
Chapter 715 1 Everything is profit

Chapter 715 Everything Is Interest
Chapter 380: Everything Is Interest
When there were only Wang Sheng and Master Yu, Wang Sheng gave Master Yu a thumbs up.It was the first time that he was able to do so impressively as a conductor, there was no one except Master Yu.

Master Yu was very proud, especially in front of Wang Sheng, he made no secret of his happiness.Constantly urging Wang Sheng to come up with more songs, Wang Sheng could only nod, what else could he say?Fortunately, it takes time to compose a new song, and it's normal if Wang Sheng doesn't come up with it right away.

After coping with Master Yu, Wang Sheng really got some peace and quiet, and he can go back to his practice room to ponder over the coordination of his own exercises and practice of Xingzi Jue and ultrasonic hearing.

Of course, before that, Wang Sheng met with more than a dozen great masters and thanked them again for their help this time.

For the cultivation method, Wang Sheng chose the strongest cultivation method of Taoism "Tao Zang Xin Dharma", which is the strongest cultivation method of Laojun Guan handed down by the ancestor of Taoism. It is said that this is the cultivation method of Ling Xu's later stage .Thinking about the toughness of Lingxu's old way, you don't need to hesitate any longer, just choose it.

Of course, for the extra acupoints, Wang Sheng chose to practice at the same time the "Shou Jing Xin Fa" bestowed by the emperor.If Wang Sheng doesn't choose this kind of technique that can make even a villain with fighting consciousness split two more times, it will be a waste of money.

The only difficulty is practicing two kinds of exercises at the same time.But this is not so difficult for Wang Sheng, who has 64 combat-conscious villains to help deduce.However, just to be on the safe side, Wang Sheng still practiced "The Method of Keeping the Meditation Mind" first.

In Wang Sheng's cognition, he has always believed that brains are more important than strength, and he has always done so.As a sniper, having a cool head is more important than anything else.Since the method of keeping the mind can achieve this, of course Wang Sheng must first practice the method of keeping the mind.And the villain with fighting consciousness has already given the answer, the method of keeping quiet mind will work quickly for the first time, practice first, there is no harm.

After pondering word by word the method of keeping the quiet mind given by the emperor, combined with the practice experience passed on to Wang Sheng by the villain with fighting consciousness, Wang Sheng completed the first practice of the method of keeping the quiet mind with ease in only two nights.The next thing is to accumulate daily practice for a long time, waiting for the day of breakthrough.

"Tao Zang Xin Dharma" is relatively more complicated.This is the highest level of practice in the Taoist sect, and some parts are combined with the theory of the Taoist sect. Even Wang Sheng knows the theory of the Taoist sect very well, but sometimes he still needs to study it carefully.It seems that it's time to go to Qian Jedi's underground palace and ask Ling Xu for advice.

"Master Hou, those people are willing to talk." Just when Wang Sheng was about to go out at any time, Meier returned home and brought Wang Sheng good news: "The people who first touched Runzifang already have the answer. gone."

"Which prince is it?" Wang Sheng asked.

"It's Uncle Kaixuan." Mei'er replied with a smile, "Is it an accident?"

Uncle Kaixuan is the lord of the Kingdom of Triumph, and the predecessor of the Kingdom of Triumph was the Palace of Triumph, and Sister Qiangwei in Wuyou City was from the Palace of Triumph.Because of the relatively small size of the Kingdom of Triumph, it was not able to obtain the title of Marquis at the beginning, but was only an earl.

It stands to reason that Wang Sheng and Sister Qiangwei had a good cooperation, and there were several small cooperations in Triumph Palace before, and they were relatively perfect, the kind where both parties were happy.It's a pity that it was the people from Triumph Palace who made the move this time. They didn't seem to take the friendship with Wang Sheng seriously at all, and acted decisively when it was time to do so.

It was also because of this that Meier felt that Wang Sheng should be surprised and asked this question.

"What's the surprise?" Wang Sheng also laughed: "Is there any sincere cooperation between countries? It's nothing more than cooperation when the interests are the same, and decisive stabbing when the interests are not the same, that's all."

"But this is too impersonal." In fact, Mei'er has been in the business field for so many years, and with her own experience, she can already see through many things, but she just feels a little unhappy.

"Human touch?" Wang Sheng laughed more and more: "In their eyes, everything is profit. Our previous cooperation with them was not equal. They thought it was for our face and a gift to us. Opportunity, where has the concept of equal cooperation? It should be done without hesitation, such a talent is also decisive."

"They attacked us, and you still praise them?" Mei'er puffed her cheeks, and said very dissatisfied.

"If it is a cooperation between countries, this is the correct attitude and method." Wang Shengnai explained to Mei'er: "However, if it is used on us, then of course we will be upset. Don't be unhappy too. , Look at our cooperation with Uncle Su, didn’t the emperor plan to make us take the blame a few days ago? In fact, in the end, it’s still the same sentence, there are no permanent enemies, and there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. "

"But I will never use this kind of method against you in my life." Meier was very unhappy, and grabbed Wang Sheng's hand to express her heart: "No matter how big the benefit is."

"People are different." Wang Sheng grabbed the little hand that Meier sent over and comforted him with a smile: "Some people believe in this, but I prefer to believe that there are still feelings between people. But the country It's really different between them!"

"So we have to be careful of the royal family?" Meier asked cautiously.

This time Wang Sheng began to nod silently. Seeing Meier's eyes, he couldn't bear it again, and said, "So sometimes I would rather believe in the concept of Laojun who has no ambitions. Of course, if the royal family gradually learns to be equal to us It is not impossible to continue to maintain everyone's cooperation. Let's see if they are smart enough!"

"Then what about Uncle Kaixuan?" Meier nodded, and actively changed the topic.

"Where did they send them?" Wang Sheng asked, "Uncle Kaixuan is definitely not going to be able to do it by himself. Who did it, and what's the situation now, let's figure it out."

Wang Sheng no longer asked the reason for the attack.As Wang Sheng said, nothing less than interests.The Triumph Palace paid a large sum of money to buy the land, and with the investment in the Thousand Jedi Camp, it must have been beyond their means.At this time, Runzifang's strong profitability, who is not jealous?It is not surprising that Uncle Kaixuan can do such a thing.

As for the people in the Triumph Palace who arranged for Wang Sheng to be quietly taken away for many days, this can be regarded as the embryonic form of some special operations.Wang Sheng suddenly had the desire to compete. Let's see who he is, a special soldier who has undergone rigorous training on the earth, against these masters in the soul world.

"Find out these things clearly." Wang Sheng's face was full of excitement: "I will do it myself, and I will meet these people who do it."

(End of this chapter)

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