
Chapter 805 The Map Aligned

Chapter 805 The Map Aligned
Chapter 430 The second map matches
It can be determined that monsters cannot arrange formations, and those who can arrange formations must be humans.Ling Xu's words can barely be regarded as an explanation, but there are still many doubts.

For example, could there be such a super monster 500 years ago?So who can seal such a super monster?
If there really are super masters who are more powerful than super monsters, then why haven't the major families handed down a method that can surpass the limit?
No one has any idea how powerful the number one player in the world was back then.However, the core of the Thousand Jedi is so dangerous, which has exceeded everyone's expectations.

This is only the periphery of the Thousand Jedi Core, Wang Sheng is more aware that the Thousand Jedi Core also has an inner circle, crossing that line, Wang Sheng can easily control any monster inside.The monsters in it can casually kill a legendary peak expert, how terrifying would that be?The person who arranged the Thousand Jedi before, has such a high level of cultivation?

To unravel these secrets, the only thing Wang Sheng can do is to improve his cultivation, so that he will not be troubled by these monsters, and can freely deal with all the dangers inside.Of course, it is indispensable to let the masters of the major families be cannon fodder to go on the adventure first.

The days are still going on, there is an igloo to rest every day, and there is Lingxu's old way to protect the law, Wang Sheng's cultivation has increased rapidly. 120 The eight acupoints absorbed the aura crazily, and in a short period of time, Wang Sheng felt that the aura he had been lacking before was almost explosive.

In the past, Wang Sheng's attacks tended to be physical attacks, relying on strength, sharpness, and speed. When he went out this time, it was time to find one or two powerful spiritual attack methods.

In the soul space, the black mist in the pool is growing every day. Similarly, the color on the earthworm's body is also filling up little by little, and it never stops.In another 20 days, the buttocks of the cricket have basically been completely rendered, and it began to spread to the hind legs.

During the second 20 days, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu had already penetrated [-] miles deep, and the formations marked by the daytime were densely packed.Counting a little, there are already more than two hundred, which is simply unbelievable.

In the next 20 days, he didn't meet a single person, and the old Taoist Ling Xu killed at least thirty powerful monsters.Of course, most of these monsters also entered the stomachs of Wang Sheng and Lao Dao.

"Your way of going around in circles is really useful." Ling Xu said to Wang Sheng suddenly after eating the monster meat and resting for a few times.

Wang Sheng was puzzled, and waited for the old Taoist Ling Xu to explain slowly.

"Suddenly entered the core of Thousand Jedi, the surrounding spiritual pressure increased greatly, and the spiritual energy became stronger several times. I didn't feel anything wrong when I was on the sidelines, and I went straight. If I rashly go deep, I will eventually feel uncomfortable." Ling Xu continued. Sure enough, it was an explanation: "Suddenly went in, and then came out suddenly. After a short period of time, the concentration of spiritual energy experienced great ups and downs. After going out, why did the vitality suffer greatly? This is the reason."

Wang Sheng didn't think about this reason before, because at that time Wang Sheng's cultivation base was low, and the improvement of the state did not rely on spiritual energy, so it didn't have much influence on Wang Sheng.But those who followed Wang Sheng in and out, whether they were masters from the major families, red-card killers, or the three royal priests, all suffered serious symptoms of vital energy loss.The only exception may be Lingxu old man!His cultivation base is too high, and he no longer cares about the concentration of this spiritual energy.

"This time you go ten miles deep and circle in a big circle for more than ten days, so that the body can adapt to the concentration of spiritual energy at this stage for a long time, and then go deeper and continue to circle for more than ten days. Basically, the body has gradually adapted to it. The increase in the concentration of spiritual energy." Ling Xu said with admiration: "This avoids the sharp fluctuations in the concentration of spiritual energy, and it will not damage the foundation of the body."

Wang Sheng seems to have heard of similar principles on Earth.During diving training in the army, isn't it necessary to dive and ascend slowly, to give the body time to adapt to the water pressure, and to release the nitrogen in the blood in the body?It's exactly the same as this.

Wang Sheng didn't intend to go this way, but to draw a map.But those who hit the right path can be regarded as finding the right path.After all, I will rely on spiritual energy cultivation to travel the world in the future, so I have to pay attention to this aspect.

"Actually, it's mainly when you go back." Wang Sheng helped Ling Xu to conclude: "When you go out, everyone is eager to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible, so the speed is faster, and the concentration of spiritual energy drops rapidly, which is more harmful than a rapid rise."

Ling Xu nodded, he didn't think about going out, but what Wang Sheng said was obviously reasonable.It seems that when the two of them go out, they should also pay attention.

Now that he had prepared himself, Wang Sheng made preparations. For another 20 days, he would go forward for a total of two months. For the remaining month, he would slowly walk out on the periphery, trying not to harm his body. what damage.

After circling for another ten days, the two of them had great luck again and met a master of pathfinding.That master was very unlucky, he had already been spotted by a ferocious monster and was fighting.From afar, Wang Sheng gave that expert an arrow, and then ignored it, and handed it over to that monster, who didn't even bother to answer him.

The next day, after Wang Sheng marked another formation on his animal skin, he suddenly discovered that with this formation, there are several distributions of formations, and the one given to him by Meier A corner of the array distribution map can be matched.

After finding a place to stay overnight and building the igloo, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu spread out the big picture, then added the picture Meier gave them, and began to compare them one by one.

The result is very happy.There are more than six distributions of formations, which are consistent on the two pictures.In other words, Meier's map can finally be incorporated into the big map.

Old Taoist Ling Xu is not interested in another picture that Wang Sheng got from somewhere. The only thing he cares about now is the secret of the core area.It's a pity that Wang Sheng refused to let him go inside to investigate, which made Ling Xu feel like he had entered the treasure mountain and returned empty-handed.

In the next few days, I was basically verifying whether the formation on Meier's picture really existed.Fortunately, within ten days, the two found more than 30 large and small formations, which completely matched the marks on Meier's map.

This picture is real.It is indeed the formation distribution map of the core of Thousand Jedi.

However, when Meier got this picture, she was just the young owner of Baoqing Yutang. Where did she get this picture?It seems that it is necessary to ask Meier about the origin of this picture when I go back.

(End of this chapter)

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