
Chapter 712

Chapter 712
Chapter 380 The sixth is still missing a command
Meier still has some sympathy for the old proprietor Zhu, which is inevitable, Meier is his adopted daughter, so it can be said that he raised her.Moreover, Meier's business knowledge and skills were all given to him by Bishop Zhu Laodong.Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?If Meier is really indifferent, then Wang Sheng will have to carefully consider whether to cooperate with Meier.

However, it was also the old proprietor Zhu who ruthlessly deprived Meier of everything she had in Baoqing Yutang.Regardless of Meier's hard work and hard work to expand the country, he recalled Meier with one sentence, and then handed over the family business of Baoqing Yutang to his ineffective son Zhu Shaodong.

If this is the case, Wang Sheng can also understand.After all, an adopted daughter is only an adopted daughter, and the son is his own son. Everything that I have worked so hard for must be passed on to my own son.This idea is correct, and Wang Sheng can't tell what's wrong with him.

But as soon as Zhu Shaodong came to power, he was going to put Meier to death first, that was another matter.You can be a mediocre person, but you still have to kill people who are stronger than you. Wang Sheng is not sensitive to this.

Perhaps for Baoqing Yutang, there is a Meier who is always a threat, and death is the cleanest.But Wang Sheng and Meier cooperate tacitly, and would rather cooperate with Meier than Baoqing Yutang.Mei'er dragged her team out, and she didn't sing against Bao Qingyutang, which was already giving Baoqingyutang face.

"Do you know how Zhu Shaodong died?" Wang Sheng suddenly asked, "Was it by the Qiu family, or by the old proprietor Zhu?"

Mei'er sighed a long time, and said with some unbearable: "Comprehensive information from various sources, plus my understanding of old proprietor Zhu, I am afraid that old proprietor Zhu did it himself."

"Oh?" Wang Sheng looked at the old proprietor Zhu with admiration for a moment, a tiger would never eat a son, and he was indeed a man who was willing to kill this worthless son to appease the anger of the Qiu family and preserve Baoqing Yutang.If it is said that Wang Sheng's understanding of old proprietor Zhu was just an old man who patriarchized over women and knew how to do business, now he can barely treat old proprietor Zhu as the number one person.

"Did you ask who was the one who took those villagers away for the first time?" Baoqing Yutang and Wang Sheng have no intersection at present, and Wang Sheng no longer cares, but instead pays attention to the people who targeted Runzifang.

"I haven't checked it out yet." Mei'er shook her head: "When we go back, we'll check carefully. There must be some clue left."

"Don't be so troublesome." Wang Sheng said directly: "Let Uncle Su send someone to ask those guys who were imprisoned. They have tortured many villagers before. They must have asked something from their mouths. There's no way to get over 300 people out without leaving a trace, and they must know something."

"They hate us so much, how could they say that?" Meier knew that Wang Sheng's method might be useful, but her only concern was that those people knew they were going to die, so how could they tell Wang Sheng these things?

"I'm not afraid they won't say anything." Wang Sheng said with a smile: "Ming told them, because we don't have the time to check the identities of those people now, so they can get away with it. It's all about Runzifang, and it's okay for others to do it first." If they think it's fair, they'll just keep their mouths shut and wait for death. If they think it's unfair, they'll definitely speak out, and they'll get a few more backs. Don't worry about the few but the unevenness !"

Mei'er's eyes lit up, it really was a good idea.Wang Sheng's move does not worry about the few but the unevenness, it really is a hundred trials.But since this is the case, why did Wang Sheng ask the Qiu family to pay ten times the land purchase fee?Isn't this uneven?

In a blink of an eye, Meier thought of the answer.Because of this, it will make everyone feel that there is no inequality.The Qiu family used tricks, but the other family was useless, so why should the other family treat them like the Qiu family?In the future, when someone wants to use their brains again, they will think of the Qiu family's lesson and will not use it again.Wang Sheng used such a method to avoid bigger troubles.

"Let's send someone to ask." Mei'er didn't say anything more, she promised to make arrangements immediately.

Wang Sheng stayed in the Laojun temple for about ten days this time. The transformation of the prisoner's cow was completed, and the transformation of the orifice point was completed, and it was time for Wang Sheng to leave.

Talked to Master Daguan, and then returned to Changshenghou Mansion in the capital with hundreds of guards arranged by Master Daguan.

This time Wang Sheng did not hide his whereabouts on the way back, and more than 100 people could not hide.On the way, Wang Shengneng could clearly see that many people looked at them with wrong eyes, and there was a lot of fear in their eyes.

That's right, if you really want to treat Wang Sheng as a fat pig that can be slaughtered at any time, then that is a big problem.Sometimes it's better to be afraid of people than to be loved.

The first thing Wang Sheng did when he returned to the Hou's Mansion was to be dragged by Master Yu to listen to their achievements in the past ten days.An ensemble piece of ancient music with piano, and a Guzheng piece for piano solo arranged by the master.

Master Yu has now recognized the title of the king of piano instruments.When various traditional musical instruments are re-noted, the intonation is based on the piano. If such an instrument is not the king of musical instruments, what is it?

This time Wang Sheng's ears have been strengthened by the Prisoner's Transformation, and it's not just one or two points that are strong.Piano soloist Wang Sheng heard eight uncoordinated places, and after a brief discussion with Master Yu, he concluded that it should be a matter of fingering.There is no way, the method of playing the piano is still being explored, and it can only be perfected bit by bit.

There are even more flaws in the ensemble of ancient songs.Not everyone has the level of the master, even if the instruments they are using are made and calibrated by the master himself, Wang Sheng can still hear the small mistakes made by everyone from the ensemble of many people.

Starting from the principal, Wang Sheng commented on everyone one by one.When and which measure is important, fast and slow, and the rhythm is high or low, he said it in detail and clearly, and even Wang Sheng even mentioned the rhythm of their breathing and the sound of the piano when they played, and the flaws in their techniques. Everyone who listened was shocked. .

Not to mention the royal luthiers, even Master Yu's eyes popped out when he almost listened.He had already entered that state without knowing it, but he didn't realize the coordination between his breathing and heartbeat and the sound of the piano. He didn't have Wang Sheng's ears.

Now after listening to Wang Sheng say this, Master Yu thought about it based on his own practice, and realized that what Wang Sheng said was actually reasonable.Master Yu immediately realized that this was probably a higher peak after practicing musical instruments to a certain level.Fortunately, I have reached this height unknowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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