
Chapter 707 Let's Do It Yourself

Chapter 707 Let's Do It Yourself

Chapter 380 The third is to do it yourself

Without saying a word, the three old eunuchs promised to leave, but the emperor stopped them.

"It is said that when Chang Shenghou was in the first village, he promised a young eunuch to give him the commander's hand." The emperor said with a cold face: "You guys should do this by the way!"

Everyone was startled, and then no one expressed any objection, promised again, turned and left.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, they don't know at all. When the time comes, maybe it will be a matter of course." The empress waited for the three old priests to leave before slowly enlightening the emperor.

"I understand." The emperor nodded, looked at his beautiful queen and said with a smile: "I was too hasty, and I won't do it in the future."

"Since that's the case, there's no need to let Chang Shenghou offend. Your Majesty, why don't you deal with it directly and tell Chang Shenghou the result?" The Empress persuaded gently.

After pondering for a while, the emperor nodded in agreement.Handing it over to Wang Sheng, in fact, let Wang Sheng bear the reputation of murder and deal with it himself, and Wang Sheng doesn't need to bear the blame.

Wang Sheng didn't know what happened, even if he knew, he didn't care.

Just a few days ago when all parties were making noise, everything in the Hou Mansion was normal.Under such an atmosphere, Master Yu and those royal luthiers re-notated many pieces with staves. One day, Master Yu was suddenly inspired and played a famous piece of music in this world on the piano.

When Wang Sheng heard this adapted piano piece, it also meant that the original intention of music interoperability between the two worlds was achieved, and all the virtual staves became solid, to the point where Wang Sheng could advance to complete the Prisoner Transformation again.

Compared with completing the Prisoner Transformation, Wang Sheng can ignore the minor change in Runzifang at any time.Besides, if Wang Sheng is in a hurry to get angry, he will give others an opportunity to take advantage of him.Let them dry, and they will make a mess of themselves.

Pulling Mei'er straight to Laojunguan, there is no safer place than here.The place where the three old priests of the royal family dared not go casually, and those who have different intentions dare to come in?

As soon as the master of Daguan saw Wang Sheng, he immediately said: "Elder, you are the elder of my Laojunguan, and the elder of my Laojunguan cannot be bullied by others. Nod your head, elder, and you will be able to see all the elders who participated in it tonight." Human head."

As another local snake in the capital, Laojunguan just keeps a low profile on weekdays, showing no aggressiveness or expansion, but this does not mean that Laojunguan is easy to bully.The guards sent by Laojunguan have already told Grand View Lord what happened these days, but since Wang Sheng didn't move, Grand View Master didn't move either, waiting to ask Wang Sheng what he meant.

"No hurry!" Wang Sheng smiled and rejected Da Guanzhu's suggestion: "There are so many people who can kill people, why should we go into this muddy water."

"Really don't need it?" Master Daguan frowned a little, if Wang Sheng was always bullied, Laojunguan's reputation would not be very good.

"Don't worry, you will see the result in a few days." Wang Sheng smiled inscrutablely, without saying anything.

"That's fine." Da Guanzhu nodded, but still a little unwilling: "That won't make them feel better, even if the Lord doesn't kill him, he still has to make them have nightmares every day."

Wang Sheng has no opinion on this.Wang Sheng firmly believes that Daguanzhu can do this, especially if he is still in the starting point of venting his anger, then he has no objections.

That night, many people began to have nightmares.No matter who feels uncomfortable when sleeping, when he opens his eyes and finds that there are inexplicably piled up with bottles and jars of Runzifang cosmetics on his bed, he will feel that he must be in a dream, and it is still a nightmare.

The most important thing is that there are master guards on duty not far from these people's bedrooms, but they didn't notice any movement at all.Some of them were lucky enough to find something moving, but those few lucky guards were restrained just after discovering something was wrong, and they couldn't even move, let alone make a sound.

The fear that they might lose their heads in sleep at any time made these people not know how to deal with it.I can't eat, I can't sleep at night, it's like losing my soul.

The managers and managers of each Zhuangzi have no idea what kind of fear the master behind them is suffering, and they are still helpless, waiting for the master to solve it.However, the hosts of all parties were so frightened that they did not even dare to leave the door casually, and the number of guards increased several times, and they had to be tasted before they dared to touch the food.

Those bottles and cans from Runzifang made a group of people suddenly realize whether they had done something wrong.Runzifang, Chang Shenghou, are they really so weak and easy to bully?
After receiving the notice from the royal family, Wang Sheng asked someone to go back and send word that he knew.Meier settled down in Laojunguan, and Wang Sheng spent a day in the Sutra Library by himself. After that, Wang Sheng started to advance.

This time was different from last time. Last time when Wang Sheng's spiritual energy quenched his body, there was almost no movement in the world. Even if there was movement, it was in a place where no one could find it.This time, as soon as Wang Sheng advanced, the surroundings of Laojunguan began to thunder out of thin air.

There was no wind and clouds, no rain clouds covering the sky, but there were thunders on the dry land, and there were continuous explosions, which made people surprised and inexplicable.

Wang Sheng was half lying on a recliner, and the surrounding spiritual energy formed two huge vortexes in the midair, still pouring into Wang Sheng's body from top to bottom along Wang Sheng's ears, and then poured Wang Sheng's ears After being strengthened from the inside to the outside, it washed around the other parts of the body, and finally rushed into the space of the original soul.

The staves on the misty wall behind the piano path have also been shattered, and Yuanhun is once again shrouded in a cloud of white mist, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

This is the normal process of the soul's promotion and changes. Wang Sheng has experienced it many times, so he is no stranger to it.Wang Sheng's consciousness was quietly observing, waiting, and feeling all this happening in the Yuansoul space.

The spiritual energy, which was many times larger than the previous few times, was infused from both ears. At the beginning, Wang Sheng only felt the buzzing in his ears, and it took a long time to get used to it.

The rumbling thunder kept ringing, and it lasted for two hours before dissipating slowly.However, this does not mean that the spiritual energy quenching has been completed, it just changed from earth-shattering to silent, and the spiritual energy pouring into Wang Sheng's body has not diminished at all.

Countless auras rushed into the Yuanhun space and into the Yuanhun.Wang Sheng's consciousness has been immersed in it for an unknown amount of time, and finally, with a bang, the white smoke surrounding the primordial soul dissipates, revealing the changed appearance of the primordial soul.

Prisoner Niu finally revealed his true colors in Wang Sheng's soul space.

(End of this chapter)

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