
Chapter 702

Chapter 702

Chapter 380

How will Uncle Su and Aunt Su cope?Someone wants to carve up their own business, blocking people's money is like killing their parents, it is already irreconcilable, let alone stealing people's money, how will the emperor and queen deal with it?
Wang Sheng doesn't believe that the emperor doesn't know about today's events, and the three old priests of the royal family don't know about it, but it's just to see who can't wait to jump out. Such a good opportunity, don't catch a few more fish, why let them Hiding in deep water?

"Don't worry, they must have a way to deal with it." Wang Sheng comforted Meier, reassuring her: "Don't forget their identities."

"I know they are from the royal family." Mei'er was still a little worried: "But I'm afraid that many members of the royal family will participate in it this time! If the emperor has his mind, I'm afraid it will not be that simple."

The emperor is tempted?Wang Sheng never thought about this possibility.However, if he thinks about it carefully now, Wang Sheng feels that the emperor is still not so courageous, and it is not necessary at all.

Originally, half of this business belonged to the emperor. Even if he coveted the remaining half and snatched it, does he have the right manpower to run it?Without Wang Sheng's advice, without Mei'er and the management of her own shopkeepers, would the royal family want to make money?Big joke!
It's not that Wang Sheng looks down on these royal people, so many Huangzhuang, such a huge capital, if it were given to Wang Sheng, it would have been a wealthy party.For the royal people, what else do these guys know besides eating from the ground?There is a way of intrigue, but it is all used to deceive. How many people really give their hearts to the royal family?
Maybe the royal family is possessive by nature, and they want to dig everything into their own bowls.However, let Meier handle it, and earn 5000 million a year, 1000% is [-] million.It's all his own if he grabs it all, but it can be up to [-] million a year. Could it be that the emperor can't figure it out?

If you really have the ability, some of these cosmetics were originally the Queen's health care method, why didn't I see them take them out to make money before?Still don't have the business acumen.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the emperor's brain is twitching, but what does this have to do with Wang Sheng?Wang Sheng was in a hurry. He shot the emperor a few miles away and then went to any vassal country or Wuyou City. What can the royal family do?
To sum up, Wang Sheng felt that it was unlikely that the emperor would do it himself, and it was better to rest assured and wait for the result.

The emperor was also extremely angry when he just received the news that someone was missing.To do this in the capital is obviously not to give himself the face of the emperor, so he was furious immediately, and then ordered someone to investigate thoroughly.

The power of the imperial court immediately cast the net, but when the people sent out to report back the next day, the emperor realized that something was wrong.

It is obviously the property of Runzifang, a joint venture between the queen and Meier, so why is it controlled by people from one family to another?It's also called protection. What are they trying to do?It's the other way around?

What made him most angry was that when Wang Sheng and Meier rushed to those Zhuangzi together, the people inside didn't even let Wang Sheng go in to have a look. What was he trying to do?
But before he was furious, several princes suddenly joined hands to ask for an audience. In addition, there were several important ministers together. Even the emperor had to weigh the power gathered together.

These Wang Shengs are all members of the royal clan, and two of them are even regarded as the emperor's clan uncle, whose seniority is higher than the emperor's.With so many people united to seek an audience, the emperor couldn't even see him.

"Your Majesty, I just want to ask you a question. Is this world still owned by the Su family?" After seeing the ceremony, the oldest clan uncle, Prince Cheng, tremblingly opened his mouth.

"Of course it belongs to my Su family!" The emperor would nod on this question even if he didn't want to see these people again.This is where the righteousness lies, even though tens of thousands of people will go for it, no matter what the reality is, it cannot be denied verbally.

"Since it is the world of my Su family, even if my Su family is only living in a corner of the capital, I can't let outsiders rob my Su family's property, right?" The old prince Cheng said righteously: "The salt and sugar business is related to the military country. It's a big deal, so it's taken back to the official camp. But this Runzifang is extravagant, if it is manipulated by those with ulterior motives, wouldn't it destroy the foundation of my Su family's world?"

"Then what does Uncle Wang mean?" The emperor was already extremely angry in his heart, but there was no anger expression on his face, instead he asked with a smile.

"Even if you don't take it back to the official camp, let loyal and reliable people manage it, so that the great country will not be taken advantage of by outsiders." The old prince still has the attitude of being for the emperor and the Su family: "There are also many good people in the royal family. Erlang is willing to share your majesty's worries and problems, and please allow your majesty to agree!"

"Give Runzifang to the clan and important ministers?" The emperor sneered in his heart, and asked, "But this Runzifang has a little part of the queen, so what should I do?"

"The empress's part, of course it's still the empress's part." When the old prince heard it, he immediately felt that there was a door.Hastily patted his chest and promised: "As for the rest, it can't be cheap for outsiders."

"Outsider?" Hearing this address, the Son of Heaven frowned slightly, then disappeared in a flash, raised his head and asked the old prince, "Even if I nodded, it wouldn't be so easy, would it?"

"As long as His Majesty doesn't speak, everything else is left to the old minister and others, and His Majesty will never be embarrassed." I feel that the emperor has already moved, and the hearts of the old prince and everyone are already happy. After all, it is nothing more than Benefits only.If Wang Sheng can give the emperor gold coins, so can they.But putting gold coins in the hands of the clan and important ministers is better than putting gold coins in the hands of Wang Sheng to make the emperor feel more at ease, right?
A bunch of idiots!The emperor wanted to laugh outrageously now.If anyone really dares to move their property, if Wang Sheng is really going to be annoyed, a poison gas bomb will be thrown in the capital. Could it be that tens of thousands of people will die with dozens of you?
It's just that this group of guys didn't accomplish enough, but failed.If you really let them unite and make some small moves in the court, I am afraid that even the emperor will have a headache.Although the emperor has shown enough strength, the court is the court, and it is impossible for everyone to take the interests of the emperor as the criterion.

If you really want to make a move, these guys will rebound, and I am afraid that the emperor will have a headache for many days.Not to mention the loss of strength due to internal friction, after finally closing the distance with the princes, is it necessary to distance them again?

The emperor was wondering whether to stop these greedy guys, but Manager Li hurried in from the outside, approached the emperor, and handed the emperor a note.The emperor unfolded it and looked at it, and immediately smiled.

"Last year, Runzifang distributed more than 5000 million gold coins to the queen a year." The emperor said with a smile to everyone: "As long as you promise, Uncle Wang, that you will give the queen no less than [-] million gold coins every year, I will not take it seriously." Know."

(End of this chapter)

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