
Chapter 794

Chapter 794

Chapter 420 The Seven Conditions of Changing

Wang Sheng has already chosen the earthworm transformation as the next transformation of the soul, but, for some reason, so far, Wang Sheng's soul has not reflected the conditions for the transformation of the earthworm, and has always maintained the prison cow. Wang Sheng was a little puzzled.

This has never happened before, and it has continued until now. It has been a few months since Wang Sheng completed the transformation of the prisoner's cow, and the original soul has not changed at all.If it weren't for Wang Sheng's strong confidence in himself, and his firm belief that he could complete all the dragon transformations along the way, another person would definitely think that his practice has come to an end.

Even inferring from the fact that Wang Sheng's primordial soul is an upgradable primordial soul, such a judgment can be obtained.After all, although Wang Sheng's primordial soul can be upgraded, it is at best only one of a hundred primordial souls, a remnant soul that is not popular.To be able to ascend to the seventh level from no entry, should it be considered that the potential has been exhausted?

It's a pity that other people are not Wang Sheng, and they don't know that Wang Sheng's original soul has never been upgraded because of its inherent upgradeable attributes, but because of Wang Sheng's strong self-confidence and firm belief that man can conquer nature.It's the same now, Wang Sheng firmly believes that his original soul will definitely be able to upgrade, and he will definitely be able to complete the transformation.

Lu Wenhou is not in the capital, this is understandable, the semicolons all over the world need to be taken care of, how could Lu Wenhou stay in the capital with nothing to do like Wang Sheng.But this does not prevent the capital branch of Yubaozhai from confessing to Wang Sheng as if he were an uncle.

You know, Wang Sheng is now a duke personally appointed by the emperor, and a distinguished guest of Yubaozhai. As long as the shopkeeper of the semicolon does not have water in his head, he will definitely treat Wang Sheng as Lu Wenhou.

When Wang Sheng was notified, the Beijing semicolon had already made preparations.There was a quiet yard that was tidied up, and it was exceptionally clean. There were four or five beauties who washed clean, did not put any makeup or perfume on their bodies, and were ready to bring water for Wang Sheng to taste at any time.Even the person in charge of recording is a clean and elegant beauty.

The shopkeeper in the capital never thought of using beauty tricks to win over Wang Sheng.Everyone knows that there are more than 600 super beauties in Wang Sheng's mansion now, and Wang Sheng almost lives with the beauties now.

"It's all ready, my lord!" The treasurer of the capital personally waited on Wang Sheng to come to this compound, and then let Wang Sheng look at the neat and clean courtyard, and asked Wang Sheng: "My lord, do you see any What do you need?"

"No more." Wang Sheng nodded. The shopkeeper did a good job, which was very suitable for Wang Sheng's appetite: "Very good, let's start!"

The water brought from all over the country was recorded according to the number, and the jars were sent to the yard, and the beautiful women in charge took over.First observe whether there is any precipitation in the purity of the transparent color, then filter it with several layers of the finest gauze, put it in the cleanest pure white cup, and send it to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng sat under a big tree in the yard. It was neither hot nor cold. There were comfortable cushions and a low table under the tree.Wang Sheng leaned half on the tree trunk, and every time a glass of water was delivered, Wang Sheng had to observe it carefully.

These waters are all taken from the water source at noon. After the water is taken, it is sealed and transported to the capital in the Najie.In Najie, it can basically guarantee that the water quality will not deteriorate, even if it is transported to the capital, the water quality will not be affected.

Smell it, almost nothing.This is normal, if you can smell something, there must be something inappropriate inside.It is normal that there is no smell under Wang Sheng's nose.

Taking a sip, Wang Sheng just touched the tip of his tongue and shook his head.Looking at the girl in charge of recording, she made a cross directly behind this kind of water.

Then came another one. Wang Sheng used the same set of procedures, first to see, then to smell, and finally to taste.Basically, they shake their heads directly after tasting all of them. Occasionally, there are one or two kinds, and Wang Sheng will taste one or two more times. At this time, the woman in charge of recording will focus on writing down the number of this kind of water.

During the process of drinking water, Wang Sheng was always monitoring the changes in the Yuanhun space.The previous one or two hundred kinds of water from various water sources did not cause obvious changes in the space of the soul, but Wang Sheng never gave up. He firmly believed that the change of the cockroach must be related to water.

Finally, at the 300th or 400th time, Wang Sheng noticed the subtle changes in the soul space.

In Wang Sheng's primordial soul space, there seemed to be a little bit of mist.Because the fog was too thin, it was impossible to see it at first, but now after accumulating so much, I can finally see a little faint shadow.

In the past, when the original soul changed, it was always wrapped in a dense fog, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.Now there is a faint mist, what does it mean?At least it shows that Wang Sheng's approach is not wrong, and now we can only see the clues when the fog is thick enough.

The woman who was in charge of recording the other side didn't understand why Wang Sheng laughed. He just rejected the glass of water in his hand. Obviously shaking his head should not meet the requirements, but why is the father-in-law smiling so happily?Puzzled, the beauty could only write down the water with this label, and specially marked it. The father-in-law smiled for a long time while holding the glass of water.

Next, Wang Sheng stopped paying attention to the Yuanhun space all the time.Even if there is a change, it is a long process, and it cannot be accomplished overnight. It is enough to pay attention to it every so often. Now it is enough to concentrate on drinking water.

To be honest, the taste of water may not be much different in other people's mouths, but on the tip of Wang Sheng's tongue, there are really thousands of differences.At least those that Wang Sheng nodded before are all close to some of the sweetest and purest natural mineral water, which complements several kinds of wine.

However, not everything with the right taste can be a source of water for winemaking.The key point is also the issue of water quantity. If the water is very good but the water quantity is very scarce, it is meaningless.So Wang Sheng basically found all the suitable ones, and then carefully selected among this batch of rough selection.

It took a full five days for Wang Sheng to go through all these thousands of kinds of water, and selected hundreds of kinds that he thought were suitable for the time being, waiting for further selection.

After experiencing the baptism of thousands of kinds of water, Wang Sheng's soul space finally achieved a qualitative change.A dense mist tightly wrapped the Prisoner Niu Yuanhun, and it was unknown what kind of changes had taken place.

However, at this moment, Wang Sheng doesn't have the feeling of wanting to upgrade, which is very strange.If you want to know the answer, you can only wait for the thick fog to disperse.

(End of this chapter)

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