
Chapter 812 Uncle Li

Chapter 812 Uncle Li

Chapter 430 Uncle Li

After all, Wuyou City is on the edge of Thousand Jedi, so it is not a good place to cultivate. The most suitable place for cultivation is the capital city.Besides, Wang Sheng also wanted to know whether Meier was the princess that the emperor lost, and he had to verify it when he went back.

The housekeeper brother is very authentic. He arranges to sell the map here, and he has already come to the door in person, and personally took Wang Sheng to the arsenal in Wuyou City.

Wang Sheng always thought that the arsenal of Wuyou City must be in the City Lord's Mansion.Even if it is not in the City Lord's Mansion, it should be near the City Lord's Mansion.However, what Wang Sheng didn't expect was that the direction the steward brother took him was not the City Lord's Mansion at all.

"Brother, where are you going?" Wang Sheng asked involuntarily as he watched the old housekeeper go out of the city first.

"Arsenal!" The old butler replied with a smile, then looked at Wang Sheng, and asked with a mysterious smile: "Brother, you don't think that the arsenal is in the City Lord's Mansion, do you?"

Seeing that Wang Sheng thought so like many others, the butler brother was very proud: "Everyone thought they were in the City Lord's Mansion, but they were not."

"What is false is true, what is true is false!" Wang Sheng nodded and said, not to be too entangled in this issue.

After walking not far, when he was approaching the city gate on Qianjuedi's side, the butler brother turned around and entered an ordinary family near the city gate.

This is a very ordinary courtyard in the inner city, smaller than Wang Sheng's first courtyard, just a simple courtyard.There were two people inside, who looked like husband and wife. The husband was chopping firewood in the yard, and the wife seemed to be cutting a piece of cloth, as if to make clothes.

But Wang Sheng could tell at a glance that the ax in the husband's hand was wrong, and it probably weighed no less than two hundred catties.As for the scissors in his wife's hand, they are even more flexible and scary.This couple is obviously not a simple couple.

In the inner city of Wuyou City, no one who can own a yard in the inner city is an ordinary person.Wang Sheng had no doubts about this.If the old housekeeper hadn't brought Wang Sheng in, Wang Sheng would never have imagined that this extremely ordinary courtyard could be the entrance to the famous Wuyou City arsenal.

Of course, it can only be the entrance.If someone insists that this is an arsenal, Wang Shengneng will spit at him.This is the arsenal, where are the books in the arsenal?
Sure enough, when the housekeeper brought Wang Sheng in, the husband and wife looked up, then lowered their heads again, as if they didn't see anyone, what to do.

Pushing open the door, the butler brother entered the main room of the small courtyard very bluntly.After entering the door, waiting for Wang Sheng to come in, he hurriedly closed the door again, then took out a white jade token, and injected spiritual energy.

Swipe, in front of Wang Sheng and the butler brother, a portal suddenly appeared on the wall that was leaning against the city wall.No need to ask, a portal covered by a phantom array.

A key that looked very complicated was inserted into the keyhole on the door, turned a few times, and stopped to output aura during the turn.Wang Sheng believed that no matter whether it was the wrong angle or the wrong timing of inputting spiritual energy, he would probably be attacked by the two attack formations next to him.

Others may not be able to see it, but Wang Sheng has already discovered the formations on both sides, and even one above his head, but the fluctuations of the formations are very weak.The housekeeper didn't say or remind, so Wang Sheng remained calm.

The door opened, and the butler stepped inside immediately, beckoning Wang Sheng to go in.Wang Sheng also followed obediently, without any outstanding points.

"There are many traps here, don't move around." After the door was closed, the butler reminded Wang Sheng: "Uncle Li has served as the city lord for several times, and he is the most respected elder of the city lord. You can't A little bit of disrespect."

Wang Sheng nodded.Which idiot would offend Uncle Li after seeing this kind of battle and being full?The butler's reminder is probably not a reminder to himself at all, but a flattery of Uncle Li inside.It should be within Uncle Li's sensing range.

Entering the door is a very dimly lit passage, going down in a circle, Wang Sheng followed the housekeeper obediently, walking down step by step along the stone steps that are not too high or too low.

Every once in a while, you will reach a flat road, walk for a while and go up the stairs. After turning in another direction, you will go down the circular stairs. It takes about half an hour to walk this passageway alone.

Wang Sheng understood that going around like this made it impossible for people to know the specific location of the arsenal.The ancients liked to play with such twists and turns. Even the circular staircases were not built very well. The corners have already turned several times, making people don't know which direction they are facing.

In such a long passage, there are more than twenty formations, which can be triggered at any time.Wang Sheng could sense it, but he didn't have any other thoughts. This is not a place where he can make up his mind.

Finally, after walking up and down the stairs, he came to a flat ground that was widened at first glance. Wang Sheng understood that this should be almost reaching the end of the ground.

"Hello, Uncle Li!" After walking a few steps forward, the butler suddenly stood still, and greeted the empty place in front of him, only the wall.Wang Sheng didn't think it was strange, and saluted along with him. Anyway, he must be a senior at that age, so there is no problem in saluting.

"Oh, it's you!" A very energetic voice appeared in the ears of the two, and then the wall in front of them slowly parted, and a shirtless man appeared in front of them.

When Wang Sheng raised his head, he saw this shirtless super expert Uncle Li who seemed to be practicing kung fu.To be honest, Wang Sheng was still shocked, without him, this Uncle Li looked too young, almost as young as Wang Sheng.

However, this is just looking young, Wang Sheng knew that Ling Xu would definitely not lie to him.Besides, the butler also said that this Uncle Li has already experienced several city lords, and he is probably more than a hundred years old, so he is definitely not a young man.It is a miracle that such an old man still has such a face and figure.If Meier knew about it, she would definitely go crazy for this method of maintaining beauty.

Uncle Li just glanced at the housekeeper slightly, then his eyes fell on Wang Sheng.Wang Sheng was completely aware of those two scrutinizing gazes. Even when facing the old Taoist Ling Xu, Wang Sheng had never felt this way before. Those two gazes seemed to have weight, which made Wang Sheng feel the pressure spontaneously. .

"Such a young red-card killer is rare!" Uncle Li seemed easy to deal with, and he always spoke with a smile. When they met, he asked Wang Sheng: "Tell me, how many people did you kill before you became a red-card killer?" of?"

(End of this chapter)

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