
Chapter 750

Chapter 750

Chapter [-] Yongchun Mind Method

trust!With this request, Wang Sheng smiled wryly.Is trust a word thing?If it is really a word, it will be easy to handle.It's a pity that Wang Sheng couldn't do this kind of thing that he said nicely but was always on guard in his heart.

"Although I really want to tell you, I completely trust you." Wang Sheng smiled wryly all the time when he spoke: "But I don't want to lie to you, Sister Tantai, trust can't be established with a word, it needs You can get to know and agree with each other after getting along for a long time, if I say I trust you now, I must be lying to you.”

"If you really say you trust us immediately, we will definitely tell you that we trust you immediately." Tantaiyao was not angry because Wang Sheng didn't give an answer immediately, but made a joke with a smile.

Wang Sheng could see that the condition just now was actually another small temptation by Tantaiyao.Since Tantaiyao came to the Hou Mansion, there have been many temptations, big and small, and Wang Sheng didn't know where Tantaiyao's strong sense of insecurity came from.

Perhaps it was because of her previous experience that it was difficult for her to trust a person without reservation. No matter what she did, she would make various tentative moves to confirm whether the other party's cooperation was sincere.

That is Wang Sheng, for the sake of Sister Qiangwei, he didn't care about this little temptation. If someone else was like the emperor, she would have been executed on the spot.

"I can try to trust you, but you must also take actions worthy of my trust." Wang Sheng thought for a while, and still gave Tantai Yao a solution.

"In fact, there is a very simple method that can quickly shorten the relationship between you and them." Tan Taiyao made a serious suggestion.

Wang Sheng was a little puzzled, but also looked at Tantai Yao with interest.

Tan Taiyao covered her small mouth and said with a smile: "Actually, none of them mind your pampering. Believe me, they will use your favorite way to please you. Doesn't that make you familiar quickly?"

Hearing this idea, Wang Sheng shook his head directly.Tan Taiyao really hoped that she would harm her female disciples!
Seeing Wang Sheng staring at her all the time, Tantai Yao suddenly puffed up her chest, made the stalwart of her chest more prominent, and asked with a smile: "Does Hou want me to sleep with my concubine?"

"Sister Tantai, why don't you tell me what other conditions you have!" Wang Sheng couldn't help sighing, and calmly changed the subject.

"The second condition is actually very simple." Tantai Yao was still smiling, her delicate face like a blooming flower was full of heart-warming expressions: "Let us trust you."

"What do I need to do?" Wang Sheng smiled wryly in his heart, but he still had to bite the bullet and ask this question.

"What do you think?" On Tantai Yao's face, there was another burst of enthusiastic expression, with rhetorical questions and white eyes, but it was extremely attractive.

"Trust is mutual, and it is also the basis of cooperation." Wang Sheng was puzzled, and could only bite the bullet and said, "It doesn't mean that if I favor someone, I will trust him right away, and it doesn't mean that She will immediately trust me. This point, I believe that after experiencing the incident in the Triumph Palace, you must feel it more deeply than I do."

The upper echelons of the Triumph Palace occupied those female disciples, obviously they were extremely addicted, and would pamper them every day.But this does not prevent these female disciples from deliberately using all kinds of thoughts to send those high-level people to death.

"Do you dislike that they are all broken flowers and willows?" Tantaiyao suddenly felt a little lost at this moment, her eyes were a little red, as if she felt the same experience as those female disciples, she stared at Wang Sheng, waiting for Wang Sheng answer.

Wang Sheng knew that if he could not answer this question well, everything he had said before would be in vain.But Wang Sheng is a principled person and will not change his original intention because of anything.

"First of all, I will not discriminate against anyone." Wang Sheng expressed his point of view very clearly: "Especially when they are obviously victims, I only hate those who tortured them. I don't care about them themselves. There will be any discrimination, and at the same time, there will be no sympathy."

Wang Sheng is from Earth. As a special operations soldier, when faced with similar victims, Wang Sheng has always felt that the national government failed to protect its own people, and would never discriminate against victims.In addition, certain concepts on the modern earth make Wang Sheng fully accept that these women are not perfect. Wang Sheng has never been a paranoid with that layer of film.If you really want to like someone, it will not change because of the existence of that film.

"Why?" When she heard Wang Sheng say no discrimination, Tantaiyao could feel Wang Sheng's seriousness, it was from the bottom of her heart, it couldn't be a lie.But when Wang Sheng said that he would not sympathize either, Tantaiyao couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied, and blurted out the question.

"In fact, they deserve my admiration, not condescending sympathy." Wang Sheng stared into Tantai Yao's eyes and said formally: "Even in that kind of adversity, they did not give up on themselves or give up, but Do everything possible to change, fight back, and save yourself. This is one of the reasons why I admire them. If it were me, I would not do better than them."

Wang Sheng was completely sincere. He really didn't realize that he was qualified to sympathize with those women who had been silently fighting, even if the final result was that another group of more powerful people gave them to him as gifts, but Even in this situation, they are still negotiating terms with themselves through Tantai Yao, and they are still fighting consistently, wanting to change their status quo.

"People who never lose their fighting spirit and are always working hard are worthy of admiration, not cheap sympathy." Wang Sheng expressed his point of view completely, and then waited for Tantai Yao's reaction.

Tantaiyao grew up, from an ordinary disciple of the Triumph Palace to the head of the hidden hall to this point, she has never experienced such a feeling that every word she said speaks to her heart.It was the warmth of being understood, respected, and treated as an adult, which made her, a 65-year-old immortal girl, want to throw herself into Wang Sheng's arms and cry for a moment without shame.

"What if they just want to thank you?" Tantai Yao resisted the urge, and asked Wang Sheng: "Thank you once by turning the universe upside down, is that okay?"

Thinking that Tantaiyao has been sparing no effort from the beginning to the present to get herself to sleep with all the girls, and let the girls perform the method of reversing the universe for herself, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Wang Sheng's mind: "Yongchun's heart method is not If you reach the Ninth Layer Realm, you will have the same strength as you, Sister Tantai, at the Legendary Realm, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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