
Chapter 763

Chapter 763
Chapter 410
If you want to go to the palace, you can't just go as soon as you say it, you have to say hello in advance anyway.Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to die if they met them and were watching the top cards in the brothel?
There is another more important reason, people like beautiful women will never want anyone to see their unkempt side.It was impossible to be escorted before, but now living in the palace, and the owner is the big owner of Runzifang, if you still meet people without makeup, how can you be worthy of such a favorable condition?

If Wang Sheng rushed over recklessly and saw a large group of beauties with no makeup and no make-up, he might become their enemy from now on.Wang Sheng would not do such a stupid thing, anyway, sending a maid over to inform him is not a big deal.

Even so, Wang Sheng still waited quietly for an hour before leaving.Give the beauties enough time to freshen up.

Sure enough, when Wang Sheng walked slowly to the gate of the palace, he saw a few beautiful guards with radiant faces when he entered.Dressed in a heroic guard uniform, with light makeup on his face and a faint fragrance on his body, when he saw Wang Sheng, he bowed his knees with a smile on his face, and said sweetly, "I've seen Lord Hou!"

"It's beautiful!" Wang Sheng stretched out his hands to help the four beautiful guards get up, and praised them by the way.

Hearing Wang Sheng's praise, the four girls laughed like blooming flowers, and the four pairs of beautiful eyes stared at Wang Sheng without wanting to move away.

"Sister Tantai and the others?" Wang Sheng asked with a smile.

The beauty in the lead blushed, and hurriedly pointed in the direction of the middle hall and replied, "Sister Tantai and Sister Qiangwei are waiting for Lord Hou in the living room."

"Meier isn't there?" Wang Sheng was a little surprised, didn't Meier stay with them all the time?Not here?
"Mrs. Mei was picked up early this morning by a person who called herself Aunt Su, saying that she was talking about Runzifang." The beautiful woman who led the team replied softly.

Wang Sheng nodded.The Queen called Meier away to talk about Runzifang, a matter of course.He is another major shareholder of Runzifang, which is too normal.But Wang Sheng is more willing to believe that the queen must be teaching Meier some harem favorite techniques, and there are hundreds of women who are willing to serve Wang Sheng at any time, so it would be strange if the queen is not in a hurry.

Going straight to the middle hall, Wang Sheng saw Tantaiyao and Sister Qiangwei who were very formally dressed.It was strange that there were only the two of them in such a large living room, and none of those women came out.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sister Tantai, Sister Qiangwei." In the living room of the palace, Wang Sheng took the main seat without hesitation, and then said to the two women sitting on the left and the right.

Sister Tantai directly waved her hand and said: "I don't work hard, Qiangwei is right."

Wang Sheng immediately turned to Sister Qiangwei when he heard the words, but as soon as Sister Qiangwei saw Wang Sheng's gaze, she blushed suddenly, bowed her head and said nothing.

"Sister Qiangwei hasn't seen you for a few days, how did you get so many births?" Wang Sheng joked with a smile, "Could it be that I didn't treat you well?"

"You also know birthdates!" Sister Qiangwei hadn't spoken yet, but Sister Tantai had already grabbed the conversation: "You threw us here for more than a month, and you didn't care about us, how can you still remember us? Sister's life or death?"

Mouth full of resentment, but it seems that Wang Sheng is regarded as a heartless man who has always been chaotic and abandoned.

Wang Sheng already knew that Sister Tantai, the immortal fairy, must have a lot of tricks, and if she played along with her mind, he would definitely be played to death, so he didn't care, laughed a few times, and asked directly: "I don't know It’s been so long, why hasn’t anyone brought a cup of tea?”

"Hmph!" Seeing that Wang Sheng didn't accept the offer, Sister Tantai had no choice but to snort coldly, and shouted to the back: "Sisters, serve tea to Lord Hou!"

Several voices behind agreed in unison, and then there was a gust of fragrant wind, three beautiful girls came to the front with three tea trays, and served a cup of tea for each of the three.The woman sent to Wang Sheng laughed coquettishly at Wang Sheng a few times, her voice was clear and lively, and Wang Sheng could fully hear the happiness and ease in it.

"Sister Tantai is very good." After the three beautiful girls returned to the back with the most elegant figure, Wang Sheng raised a thumbs up at Sister Tantai: "It seems that the sisters are very happy."

"It's not that the concubine's methods are good!" Tantai Yao shook her head in a rare way, looked at Wang Sheng seriously and said, "It's not me, nor Qiangwei, nor Madam Mei, but you, Lord Hou, who make them really happy." After finishing speaking, a pair of wonderful eyes looked at Wang Sheng, and bursts of affection were undisguised in his eyes.

How to answer this topic?Originally it was just words, Wang Sheng could still have a lot of conversations, but when Tantai Yao looked at Wang Sheng like this, how could Wang Sheng be able to speak?
"Sister Tantai, can you speak well?" Wang Sheng knew very well that since Tantaiyao was able to look young, she must have had a sweetheart who accompanied her until she grew old. My sister had to find a way out, it must be that the sweetheart had an accident.If Wang Sheng took Sister Tantai's attitude seriously, he would definitely be played to death by Sister Tantai.

"Speak well? You can!" Tantai Yao's face was serious, and then she asked seriously: "Then Hou Ye, you threw our sisters here and ignored them for more than a month. Are you sorry for our sisters? You are sorry for Qiangwei ?"

Sister Qiangwei's face turned redder.Wang Sheng directly made Monk Zhang Er puzzled, what does this have to do with Sister Qiangwei?However, Wang Sheng would never confront Tantaiyao tit for tat, confront hundreds of women, Wang Sheng does not have this eloquence.

"Isn't this here?" Wang Sheng could only apologize with a haha.In the previous situation, how did Wang Sheng come about?If you come here and break their practice, isn't that making you unhappy?

"Then how long is Hou Ye going to stay here this time?" Tantaiyao seemed to be persecuting Wang Sheng all the time, which made Wang Sheng suddenly feel like fighting wits and courage.Just after asking, without waiting for Wang Sheng to answer, Sister Tantai answered directly: "You won't just sit for a while and leave, let us sisters be disappointed?"

"That's not going to happen." Wang Sheng was also curious about what kind of medicine Miss Tantai sold in the gourd, and replied with a smile: "If you don't feel awkward, I can come and stay for a few days."

"Really?" Sister Tantai hadn't said anything yet, and Sister Qiangwei asked in surprise.

"Really!" Wang Sheng nodded, wanting to know more and more about the state of the girls now: "Speaking of which, this place should also be my property. To live here, isn't it just to live at home? What's the truth? Fake? But, Sister Qiangwei also knows that I am very picky eater, is there anything delicious?"

(End of this chapter)

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