
Chapter 828 Completely Healed

Chapter 828 Completely Healed

Chapter 440 Complete Healing

Sister Qiangwei is obviously improving, and her practice is getting smoother and smoother. Except for the occasional yin qi, everything seems to be normal.

Wang Sheng's situation makes people look very worried.At least a few veterans of the Qing Dynasty, Lingxu and Tantaiyao could easily see that Wang Sheng's cultivation was declining.

The only thing that can be thankful is that his cultivation level is only declining, and there is no major physical problem.The nourishing elixir that Meier bought at a high price was taken every day, which also made Wang Sheng look less weak.

"Sixth stage, right?" The old Taoist Ling Xu will definitely check Wang Sheng's body after Wang Sheng wakes up every time. After checking again, Ling Xu asked with a sigh: "Do you have any regrets? It's already reached this point, Just endure the headache yourself!"

"That's not regrettable." Wang Sheng shook his head, suddenly he didn't know how to tell Ling Xu about his current situation.

120 There are quite a few of the eight acupoints. Wang Sheng didn't feel the headache caused by the downgrading of the original soul that Ling Xu said in his old mouth. Sheng came out of the core of Qian Jedi in exactly the same state.

But the old Taoist Ling Xu can clearly see that Wang Sheng has fallen to the sixth-layer realm. With the eyesight and experience of the old Taoist, it is impossible to make a mistake. Even Wang Sheng himself feels that the total amount of aura is getting less and less when he is practicing. , It should undoubtedly be downgraded.

However, what's the matter with the acupoints and Yuanhun not changing?Could it be that his body is special?impossible!Although Wang Sheng's primordial soul does not look like a normal primordial soul, it is estimated that it is impossible to escape the influence of the heaven and earth reversal mentality. Then, the only thing that can explain all this is probably what Wang Sheng practiced.

Daozang's meditation method is amazing, and Wang Sheng also feels that his brain power seems to be more and more developed.But this is not so magical that it can resist the downgrading of Yuanhun and Acupoints.After Wang Sheng thought about it, it seemed that there were only nine words of mantra.

Wang Sheng couldn't get to the bottom of which word in the nine-character mantra.The most likely ones are Zhezi Jue and Qianzi Jue. One is to restore the body, and the other is to control the spiritual energy, but Wang Sheng vaguely feels that it is not that simple.

When practicing, Wang Sheng finally discovered the difference.Although the acupoints are still there, the total amount of spiritual energy contained in each acupoint has shrunk.It feels like it is indeed back to the state before the Prisoner Cattle Transformation.

That's right, the total amount of aura that can be accommodated is reduced, which of course means that the realm of cultivation has decreased.As long as the number of acupoints is not reduced, as long as the original soul is not downgraded, it seems that Wang Sheng only needs to expand the acupoints in a solid manner if he wants to recover. Compared with the upgrade of the original soul, it is much simpler.

Wang Sheng didn't tell the old Taoist Ling Xu the secrets in his body, he kept it a secret, and he still practiced step by step, nourished, and helped Sister Qiangwei relieve the worries of Yin Qi.

After being in such close contact with Sister Qiangwei, Wang Sheng gradually understood Sister Qiangwei's character.Not only Sister Qiangwei, but also those disciples who were born in the Yintang of the Triumph Palace have similar characteristics to Sister Qiangwei, and Wang Sheng discovered it.

It is completely different from a strong woman like Song Yan. If Song Yan encounters this kind of thing, she will probably resist more fiercely.Wang Sheng even suspected that if he fell from the sky when he first came to this world and landed somewhere else instead of beside Song Yan, maybe Song Yan would die together.

Meier is different, Meier may be soft-tempered, but after all, she has controlled Baoqing Yutang for many years. Knowing that her situation is critical, she made a decisive decision to stop losses, immediately made a decision to vote for Wang Sheng, and decisively left Baoqing Yutang .

Sister Qiangwei and the others are different, maybe they have been taught to be obedient since they were young, and apart from promising to give them the opportunity to choose, what they have learned is the means to attract men and please men.Sister Qiangwei's experience in Wuyou City for so many years is finally good, but the other sisters are simply soft-tempered to the extreme, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as submissive.That is to say, those female masters are better, but they are all mainly forbearing.

Such a personality cultivated since childhood made Sister Qiangwei almost obedient to Wang Sheng now, directly treating Wang Sheng as her own master.I used to be very respectful to Wang Sheng, but it was a feeling of gratitude and repayment.Now, he completely regards himself as a vassal subordinate to Wang Sheng. This change is very obvious.

"Sister Qiangwei, you don't need to be like this." People are not grass, how can they be ruthless?After so many days, Wang Sheng got used to hugging Sister Qiangwei to sleep.Before the treatment again, Wang Sheng still opened up to Sister Qiangwei and communicated: "I can't make any promises to you, not even better than Palace Master Triumph."

"I recognize myself!" Sister Qiangwei has been in Wuyou City for so many years, what kind of person has she not seen?In order to escape into Wuyou City, I saw a lot of people who abandoned their wives and children, and Wang Sheng was the only one who didn't hurt the people around him.Not only did it not hurt, but it also helped the people around it as much as possible.If not, how could she have thought of going to Wang Sheng to take shelter after the Triumph Palace was destroyed?
After saying this, Sister Qiangwei took the initiative to wrap her arms around Wang Sheng's neck, and pressed herself tightly against Wang Sheng's body, her face was full of happiness.

Wang Sheng sighed in his heart, and while cursing himself for being immoral, he rolled over and pressed Sister Qiangwei under him, continuing another treatment.

This time, Wang Sheng finally noticed the difference from the previous times.During the treatment process, a cool breath, when Wang Sheng's whole body spiritual energy gushed out into Sister Qiangwei's body, turned back into Wang Sheng's body.

The cool breath was very faint, but Wang Sheng felt extremely refreshed wherever it passed.In the past, every time after the reversal of the universe, Wang Sheng would be so exhausted that he would fall into a coma without even wanting to say a word, but this time, Wang Sheng was much more energetic, and he could even maintain his condition after practicing the Daozang Shoujing method once again. go to sleep.

After waking up, Wang Sheng checked his body, and the condition was very good.The total amount of aura in the orifice points has been further reduced, but in each acupoint, there seems to be a trace of slightly cold aura.

When seeing the old Taoist Ling Xu again, Wang Sheng spoke out of this strange cold breath, and asked him what was going on.

"Well, I finally heard some good news." After listening to Wang Sheng's description carefully and asking him how he felt, the old Taoist Ling Xu finally showed a smile on his face: "The yin and yang are harmonious, and the excess yin in her body Qi, part of it has entered your body. After it is completely balanced, you will immediately benefit from Yin and Yang when you practice again, and you will get twice the result with half the effort."

(End of this chapter)

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