
Chapter 774

Chapter 774
Chapter 410 Seventh Conspiracy
In Wang Sheng's eyes, government is government, and religion is religion. Wang Sheng can give Daguanzhu correct advice from the fate of those national teachers who did not die well in the history of the earth.

After a few questions, Daguan completely changed his slightly wavering mind.In my heart, I feel more and more admiration for Wang Sheng, the most senior secular elder.Wang Sheng's vision of seeing things is really unmatched.

Of course, Da Guanzhu himself is actually in the game, not as clear as Wang Sheng's bystander.Especially Daguanzhu, who has been taking the promotion of Taoism as his mission all his life, suddenly had such an opportunity, he only saw the immediate benefits, but did not see the later traps.

After making a decision in his heart, Da Guanzhu's heart, which had been a little erratic for a while, immediately settled down.At this moment, Da Guanzhu remembered a small detail that Wang Sheng accidentally revealed in his words just now.

"Elder, you have warned the emperor before." Master Da Guan gave Wang Sheng a thumbs up directly: "This is the most surprising thing I have heard today. It really deserves to be the elder of my Lao Junguan!"

Don't look at the emperor's decline now, but why don't you just go and warn the emperor personally?The royal three enshrined old monsters can definitely tear that guy to shreds.How many people dare to say that on the ground of the capital to flaunt their might and go to their own territory to show off their prestige?
"I don't know what the three old monsters in the royal family were doing when you warned the emperor, elder?" Da Guanzhu also suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

"Mute the sound at the side so that no one outside can hear it." Wang Sheng also told the truth that when he warned, Manager Zhou was indeed by his side.

Wang Sheng can swear that what he said is the truth, and he will never discount it in the slightest.However, after hearing this, Da Guanzhu looked at Wang Sheng directly as if he was looking at a monster.

Even the master of the Laojun temple, the leader of the Taoist sect, may not have the opportunity to warn the emperor in front of the three old monsters in the royal family. Is Wang Sheng already so strong?Or is it that you have gotten so close to the emperor?

"Don't think about it, I even pointed at his nose and scolded him!" Wang Sheng saw the surprised expression of Da Guanzhu and knew what he was thinking, and couldn't help curling his lips: "The emperor is also a human being."

In the latter sentence, the son of heaven is also among the people, and Wang Sheng also mixed in some nine-character mantras, which instantly awakened the master of Daguan.Da Guanzhu didn't say anything other than shaking his thumb in front of Wang Sheng a few more times.

Daguanzhu didn't stay with Wang Sheng for too long, after making up his mind, he pleaded guilty and left not long after.After a while, the little Taoist boy who had just served the tea came into the Buddhist scripture building with a beer barrel in his arms, saying that Master Daguan had invited the elders to drink.

This Daguanzhu is really an interesting person, he has principles, knows how to deal with things, and doesn't stick to some rules and regulations. Wang Sheng can get along well with Lingxu, and he can also get close to Daguanzhu.

It is estimated that what Da Guanzhu wants to do most now is to find the guy who represents the emperor to speak to him, torture him carefully, and really ask him which party he is representing.

In the scripture building, it seems that apart from Xiaodaotong, Wang Sheng is the only one left.Wang Sheng also took advantage of this quiet place to think about this sudden incident.

The Son of Heaven is not a fool, Wang Sheng warned him face to face, if he still disregards Wang Sheng's warning and seeks Laojun's ideas, Wang Sheng will never let it go.Having been with the Son of Heaven for so long, Wang Sheng knew a little about this person, offending Wang Sheng would do him no good, and he would never easily cross the line of feuding with Wang Sheng.

If it is not the Son of Heaven, then there is someone else.Who would dare to represent the Son of Heaven to enshrine Taoism as the state religion?Serving the Grand View Master as the national teacher?In this capital city, Wang Sheng couldn't think of anyone else who dared to act so boldly after eating the ambitious leopard.

Wang Sheng began to sort out all the things since he and the emperor got acquainted, and at the same time combined with the recent events, carefully analyzed, hoping to find a little bit of clues.

If you want to talk about the biggest thing recently, it should be the annihilation of the Triumph Kingdom by Tang Guoxia and Feng Guo.But that happened more than two months ago. The capital city can be said to be calm and calm in the recent period, without any waves.

etc!Wang Sheng suddenly realized, isn't the capital a little too quiet recently?Quiet a little too much?In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Sheng had almost nothing to do in the capital city for more than two months, and no one came to him. Isn't that justified?

Among other things, the historian Gan family is willing to leave their two legendary peak masters in the core of the Thousand Jedi and ignore them?Although Wang Sheng knows that the two families have a way to know the life and death of the people inside, but that's all, other news can't be spread at all, so don't they worry about the peerless treasure?The two families cooperated so perfectly without guarding against each other at all?
That is absolutely impossible.But why didn't the two of them come to find Wang Sheng? You know, those people have been in the core of Qianjedi for several months, so it's impossible for them to let themselves go like that?
The major vassal states may be busy carve up the Triumph Kingdom or build the Thousand Jedi Camp, so they can say that if they have no time to be distracted.The problem is, even the Son of Heaven himself has never asked Wang Sheng where the camp of Thousand Jedi is suitable. Doesn’t the royal family plan to build a camp in Thousand Jedi?
There is a problem, there must be a problem, there must be something going on.Or from the fact that the Son of Heaven wants to confer state religion and state teacher, who can extend the invitation on behalf of the Son of Heaven?

If not the Son of Heaven, who is it?You know, Laojunguan is not someone who can be manipulated at will. If those guys fail to keep their promises, they can't afford the consequences.

It is impossible for the Son of Heaven to take the initiative. Even if someone wants to promote this matter, the Son of Heaven knows the relationship between Wang Sheng and Lao Junguan, so it is impossible not to ask Wang Sheng a word, not to mention that Wang Sheng has warned in advance.The only explanation is that those people are not the emperor's people, and the one who intends to do this is not the emperor.

Who can replace the promise of the Son of Heaven?No one seems to be able to except the Son of Heaven himself.However, Wang Sheng is a person who has seen many historical stories on earth, even in this world, there are vivid stories of lower dynasties.If you don't want to be counted by Laojun, you can only keep your promise.

If you are not the Son of Heaven, but you can still fulfill the promise of the Son of Heaven, what else is possible?A smile appeared on Wang Sheng's face, and he knew the answer.

The next emperor, as long as he ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, he will be able to fulfill the promise of the emperor as an emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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