
Chapter 778 Continuation in the Imperial City 1

Chapter 778 Continuation in the Imperial City
Chapter 410 Continuation in the Imperial City
Everything in the imperial city seems to be normal now, at least from the eyes of outsiders, everything is normal and there is nothing wrong.

Not to mention ordinary people outside, even people outside the imperial city see everything as normal.The emperor summoned a group of important ministers to discuss major issues, and it has been three days and three nights.It's not like it didn't happen before, and it even took longer. This time, there are several original prime ministers and several princes and princes. It's definitely a big deal, and it doesn't matter how long it takes.

In the outer city, the officials run their errands normally.Speaking of the upper and lower dynasties, they don't even have the qualifications to meet the emperor, they just do what to do here, and the adults of their own ministries control the various functions of the capital and run them stably.

Under this stable order, no one knew that a war that seemed to be turning upside down was going on in the inner city of the imperial city at the moment.

The inner city of the imperial city must be heavily defended, there is no doubt about it.Especially since the discussion, the inner city even opened up the strongest protective formation, covering the entire inner city.Some ordinary guards were all driven out of the inner city, leaving only the most loyal more than 200 masters and some internal servants. Other than that, it was the emperor, the clan and important ministers.

From time to time in the inner city, some opinions on the handling of political affairs will come from the outer city, and they are all exchanged through normal papers.This shows that even when the emperor and the others are discussing matters, they do not forget to pay attention to the people's livelihood outside. Although they only read or know the comments, such a diligent government is definitely a rare diligent emperor!
What outsiders can see from the outside is only the point seen from the gate of the inner city, and the others do not know the specific situation at all.No one knows that the current situation in the inner city of the imperial city is actually quite different.

Just at the gate of the main hall where the emperor usually discusses with his ministers, it has now been divided into two distinct factions.The emperor stayed in the main hall with several prime ministers and one or two masters, but outside the main hall was another group, headed by several uncles from the clan mansion, plus the second prince and another group of important officials.

Not far from the gate of the inner city, someone specially read the memorials one by one according to the tone of the emperor and some other important ministers, so that people outside would not notice any abnormalities in a short time.It's just that many of the memorials are comments that have been read or known, and there is no emperor's seal at all.

There are not many guards left in the inner city at this moment.Under the game between the two sides, of the more than 200 guards, less than ten are alive, and the rest have been dead everywhere.Now no one cares about how to deal with these corpses, everyone is at the main hall.

With the gate of the main hall as the boundary, the emperor and others are inside, and several royal uncles are outside, facing each other.

"Your Majesty, those who know the current affairs are heroes. As long as you hand in a copy of the edict and give up the position of emperor to the second prince, you will still be the Supreme Emperor." The old man who thought the royal family was shouting loudly at the people inside through the door of the main hall talk.

"Stop doing this." The voice of the Son of Heaven came out from the hall: "You guys are obviously plotting against me. If you want me to agree, don't even think about it!"

"Your Majesty, you can't blame the old ministers and others. Your Majesty has gone too far." Another royal old man responded unhurriedly: "Your Majesty is the head of the clan, but he is biased towards outsiders in many things. , are outsiders closer than His Majesty's relatives?"

"Nonsense!" This time it was not the emperor who refuted it, but another prince of the clan in the palace: "Your Majesty is a genius, and finally the royal family has the possibility of rising under your majesty's ingenious calculations. You don't want to make progress, but instead What's the point of holding back?"

"Uncle, he is already like this, and you still call him Your Majesty!" The second prince outside the door was already extremely impatient, and complained to the two old uncles.

The second prince was also in a hurry. If it wasn't because the defense in the imperial city was too tight, they wouldn't be able to bring in a few experts, otherwise they would have killed all the people inside.While complaining, the second prince couldn't help but look to the right side of the crowd, with a look of helplessness on his face.

On the huge open space on the right side of the main hall, there are four people in a stalemate in the darkness at this moment.All four of them were dressed in the clothes of old eunuchs. If Wang Sheng was there, he would definitely be able to recognize them. Three of them were the three major priests of the royal family, Director Li, Manager Zhou and Old Eunuch Shen.

The remaining one also has white hair, and there are countless wrinkles on his face, and his age can no longer be seen.It looks like it will fall when it is blown tremblingly.

This strange old eunuch, at this moment, his two fists are facing the two fists of Manager Li opposite him. Steward Zhou and the old eunuch Shen are both standing behind Manager Li and pressing against Manager Li's shoulders. I can't free my hands, I can't advance or retreat.

The old eunuch is so strong that the three royal priests, the three legendary masters, and the three masters who have experienced the baptism of the core area of ​​the Thousand Jedi, can only fight this old eunuch to a tie at this moment.

Once Guanshi Zhou or old eunuch Shen let go, the remaining two will definitely be seriously injured immediately, and they can't let go at all.However, the three old priests were not vegetarians either. The three of them resisted the old eunuch with encouragement, but they also restrained the old eunuch from moving.

The two sides can only be deadlocked like this, and there is no way to resolve it.Around the four people lay the corpses of at least seventy or eighty guards.All of them wanted to help their own people when the two sides were in a stalemate, but they were shocked to death by the backlash of the force field of the four of them.

At the beginning, both sides didn't believe in evil, but when they each left the corpses of nearly 40 people, basically no one dared to come within ten feet of the four people.Not to mention people approaching, even weapons and hidden weapons can't break in, once they enter that circle, they will be bounced away.

The two sides can only accept the consequences of this stalemate, otherwise, this situation is no longer the case now, but one side completely overwhelms the other.

"Is this what you should say?" Faced with the second prince's complaint, the two old uncles turned their heads and scolded: "As long as your majesty is still the emperor for a day, then you will always be your majesty. Don't you hope that after you become the emperor We call you little guy? If even the royal family like me don't respect the emperor, who else in this world can respect?"

The second prince hurriedly lowered his head to admit his mistake, but in his lowered eyes, there was already an unruly light.Things haven't come to fruition yet, so be patient for the time being, and wait for Lao Tzu to ascend the throne, and then slowly concoct you old bones.

Damn it, if I knew there was no chance in the imperial city, I should have endured it for a while, maybe the master who can convince the old man to come out.

Right now, they can only rely on hard work to kill the emperor and the others inside.Anyway, it's been three days, and the people inside have nothing to eat and can only drink water. Let's see how long they can last?If it doesn't work, use the ultimate move, this world is still mine after all.

(End of this chapter)

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