
Chapter 803 Jedi Practice Effect

Chapter 803 The Effect of Thousand Jedi Practice
Chapter 430 One Thousand Jedi Practice Effect
In Yuanhun space, the big pool is still there, and so is the transparent cockroach, but the mist in the pool has changed.

It was just a shallow mist at the bottom of the pool, but now it has become a full pool.The white mist was churning, moving in and out between the cockroach's nose and mouth, and seeing that there were several colored filaments on the cockroach's body.

The cricket's speed of swallowing and exhaling the mist is also much faster, but it seems that it has not completely absorbed all the spiritual energy in the mist, and is still trying hard to swallow and exhale.

This speed alone is more than ten times faster than when Wang Sheng was in the Duke's Mansion!If it is calculated according to the amount of fog, it is clearly dozens of times.A complete practice of Wang Sheng is already comparable to more than ten days in the Duke's Mansion.

No wonder people say that it is good to practice in Thousand Jedi!This kind of practice speed, it's no wonder it's not good!
Looking at the time, only about 20 minutes had passed, which was about the same as the usual speed of practicing in the Duke's Mansion, and Wang Sheng became more and more determined in his heart.No matter what, you have to practice for a while longer in the Thousand Jedi Core.

"It looks like it should work well." The old Taoist Ling Xu has been protecting Wang Sheng. Seeing Wang Sheng wake up and seeing his expression, the old Ling Xu said with a smile.

"The effect is dozens of times better than outside." Wang Sheng also laughed, and sighed: "No wonder everyone wants to practice inside, this effect is really extraordinary!"

"Short-term practice is fine." Seeing that Wang Sheng already planned to practice here for a long time, Ling Xu couldn't help reminding: "Long-term practice is definitely not possible!"

"Why?" Wang Sheng asked: "Spiritual energy is sufficient, and the effect of practice is good. Isn't it not possible? Is there any danger?"

"Sufficient spiritual energy is a good thing, but it also has certain negative effects." Ling Xu said: "With the stimulation of the martial arts will here, the speed of practice is much faster. However, you also know that sometimes the speed of practice is not faster. The better."

"Is the foundation not solid enough?" Wang Sheng asked.

"There is a reason for this." Ling Xu nodded and replied: "The growth of a person's body is a process of gradually becoming stronger with the improvement of cultivation base. In normal cultivation, the body has enough time to adapt. But in a short period of time when the cultivation base is violent increase, the body must not be able to keep up with the speed of the improvement of the cultivation base, and if it is not balanced, the body will be injured."

"It's like hugging the stove to warm up." Lingxu looked at the blazing flames, and gave an example: "If you are in a normal state, you will feel warm by sitting next to the stove for a while, and that's okay. But if you Staying by the fire all the time, you inevitably get sweaty."

Wang Sheng kept nodding his head, the reasoning was simple and easy to understand, and Wang Sheng could easily understand it.

"If you get closer, and if you stay close for a long time, you might get burned." Ling Xu continued, still using the example just given: "It's not a big deal, once you get used to holding the stove What does it feel like to warm up and suddenly be outside the house?"

"Understood!" Wang Sheng nodded: "Anyway, it means that haste makes waste, too much is too late, right?"

"Yes! That's what it means!" Ling Xu nodded happily.Wang Sheng is a person who can listen to persuasion, that's all.

"Then how long can I stay inside?" Wang Sheng asked roughly.

"At most three months, it can't be any longer." Ling Xu also roughly gave a limit.

"Enough!" Wang Sheng thought for a while, "Anyway, with the stimulation of martial arts will for three months, he can still maintain a high-speed practice for a period of time even after going out. No wonder the three royal priests are so powerful now, and there must be this reason. "

Old Taoist Ling Xu seldom paid attention to some secular things, so Wang Sheng didn't talk about the rebellion in the capital with Old Tao Ling Xu, and Old Taoist Ling Xu didn't ask either.Now when it comes to the fighting power of the three major priests, Ling Xu has to ask clearly.Even if it is to plan ahead, it is necessary to find out the strength of possible enemies.

Wang Sheng immediately went to the side of the fire and talked about the rebellion in the capital.Of course, more than that, when Ling Xu was not in the capital, many things happened, such as the victory of the kingdom and the destruction of the country, such as Wang Sheng received more than 600 beauties.

"More than 600 beauties?" Ling Xu looked Wang Sheng up and down, smiled and shook his head, and said, "I didn't see it!"

"I didn't touch them." Wang Sheng rolled his eyes at the old Taoist priest.The old man is also a bad guy.

"Didn't you say that you are an ordinary person, and you just like beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, Liangtian Guangsha?" the old man teased Wang Sheng.When Wang Sheng first met the old Taoist, he told that disciple of Master Lu. Unexpectedly, the old Taoist still remembered it.Although it was a joke, his eyes were full of appreciation.

"No emotion!" Wang Sheng shook his head: "I'm not used to it. Maybe someday we get along for a long time and have feelings!"

"Let's practice first!" The old Taoist laughed: "Let's think about these things when you can break through the limit of the Ninth Realm someday!"

Wang Sheng nodded and did not continue the topic, but asked Ling Xu the old way: "When the three major priests were fighting with that old priest, the surrounding aura-like peak legends couldn't get close, so what realm did they reach? Did that old priest break through?"

"Where is it so easy to reach the peak of legend?" Ling Xu shook his head: "Those masters who think they have reached the peak of legend are at most in the middle and late stages of legend. From this realm to the peak of legend, there will be a huge improvement, which is completely possible. Instantly kill the masters of the previous realm. As for the old priest..."

When talking about the old priest, Ling Xu paused for a while, and then continued: "I've heard of him. He used to have a good cultivation level, but he seldom made shots. He should have just broken through but not yet consolidated. "

"I heard that he was injured in Qianjedi before." Wang Sheng told the rumor, "It is said that it happened decades ago."

"If this is the case, it makes sense. I have never entered the Thousand Jedi, and without your belief, it is impossible to break through. The three major priests actually won very dangerously!" Ling Xu nodded and commented: "That is to say The three of them came to the Thousand Jedi Core with you, but the old priest did not. If you really let the old priest come in and then go out again, I am afraid the three of you will have no chance."

"Let's not talk about that!" Ling Xu ended the conversation between the two, and reminded Wang Shengdao: "Time is limited, you'd better practice here a few more times. Tomorrow morning, we have to change places."

(End of this chapter)

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