
Chapter 822 The Way to Save Sister Qiangwei

Chapter 822 The Way to Save Sister Qiangwei
Chapter 440 The Way to Save Sister Qiangwei
Did something happen to Miss Qiangwei?Wang Sheng didn't care about other things, and hurriedly asked, "Where is the person?"

"It's in the backyard." Meier hurriedly took Wang Sheng over to have a look.

Wang Sheng turned around and gave instructions to the guards who had followed him all the way back, asking them to find Manager Wang to arrange a rest.Turning to the old Taoist Lingxu again: "Old Taoist, let's go and have a look together!"

Of course, the old Taoist Ling Xu had nothing to do, and he was not polite, so he just walked back.Only then did Meier see the old Taoist Ling Xu, and hurriedly apologized and saluted.The old man waved his hand, and joked with a smile: "Young girl only has her lover in her eyes, how can I be an old man like me!" What she said made Mei'er very shy.

Everyone was talking, but they didn't stop, and rushed to the backyard quickly.

Sister Qiangwei was placed in Wang Sheng's original bedroom, and when she entered, Meier took a peek at Wang Sheng, as if she wanted to confirm his expression.Seeing that Wang Sheng didn't look unhappy at all, he felt relieved.

Ordinary big shots must hate other people living in their own dormitories. Meier arranged for Sister Qiangwei to lie here on her own initiative. She was also a little nervous, for fear that Wang Sheng would blame her for this.Wang Sheng didn't respond, but he also showed that he didn't care about these things.

Seeing Wang Sheng come in, the woman sitting by the bed stood up.Wang Sheng didn't even need to come in to know that it was Tantai Yao, Sister Qiangwei's master.

"How's Sister Qiangwei?" Wang Sheng came in and strode straight to the bed, not caring about the differences between men and women, Sister Qiangwei's body was more important.

On the bed, Sister Qiangwei was lying down, her face was flushed, and she was not unconscious, but her expression was very painful.

Wang Sheng frowned, turned his head and asked, "How did it become like this?"

While speaking, Wang Sheng stretched out his hand to touch Sister Qiangwei's forehead without hesitation.Sister Qiangwei's forehead was hot, and when Wang Sheng's hand touched it, there was even a huge force that pushed Wang Sheng's hand away.

"Spiritual energy attack?" Wang Sheng immediately noticed the spiritual energy attack on Sister Qiangwei's forehead, and became more and more confused: "Why is this happening?"

"Cultivation is out of control!" Tantaiyao hadn't spoken yet, and the old Taoist Ling Xu who came in behind had already explained the current situation of Sister Qiangwei: "The spiritual energy is completely out of control."

Hearing the old Taoist Ling Xu's words, Tantaiyao couldn't help but nodded.It is true that the aura lost control during the practice.

Wang Sheng's hand changed places, grabbing Qiangwei's little hand.Sure enough, the situation is exactly the same, as soon as you touch it, you can feel the aura popping out.Needless to say, other parts of the body should be the same. Sister Qiangwei can no longer control the aura in her body.

"What kind of exercises have you practiced?" Wang Sheng took a long breath, forced himself to calm down, and then asked Tantaiyao.

"Yongchun mentality." Tantaiyao looked at Sister Qiangwei who seemed to be suffering, and said with a sigh: "The improved Yongchun mentality."

"The improved Yongchun mentality is so dangerous?" Wang Sheng was startled and asked hastily.

"Other people's practice is different from Qiangwei's practice!" Tantaiyao shook her head and replied: "Other people's practice is normal, only Qiangwei's is different."

"Why?" Wang Sheng was even more dissatisfied now.Why did Sister Qiangwei practice a different set of exercises alone?

Tantaiyao didn't speak any more this time, instead she gave Wang Sheng a resentful look.Not only Tantaiyao, but even Meier had the same eyes, as if Wang Sheng was all to blame.

"It's not just the spiritual energy out of control." The old Taoist Ling Xu has been staring at the situation of Sister Qiangwei, and at this moment he suddenly said again: "The Yin energy in the body is too strong, and it is already unbelievable. If this continues, I'm afraid it will be dangerous .”

"Is there a way?" Wang Sheng asked hastily.The old Taoist Ling Xu can see it, maybe there will be a way.

"Let me think about it first!" The old Taoist Ling Xu couldn't directly give a solution. He frowned and kept thinking. After a while, he continued to ask: "Why did it become like this?"

"It's not his fault!" Mei'er rushed to speak this time, complaining to Wang Sheng very dissatisfied.

Wang Sheng was confused, what does this have to do with me?Can I still make Sister Qiangwei too yin?But Wang Sheng immediately thought of a possibility, wouldn't he?
Mei'er seemed a little embarrassed to say it, and Tantaiyao was in charge of explaining.Following Tan Taiyao's explanation, everyone also understood what happened to Sister Qiangwei now.

The root knot is still with Wang Sheng. More than 600 beauties all want to practice the improved Yongchun mentality, and they are all willing to use the way of turning the world upside down to make friends with Wang Sheng, but they are rejected by Wang Sheng.

The girls had no choice but to find other ways.Tantaiyao has achieved success in cultivation, so she can only find another way.

Since it is impossible to abolish the cultivation of all the girls through the love between men and women, Tantaiyao wonders whether it can be done through the transmission of yin energy between girls.After all, what she is sure of is the way of reversing the universe to control the degree of cultivation abolishment. Another way cannot grasp this degree. In the end, everyone decided that all the girls and Qiangwei will practice together, transfer the spiritual energy to Qiangwei, and let Sister Qiangwei pass Use mental methods to realize the effect of turning the world upside down.

If Wang Sheng nodded at that time, it would not be such a trouble at all.Wang Sheng can completely lie in the gentle land, and he can also get a lot of benefits of turning the world around, and his practice can also be improved quickly.

It's a pity that Wang Sheng never agreed, so he could only sacrifice Sister Qiangwei.An important reason for choosing Sister Qiangwei is that Sister Qiangwei is still a virgin, while the other girls are no longer.

After Wang Sheng left, after several months of deduction and analysis, Tan Taiyao finally decided to let everyone start practicing.

It was normal at first.Relying on this method, a few women who originally practiced the Yongchun Heart Dharma have successfully reached the level of Tantai Yao back then. It is easy to restore the original cultivation base, and there is a greater improvement.

Seeing that the method was effective, all the women were overjoyed, and then began to practice one by one.It's just that Sister Qiangwei has to accept the aura of more than 600 beauties alone, so she persisted with less than [-] sisters. Suddenly, the aura in Sister Qiangwei's body was out of control and became what it is now.

Tantaiyao's analysis is also too cloudy.After all, the yin qi of dozens of sisters was injected into Sister Qiangwei's body through the inversion of heaven and earth. Sister Qiangwei was not a man after all, and she couldn't bear such a degree of arousal, which caused the aura to go out of control.

This is why Meier feels that Wang Sheng is to blame for everything.After listening to Tantai Yao's narration, Wang Sheng also couldn't laugh or cry.Where are you standing, Meier?Do you still expect yourself to accept hundreds more beauties?

(End of this chapter)

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