
Chapter 737

Chapter 737

Chapter 390: The Lucky Way of the Triumph Palace

Asking the shadow is a matter for the future, and now Wang Sheng has to answer the emperor's question.Fortunately, it was a headache at the beginning, but after meeting with Lu Wenhou, Wang Sheng basically had a way to deal with it.

Wang Sheng didn't hide anything in front of the emperor, he told Mei'er about the way to arrange these beauties, and also told about the things Miss Ling'er reminded.

"If you deal with it like this, it's generally not bad." The emperor nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: "But you may be taking it for granted."

"Could it be that some of these beauties really want revenge?" Wang Sheng was taken aback, taking it for granted?Did the Son of Heaven know something?

"Revenge?" The emperor was also taken aback by the words Wang Sheng said, and after he realized it, he laughed again: "That's not enough. Although the group of beauties who came here are a bit special, they don't want to rush What are you going to do? Tang Guo, Xia Guo, Feng Guo and the others are not fools, if you give you a group of people with different ideas, aren't you afraid that you will teach them in turn?"

The emperor's vision is even higher than Miss Ling'er's, and he knows what the Three Kingdoms are up to without even seeing her face to face.

Based on the starting point of their Three Kingdoms, unless there is a super expert who can kill with one blow among these beauties, they will kill Wang Sheng when they meet, and it will be over from then on. It also shows that they will never want to get from Wang Sheng again. Any help on Thousand Jedi.Otherwise, how could it be possible to arrange for someone who made Wang Sheng unhappy to come over?

Even if it was a prisoner of war, the Three Kingdoms definitely had to carefully screen out and even make those beauties nod in agreement with all kinds of coercion before sending them over.Otherwise, wouldn't you be making yourself uncomfortable?It's not that stupid, give a gift and give a complaint.

Wang Sheng and Meier were just scaring themselves. They worried for a long time and searched for a solution to the problem for many days. Finally, they pulled Sister Qiangwei into her. Unexpectedly, it is so simple with the Son of Heaven, and there is no need to worry about the one they are worried about. reason.

"Then what's wrong with these masters?" Of course, Wang Sheng remembered the somewhat taken-for-granted evaluation that the emperor just said, and asked hastily.

This is caused by Wang Sheng's rare analysis errors, unequal information and unequal vision.The emperor also didn't see these beauties masters, but he could judge the thoughts of the Three Kingdoms without meeting the emperor. This is the gap.

Wang Sheng agrees with this gap, and he is also learning humbly. He has never felt that he can crush all the masters in this world all the way from the earth.Fool when you can. Most of the time, Wang Sheng still needs to study hard to get used to it.

"Do you want these so-called female masters to help you work? Watching the house?" The emperor pretended to be sophisticated at first, and slowly put on airs, and then said: "Do you think those masters who can fight on the battlefield , will it be so easy to be captured alive? Will you be willing to be sent here and there as a gift?"

"Ugh!" Wang Sheng froze in place immediately after listening to the emperor's words.After a while, Wang Sheng seemed to realize it, and then asked with a half-enlightened expression: "You mean, they claimed to send a group of female masters here, but in fact they just sent a bunch of beauties here? Masters?" What, is it just a cover?"

"What do you think?" The Son of Heaven has a rare opportunity to point Wang Sheng in turn. He used to get solutions from Wang Sheng. Being corrected by myself like a silly boy is simply too much fun.

"Damn!" Wang Sheng couldn't help cursing, what the hell is this called?
"However, you can barely say that you are a master." The emperor continued inscrutablely: "I have never seen this group of women, but I can be sure that every one of them will be no less than five. High level, even higher level, there will be many people in seventh level and eighth level, do you think they are masters?"

Seventh or eighth level, of course they are masters.If this is not a master, what else is a master?But since they are all masters of this realm, how could they agree that they are being sent around as gifts?

"How about keeping a quiet mind?" The emperor suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"Very good!" Wang Sheng replied without hesitation. Later, he felt that this was not enough to describe the method of keeping a quiet mind, so he immediately added: "Peerless cultivation method!"

"That's right, a peerless skill!" The emperor agreed with Wang Sheng's statement, and he himself was very concerned about it. He was very happy to hear Wang Sheng's words, but he immediately asked: "Then if I practice the meditation method to the eighth level? Jing, am I considered a master?"

"..." Wang Sheng just wanted to answer, but suddenly realized that a direct answer might embarrass the emperor, so he just opened his mouth and didn't say anything.But the sudden stop and the hesitation on his face have already explained a lot of problems.

In an instant, Wang Sheng understood what the emperor meant.There are cultivation realms, and there are also those in the seventh level and eighth level, but what they practice is not combat skills, but some other auxiliary skills, so they are only masters in name.

"That is to say, not only can I not use them to guard the home, but I have to find a group of experts to protect them?" After thinking about it, Wang Sheng suddenly realized another problem.

"What do you think?" The Son of Heaven asked again in an unfathomable way, with a smile on his face as proud as he could be.

Wang Sheng suddenly didn't know how to describe his mood.At first, I thought it would alleviate the shortage of manpower in Runzifang, but I was worried that these people would take revenge. Later, Miss Linger reminded Wang Sheng and Meier not so worried.But when I came to the emperor, I found out that not only these people cannot solve the shortage of manpower, but on the contrary, I am afraid that more manpower is needed?

"The Triumph Palace has been able to stand upright these years, and it can casually take out tens of millions of gold coins, not because of how many powerful masters I have, nor because of any powerful pills." The emperor looked at the king. Sheng looked depressed, happy for a while, and then said slowly: "It's because they have always had a very profitable business."

Wang Sheng is not an idiot, just a few breaths before he thought of the answer: "Human trafficking? Trafficking these beauties?"

"Yes!" The Son of Heaven nodded and said, "Their Triumph Palace has a group of exercises specially for women to practice. After practicing, they can make women's figures very beautiful and bring great enjoyment to men, so this This business has been making money every day.”

"Don't they realize that they are hurting nature and reason?" Wang Sheng is not a person who hates evil, but he is still extremely angry when he hears this.

(End of this chapter)

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