
Chapter 743

Chapter 743
Chapter [-]: People Sent
It can be said that in Changshenghou's mansion, except for the group of people brought by Meier and the guards supported by Laojunguan later, everyone else was confiscated from the homes of the Seventh Prince and the four important ministers back then and demoted to slavery.

If they were other high-ranking and wealthy people, these people basically meant that they would have no hope for life, they would be slaves all their lives, and they could not decide their own life and death, let alone marriage.Even the children born are slaves from birth, that is, the so-called family-born children, who will be slaves of the master's family for life after life.

But Wang Sheng came from the earth after all, accepting these people does not mean that he must live according to the rules of this world.Besides, those people have no hope from now on, and they may not be able to do their best for the Hou Fu.

Wang Sheng gave them a hope of getting rid of slavery, and also aroused their desire for life, especially Wang Sheng also provided such a favorable environment for cultivation in the Hou Mansion.As long as it's not the kind of scum from the original soul, they are all working hard to practice.The atmosphere of the entire Hou Mansion is a feeling of endless life and infinite vitality.

This kind of atmosphere affected not only the slaves, but even the eyeliners sent by the emperor to Wang Sheng's side were affected intentionally or unintentionally.Some things must be reported, but those things that can be reported or not, basically everyone has a tacit understanding that no one mentions them.

Especially Guanshi Wang, who was the first to become a good man, cried in the Hou Mansion for a whole day after he obtained his status as a good citizen.On the second day, he was full of energy and took care of all the big and small things in the Hou's mansion.

Meier can also be a human being. Under the hint of Wang Sheng, Meier bought a real estate not far away for Guanshi Wang, and found a widow with a child as his wife for Guanshi Wang. Guanshi Wang is an eunuch. Doomed to have no descendants, but the child brought by the widow changed his surname to Wang, which is regarded as the incense of inheriting Wang's stewardship.

This incident alone made Guanshi Wang sell his life to Wang Sheng directly.In the past, Wang Sheng saved Wang Guanshi from the execution ground. It can be said that it was the grace of saving his life and the deterrence of the imperial power, which made Wang Guanshi honestly manage the Hou Mansion for his own life.But now, Guanshi Wang regards Wang Sheng as the master he will be loyal to for the rest of his life. Even if he becomes a beloved man, he still thinks in his heart that he is a servant of the Hou Mansion.

In addition, there are several maids and servants who are about to meet the standard. Mrs. Meier has also taken special care of them, and will arrange a few small stewardship positions for them as soon as they arrive in practice.Everyone is working hard to improve themselves, just waiting for the day of Fangliang to come.

Sister Qiangwei's maid envied Steward Wang very much. She had no chance before, but now she has cultivated to the third level in the Hou's mansion.I believe that in a few more years, she will be able to become a beloved person like Steward Wang, and become a small steward hired by the Hou's mansion instead of a slave servant.

In the luxurious guest room of the Hou Mansion, Sister Qiangwei and Tantai Yao slept peacefully for the whole night. On the second day, accompanied by Meier, they visited the Hou Mansion.Naturally, the two women also saw the equipment in Wang Sheng's distinctive practice room and the huge swimming pool.

When I visited here, Wang Sheng was swimming.Of course the guards would not stop Mrs. Meier and the two distinguished guests, so what the three women saw was Wang Sheng galloping back and forth in the swimming pool wearing only a pair of tight shorts with his upper body bare. She couldn't pull out Meier's eyes.

It's just Meier's words, of course Wang Sheng doesn't care, he will definitely continue.But since there are two guests, Sister Qiangwei and Tantaiyao, Wang Sheng can't be so rude. After swimming to the other end of the pool, he quickly went ashore, cleaned up by a few maids, and changed into dry clothes. In front of the woman.

"Master Hou's cultivation method is unique." Tan Taiyao said with a smile: "It is somewhat similar to the Yongchun Kung Fu we practice."

The Yongchun Kungfu is the Kungfu of the Triumph Palace, which is used to maintain the beauty of the face. Meier practiced it for a long time yesterday before she came up with the name of this Kungfu.But this name makes women like it as soon as they hear it, Yongchun Yongchun, isn't it eternal youth?

"Moderate exercise is a good recipe for fitness and beauty." Wang Sheng smiled and said: "The way of cultivation leads to the same goal, and the principles are common."

There was a light in Tantaiyao's eyes, but she didn't expect Wang Sheng to say such words.Looking at the sparkling water surface of the swimming pool, she suddenly said: "I also want to borrow these equipment from Lord Hou to practice, I wonder if Lord Hou will allow it?"

"Come over anytime." Wang Sheng said with a smile.How big a deal is this?As long as I opened a gym, and then a beautiful girl came to use the equipment, would I still refuse?
"These things can beautify the face?" Mei'er also became interested, and immediately followed: "I want it too!"

With Meier as a naughty ghost, what else can Wang Sheng say?Seeing that Meier excitedly rushed to the weight-bearing suit that Wang Sheng used for weight-bearing exercises and stretched out her hand to pull it up, but the weight-bearing suit remained motionless, Wang Sheng couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Meier pouted to express dissatisfaction at himself, Wang Sheng could only say to the three women: "These equipment need to be redesigned, I will find some great masters to make some suitable ones."

All of Wang Sheng's instruments require several tons of strength to use. How could it be possible for three beauties?Unexpectedly, Wang Sheng can only find Tie Lao and the others to build a set of gym equipment on earth for them to use.Now it seems that the only sports that the three women can do are parallel bars and swimming.

"The weather is hot, you can try swimming." Wang Sheng suggested kindly.His eyes glanced at the flowing dresses of the three girls, imagining the perfect bodies of the three girls, and he couldn't help but said again: "The dresses of yours are not suitable, after the people sent by the Three Kingdoms are settled, I will design some clothing for sports and swimming."

Hearing Wang Sheng's words, Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei didn't feel anything at all, but Mei'er had already revealed a look of surprise.Wang Sheng said that he would personally design some sports and swimming clothing, which must be something eye-catching.Undoubtedly, Runzifang can be expanded on a large scale.

While everyone waited quietly, the Three Kingdoms escort team finally arrived at the capital.As soon as they arrived in the capital, the team was divided into two teams. One team escorted a large number of cars and boxes straight to the imperial city, and the other team led a large group of women in cloaks and veils to go straight to the imperial city. Changshenghoufu.

Meier had already cleared enough space in a prince's mansion not far from the Hou's mansion that had just been confiscated and given to the Hou's mansion. As soon as the people arrived, they were all sent to this mansion to settle down.

Wang Sheng didn't show up, Mei'er, Sister Qiangwei and Tantaiyao went together to meet the beauties sent by the Three Kingdoms.

(End of this chapter)

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