
Chapter 824

Chapter 824
Chapter 440 The second is a lot of loss
"Haven't you seen all of Laojunguan's exercises?" Lingxu looked at Wang Sheng holding Sister Qiangwei, trying to know Wang Sheng's decision with his toes, turned around and glanced at Mei'er, sighed and said: "Is there anything else to ask?"

"What do you need to pay attention to?" Wang Sheng asked the old Taoist Ling Xu angrily, and his eyes also turned to Mei'er, with a hint of apology.

Meier clearly saw the apology in Wang Sheng's eyes, and suddenly realized that Wang Sheng still cared about her own feelings.The joy in my heart was suddenly beyond words, and my chest was filled with ecstasy.It's just that when he saw Sister Qiangwei in Wang Sheng's arms, he felt sad for no reason, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or jealous.

"Use it as normal when the universe is reversed." The old Taoist Ling Xu looked at this scene, shook his head, and said slowly: "However, this girl is too yin, and you may consume more. Charming girl, prepare some warming The elixir, I'll give this kid a boost later."

Mei'er was still in a complicated mood just now, but when she heard that Wang Sheng would wear out a lot, she immediately became nervous, and hurried out to order the pill to be prepared.With the current power and financial resources of the Duke's Mansion, not to mention some warming pills, such as Good Fortune Pills, you can buy them whenever you want, without any hesitation.

"It's impossible to reconcile yin and yang all at once. Her yin qi is too rich and mixed. I'm afraid you'll have to come a few more times." Lingxu looked carefully at Sister Qiangwei in Wang Sheng's arms, and told Wang Shengdao again. : "You will be very tired after work, it's normal, just take a rest for a while."

"Tired?" Wang Sheng suddenly remembered that Song Yan didn't seem so tired the last time he performed the world reversal on him?
"Men and women are different." Looking at Wang Sheng's appearance, Ling Xu knew what Wang Sheng was thinking, and explained with a wry smile: "This girl's aura is out of control, and you still have to suppress the out-of-control aura. However, all yin and yang are reconciled. After that, your loss will be huge, so you have to be mentally prepared.”

"How much loss can there be?" Wang Sheng asked.

"Her original cultivation base is higher than yours. If you want to forcibly reverse the universe, I am afraid that after the complete reconciliation of yin and yang, your cultivation base will probably be reduced to the first level, or even lower." Ling Xu's cultivation base and vision, plus Based on his knowledge, everyone believed in Ling Xu's judgment.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!After hearing the words, she kept struggling even more, she was not willing to let Wang Sheng pay such a price to save herself.

If it is lower than the first stage, then it is not in the stream.Tantaiyao never thought that saving Qiangwei would require such a price.If she had known this earlier, she would not have sent Qiangwei to Wang Sheng's bed in such a deliberate design.What she was looking for was a powerful and capable Wang Sheng who could weather the storm for them, not Wang Sheng who had lost his cultivation.

Although Wang Sheng's loss can be recovered within a few months with Wang Sheng's financial resources, this is only the result of Qiangwei helping more than 20 sisters to cross their spiritual energy.There are more than 600 sisters.

However, the matter has come to this point, even if Tantaiyao regrets it, she can only treat Qiangwei first.The sisters in the back will think about the next method, and let's go through the current hurdle first.

"In addition, your strength is too great, but her aura is out of control, and she will rebound uncontrollably. If you don't want to pinch her to death in the middle..." Ling Xu sighed: "You'd better find some Help with pressing people."

After finishing speaking, the old Taoist walked out slowly with his hands behind his back: "Oh! What a shame!"

Tantaiyao was taken aback for a moment, and then she was overjoyed, and immediately said to everyone: "Wait, I'll make arrangements, and I'll be right back!"

Meier looked at Wang Sheng for a while, and Sister Qiangwei in Wang Sheng's arms for a while, her face was full of worry.She also did not expect that Wang Sheng would have to pay such a high price. Although his life was not in danger, his cultivation was almost ruined after all.If outsiders know that Wang Sheng's cultivation will be abolished, how should they respond?
With a little force from Wang Sheng, all of Sister Qiangwei's struggles were resolved.It also makes sense to think about what the old man said. If one accidentally loses control of one's own strength, it may be the result of easily pinching Sister Qiangwei to death.It's just, can you find help for this kind of thing?
It's not that Wang Sheng wants to sacrifice himself for others on a whim, but Wang Sheng thinks that Sister Qiangwei will become like this, and he has part of the reason.Sister Qiangwei actually became like this for herself, if she didn't care about it, how would Wang Sheng behave in the future?

Sister Qiangwei didn't want to be touched by other men, even if Wang Sheng was a fool, he knew what Sister Qiangwei was thinking.It's just that Wang Sheng always has the shadow of the girl in his dreams in his heart, and even Mei'er has never given a firm promise, let alone other women.But the matter has come to this point, Wang Sheng will not explain anything, Wang Sheng will bear the responsibility that should be borne by himself, and will not shirk.

Tantaiyao's movements were very fast, and within half an hour, she rushed over here with more than twenty beauties.

"They were all helped by Qiangwei." Tantaiyao said in front of Wang Sheng and the girls: "Master Hou, you are affectionate and righteous, and you don't want to underestimate the sisters. The sisters are also very grateful. They have already regarded Qiangwei as you. So you don't have to worry about it."

When Tantai Yao said these words, all the more than 20 beauties nodded in unison.Several of them, Wang Sheng once warmed the bed when sleeping in the palace, so they are not strangers.I have already slept in a quilt close to my body, what else can't I let go of?
After saying this, Tan Taiyao got up and pulled Mei'er, who was always worried, to leave the bedroom.Mei'er reluctantly followed Tantai Yao and left.The figures of the two had just left the dormitory, and the door of the dormitory behind them had been gently closed.

"Grandfather! You hold Sister Qiangwei well, and the concubine sisters will take care of the father-in-law to take off his clothes and take a bath!" Although Wang Sheng has already made a decision, he still doesn't know what to do in this situation.The woman next to her had already thought of everything, and reminded Wang Shengdao softly.

At this point, Wang Sheng simply let go.If he hesitated and hurt Sister Qiangwei, Wang Sheng would probably feel uneasy too.

In the bedroom, several beauties have prepared warm water.The other beauties have already started to undress Wang Sheng and Sister Qiangwei respectively.

During the process of undressing, Wang Sheng never let go of Sister Qiangwei.Even after taking off his clothes, Wang Sheng's hand was still holding Sister Qiangwei's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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