
Chapter 709

Chapter 709
Chapter 380
Needless to say the sense of taste, normal people can drink the colorless and tasteless clear water Wang Sheng can taste all kinds of tastes, but unfortunately this feeling can't be shared with others, no one has ever reached this point.

Those who want to poison Wang Sheng will be very disappointed.It is not easy to avoid Wang Sheng's nose, but if he can avoid Wang Sheng's tongue, then this person can definitely be called the best in the world in terms of poison use.

Hearing enhancement is the freshest thing for Wang Sheng, because it was only a small-scale staged enhancement before, and he has not experienced such a large-scale spiritual quenching body, and it is also what Wang Sheng wants to investigate the most.

It's strange that Wang Sheng's senses, especially the sense of smell and taste, can drive Wang Sheng crazy all the time.Not everywhere in this world is as fragrant as Meier's body, and if there is any miscellaneous or bad smell, it can be magnified hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of times in Wang Sheng's place.

What was it like?Those who have not experienced it cannot imagine it at all.Wang Sheng can taste the food in his mouth if there is a slight hint of it, a few micrograms are too much, and he can imagine the taste of the dishes made by ordinary chefs in Wang Sheng's mouth.

I am in such torment every day, if it is not for Wang Sheng's strong will, knowing that these are of great benefit to my life, I don't know if I can persevere.

It's all right now, when Wang Sheng doesn't pay attention, this magnified feeling seems to become normal, allowing Wang Sheng to live like a normal person, it's simply wonderful.

That said, this super-sharp sense can be switched off.This is something that Wang Sheng has never experienced before, perhaps this is one of the gifts this time the second strengthening brought him.

Hearing is terrible. Standing in the scripture building, Wang Sheng can not only hear the breathing and heartbeat of Meier who is close at hand, but also the breathing and heartbeat of the master Laojunguan who is hiding in the dark outside. Occasionally, an ant walked by on the road, and Wang Sheng seemed to be able to determine the location of the ant in an instant.It seems that as long as Wang Sheng is willing, there is no movement within a radius of [-] meters that can be hidden from Wang Sheng's ears.

Of course, this function can still be turned off, otherwise Wang Sheng would have been woken up countless times.

No, not off.Wang Sheng suddenly discovered that it seems that he can perceive the area he wants to perceive, he can hear the level of sound he wants to hear, and the one he doesn't want to hear will be automatically filtered out.

Sure enough, there are surprises in the second enhancement, so it is.In this way, when Wang Sheng enters the Thousand Jedi, he can only smell the smell of monsters and beasts around him, and Wang Sheng can not care about the stench of underground mud that has been rotting for centuries, and he doesn't have to endure being smoked. I feel like I'm going to spit it out.Sleeping at night only keeps the hearing alert for some master movements, and those irrelevant sounds can be filtered out.

Sniffing, looking around, and turning his head, Wang Sheng can already clearly determine how many people are around the Sutra Library, where they are standing, and their general cultivation level. Can tell who it is.

If he enters the core of Qianjedi again, Wang Sheng can already be sure that he will be exactly the same as at the periphery of Qianjedi.It is absolutely possible to detect monsters and warn them in advance, and Wang Sheng doesn't have to worry about safety at all.

After waking up, Wang Sheng had not had time to complete the transformation of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang cyclone at the orifice point. He had just had a rest and had dinner with Meier. Someone asks to see you.

After rushing over to take a look, Wang Sheng laughed, acquaintance.It was the servant who ran errands for Wang Sheng when Wang Sheng left the city to enter the first Zhuangzi.

Now he is no longer the little eunuch at that time, and there are no slap marks or blood stains on his face, his face is glowing red, and even his clothes have been changed to a higher-level chief executive attire. It looks like he has been promoted and made a fortune.

"Greetings to Lord Hou!" Seeing Wang Sheng appearing, the other party didn't say anything, and went on paying homage directly.

Everyone could see that this little eunuch who had been promoted to the chief executive respected Wang Sheng from the bottom of his heart.Regardless of the tone of voice and tone of action, the perfunctory in the palace is completely invisible, and it is completely voluntary.

"My servant has already received the hand that Lord Hou promised." The chief eunuch leaned his head on the ground and spoke to Wang Sheng, and the excitement in his tone was not concealed at all: "My servant has a deep feeling. Do not hesitate to die!"

Wang Sheng was also taken aback. Although he promised the little eunuch to give him the commander's hand, didn't he not do it yet?Even if the old eunuch Shen spread the news, it would be impossible to wait for the masters from any vassal state to rush to the capital at such a fast speed?Who did this?

"My maidservant's trip is to report to Lord Hou." The little eunuch got up and stood up with the strength of Wang Sheng's support, and then saluted Mei'er again and said: "Your Majesty has decreed yesterday that a group of people from the suburbs of Beijing will be taken away without authorization. The rebellious party that mobilized the army was wiped out. The matter involved His Majesty's two uncles, three princes, one first-rank official, twelve second-rank officials, and seventeen third-rank officials. The leaders have all been imprisoned, and the evidence of treason is conclusive. Just wait for another day to behead."

"In addition, Li Zuzong also asked the servants to inform Lord Hou that the space for Lord Hou may soon be insufficient." In front of the Grand Master, the little eunuch did not hide anything, and said quickly to Wang Sheng: "Your Majesty has issued an order to seal up the properties of those rebellious parties, and choose a day to search them. All the properties in the suburbs of Beijing that have been harassed will be compensated one by one. Li Zuzong was afraid that Lord Hou's family would not be able to let go of the many things, so he let the servants Bring a message to Lord Hou so that Lord Hou can prepare early."

The Li Zuzong mentioned by the little eunuch, no need to ask, must be Director Li, one of the three major priests.Manager Li asked the little eunuch to say this, what does it mean?
What else could it mean?Isn't it because the emperor realized his mistake, and acted decisively, took down those guys who coveted Runzifang, destroyed their families and ransacked their homes, and planned to compensate Wang Sheng?

It seems that the Son of Heaven is quite smart, he knows what kind of impact it will bring if Wang Sheng cooperates with a certain prince in a business, so he will try his best to eliminate it.

If I knew this earlier, why did I pretend to be deaf and dumb before, and insisted that Wang Sheng should bear this reputation?Since it is cooperation, they should advance and retreat together. The emperor must have thought of this.

"Thank you very much. Come to the Hou's mansion when you have nothing to do." Wang Sheng thanked the little eunuch, and said by the way: "Go back and talk to Mr. Li, and you don't need to gain a reputation as a chaotic party, just say that they covet the money. Zifang, I bear this reputation."

"Meier, tell Uncle Liu first, get ready!" After instructing the little eunuch, Wang Sheng turned to Meier again: "Otherwise, I really can't let go."

(End of this chapter)

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