
Chapter 818 He Is A Real Red Card Killer

Chapter 818 He Is A Real Red Card Killer
Chapter 430 IX He Is The Real Red Card Killer
The scroll on the left hand is called "Seven Kills Overlord Sword", and the scroll on the right hand is called "Guiyuan Hand".Raising his head, Wang Sheng looked at Uncle Li with a suspicious expression on his face, as if wondering if Uncle Li had given him the worst skill to perfunctory.

Uncle Li's face was filled with anger again, but when Wang Sheng cast his eyes on the first exercise he had chosen for Wang Sheng in the hands of the butler brother, he lost his temper again.

For the first method, Uncle Li did not choose the best one for Wang Sheng.Seeing that Wang Sheng is not pleasing to the eye, how can it be possible to choose the best for Wang Sheng?

Wang Sheng's suspicion was simply the most normal reaction.But this reaction made Uncle Li blush, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak anymore.

"Forget it!" After a while, Wang Sheng looked at Uncle Li for a long time, and finally said, "You don't have to be particular, but I have to be disciplined. Just these two kinds!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Sheng stood in place, unfolded the scroll of "Seven Kills and Overlord Swords", and began to read it carefully.

Uncle Li really chose the two strongest attack techniques for Wang Sheng this time. Wang Sheng's previous suspicion made him feel ashamed and indignant, but his own pride prevented him from explaining to Wang Sheng.Now that Wang Sheng finally opened the scroll, Uncle Li's anger was slightly reduced.

Wang Sheng read it very carefully, as if he wanted to memorize all the above content word by word.Uncle Li looked at it with a sneer in his heart. Even if Wang Sheng could write down the words, could he also memorize the pictures?

As everyone knows, Wang Sheng's current memory is almost unbelievably strong.After only one pass, Wang Sheng memorized most of it, and by the second pass, it was basically firmly engraved in his mind.

Memory is one thing, what's even more unbelievable is that a villain with fighting consciousness in the soul space has already started to simulate the attack according to the method on the scroll.Of course, neither Uncle Li nor the housekeeper could see the changes in Wang Shengyuan's soul space.

In less than half a stick of incense, Wang Sheng had already rolled up the Scroll of the Seven Killing Sword and stuffed it back on the shelf.When stuffing it back, Uncle Li noticed that the formation on the scroll was still ready to be activated at any time.Wang Sheng took it down, opened it, looked at it for a long time, and rolled it up again, but it didn't interfere with the operation of the array.

It was the first time that Uncle Li had seen someone treat all kinds of formations like nothing, and he also began to reflect on his own attitude and the necessity of placing so many formations in the arsenal.

As an old monster over a hundred years old, anger and pride are necessary, but not the main ones.He is not the kind of hot-blooded stunned young man, he would not say that Wang Sheng treated him like this today, so he must put Wang Sheng to death immediately to get rid of the hatred in his heart.What's more, the old monster who has lived at such a great age always knows how to reflect and change in time.

First of all, Uncle Li knew very well that he was definitely being rude.It was my biggest mistake to regard a super killer as a crooked bastard who turned into a red card killer.Judging people by their appearance, self-willed, and they were not wronged by Wang Sheng's blow.

Secondly, Uncle Li found that it was a big mistake for him to arrange formations on every skill scroll in the arsenal.It was originally intended to protect the arsenal, but now it is discovered that every scroll has now become a time bomb that can threaten all the treasures in the arsenal.

If it weren't for Wang Sheng, Uncle Li wouldn't have been able to discover such a big loophole in his arrangement.Uncle Li was indeed careless before, thinking that with his cultivation base and formation skills, no one would be able to encounter the martial art secrets of the arsenal without anyone noticing.But now he found that if Wang Sheng wanted to come in, he was completely unsure of finding out.

Formation is definitely the worst of failures. Once someone desperately wants to destroy the arsenal, as long as he tries his best to trigger a formation, the entire arsenal will be destroyed in one fell swoop.Without the help of others, the array arranged by Uncle Li is the biggest killer in the arsenal.

After Wang Sheng left, the first thing Uncle Li had to do was to immediately close the entrance to the arsenal, and then remove all the formations on the scrolls one by one except for the formations in the passage.The safety of the arsenal requires other more secure methods, which need to be discussed with the city lord, rather than relying on his self-confidence that he takes for granted.

Fortunately, Wang Sheng slapped him hard when he was most proud, so that Uncle Li could wake up and see his mistakes clearly.Otherwise, according to the current practice speed of the masters in Thousand Jedi, it won't be long before the arsenal of Wuyou City will be destroyed by those masters.

From this point of view, not only can Uncle Li not resent Wang Sheng, but he also has to thank Wang Sheng for giving him such a reminder, giving him the opportunity to correct his mistakes and make up for his loopholes, so as not to cause more serious consequences.

While Uncle Li stood there blushing and pondering for himself, Wang Sheng had already opened the second scroll "Guiyuan Hand".It's also two times, the first time is basically memorized, and the second time is thoroughly memorized. At the same time, a villain with fighting consciousness began to simulate practice.

Hearing the sound of Wang Sheng stuffing the second scroll back into the shelf, Uncle Li woke up from his reflection.Seeing that there was nothing in Wang Sheng's hand, he also wondered, what is Wang Sheng trying to do?
Not only Uncle Li was wondering, but the old housekeeper not far away was also wondering.Wang Sheng spent so much effort that he almost offended Uncle Li to death. After he got two exercise scrolls, he just opened them and looked at them for a while before they finished?
According to the rules, the two scrolls of Wang Sheng can be watched in the hall outside for a whole day.But Wang Sheng has already let go of it, is he dissatisfied?Still don't plan to continue watching?
The two couldn't imagine Wang Sheng's abnormal memory, and Wang Sheng didn't explain much, but just asked the housekeeper brother: "Brother, if we want to leave now, is it in accordance with the rules?"

At this time, it was obvious that Uncle Li could no longer suppress the elder brother the butler, and the butler nodded on the spot: "It's perfectly fine according to the rules!" After speaking, he turned his gaze to Uncle Li, looked at Uncle Li, and waited for Uncle Li to nod.

Seeing the gazes of Wang Sheng and the housekeeper, Uncle Li snorted coldly: "The legs are on your body, if you want to stay or go, you can do whatever you want!"

"Since that's the case, brother, let's go!" Wang Sheng smiled, ignored Uncle Li, and walked to the door that went out.

Uncle Li stood where he was, watching Wang Sheng and the butler leave without moving, his face turned red and turned pale, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"By the way, Uncle Li, it's too stupid to put formations on all the scrolls." When he walked to the door and was about to leave, Wang Sheng suddenly stopped and said to Uncle Li: "It's still all right. Let’s dismantle it and use another method. In addition, killing people is not allowed in the inner city of Wuyou City, if Uncle Li wants to find me, I’ll be there anytime outside of Wuyou City!”

(End of this chapter)

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