for Yuanhun to improve. It seems unrealistic to rely on constantly bringing out new instruments.

Without him, Wang Sheng is a fighter, and he really doesn't have many western musical instruments.The guitar counts as one, and the other is the piano.

Wang Sheng didn’t learn piano since he was a child, and he didn’t learn to play systematically. There was only one mission, and Wang Sheng needed to disguise himself as a piano tuner to complete the mission. So before the mission, Wang Sheng made a surprise study. It depends on the structure of the piano and the method of tuning.

For the rest of the various large and medium violins, various large, medium and small trumpets, various piccolo saxophones, clarinets, oboes, etc., Wang Sheng has heard of them and knows their names, but if he knows the structure inside and made them, even though Wang Sheng can Digging deeply into one's own memories on Earth, however, it is by no means an easy task to do so.

In addition, Wang Sheng also suddenly felt that since there is a standard piano key path in his soul space, should he make the piano known as the "king of musical instruments" on earth?Anyway, I know the structure of upright and grand pianos, and with the help of Master Yu, I should be able to realize it.

"Do you want to make the king of musical instruments?" Wang Sheng couldn't help thinking to himself.

"The king of musical instruments?" Master Yu had sharp ears and could hear clearly. He immediately asked, "Aside from Guqin, what other musical instruments dare to be called the king of musical instruments?"

(End of this chapter)

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