
Chapter 837

Chapter 837

Chapter 440 Eight Nine-Character Mantra

Based on the total amount of spiritual energy estimated by Wang Sheng in this state, at most, he can only use four or five words of nine-character mantra.But obviously, with the aura stored in the Tai Chi Yin Yang cyclone, it far exceeded Wang Sheng's estimate.

Using the three words at the same time, Wang Sheng used it more than ten times in a row, but the spiritual energy has not been exhausted, which is several times more than Wang Sheng himself estimated.

Originally, Wang Sheng's aura was already sufficiently secretive, and Wang Sheng had been using the nine-character mantra to himself, so that outside the training room, Ling Xu did not notice that Wang Sheng was practicing the nine-character mantra.

But the effect of using the three words at the same time has already appeared.It was because of this that the spirit energy around Wang Sheng's training room was violent and violent when everyone rushed over.

However, no one noticed the reason for Wang Sheng's aura berserk, and they thought it was because Wang Sheng couldn't control the aura effectively, that's why this happened.

Every time the three words are used at the same time, due to lack of proficiency or lack of tacit cooperation, the aura will be disordered.Fortunately, every time he can still complete a complete cycle of meritorious deeds, there will be more aura in the orifice point to provide Wang Sheng with the nine-character mantra.

Wang Sheng knew that being able to use the nine-character mantra at the same time was not an easy task, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.Even if only three words are used at the same time, sometimes this word is too emphatic, sometimes that word is a bit too much, in short, it is very difficult to cooperate seamlessly.

This also caused Wang Sheng's surrounding spiritual energy to be in a mess during the process of practicing, making the old Taoist Ling Xu who was protecting the law outside frown again and again.

Such a messy breath, how unreliable is the basic practice of spiritual energy, that's it?Ordinarily it shouldn't be, the basic skills of Taoism, such a situation will not happen!
Mei'er brought Sister Qiangwei and Tantai Yao over, and after talking so much, Wang Sheng was finally able to slightly control the use of the three syllables at the same time, and his breath finally stabilized.But at this time, it was already the end of Wang Sheng's practice, and within a few minutes, Wang Sheng ended this practice.

"What's the matter with your breath?" As soon as Wang Sheng came out, Ling Xu frowned and asked directly.

Speaking of it, Ling Xu's nine-character mantra is not one or two levels worse than Wang Sheng's. I am afraid that if it is really calculated by the time of practice, there is at least 20 years of skill difference.Wang Sheng is the innate ability brought about by the upgrade of Yuanhun, but Lingxu Laodao wants to practice from scratch, which is completely different from the same level.

That is to say, the old Taoist Ling Xu can only use the nine-character mantra word by word, which is not proficient enough, and the situation of using several mantras at the same time, the old Taoist Ling Xu has not yet reached the conceivable level. Therefore, there are some things that Wang Sheng has no way to communicate with the old Taoist Ling Xu, so he can only use his own lack of foundation to prevaricate.

"Maybe it's because the foundation of spiritual energy practice is insufficient, and it's a little messy to control." Wang Sheng replied casually, seeing that Meier was worried again, Wang Sheng quickly answered: "But it's nothing serious, and it will gradually stabilize in the later stage. gone."

The performance in the later stage was indeed like this, the old Taoist Ling Xu didn't say much, and Mei'er felt relieved.Seeing that everyone was there, Wang Sheng was very curious, looked at Meier, and waited for her explanation.

Meier didn't hide from Wang Sheng, she told Wang Sheng about her thoughts.Sister Qiangwei even directly expressed that she was willing to help Wang Sheng use the trick of turning the world around at any time.

"It's not necessary now!" Wang Sheng smiled and shook his head and refused. Seeing Mei'er's face was a little unhappy, Wang Sheng quickly explained: "It's not that I don't need your help, but I'm only at the first stage of the realm. For a while, I'm looking at the situation."

When everyone thought about it, it was true that it was a waste to use Qian Kun to reverse the universe at the first stage.In addition, even if Sister Qiangwei is willing to use the same method as before to infuse Wang Sheng with yin energy, it still needs Wang Sheng's cultivation to recover to a certain level.Only at the first level, Wang Sheng himself may have fallen back to the low-level state without even performing a complete reversal of the universe.

Finally, he persuaded Mei'er and Sister Qiangwei with some reluctance, so that they don't need to use their brains.After seeing off Sister Qiangwei and Meier, Wang Sheng thanked the old Taoist Ling Xu, and then, accompanied by Meier, went back to the bedroom to rest.

In the Yuansoul space, nine combat-conscious villains began to frantically simulate and optimize the random coordination of the three formulas. In one night, at least tens of thousands of combinations have been calculated.

In the early morning of the next day, after Meier accompanied Wang Sheng to have breakfast, before she went out, she was told by someone from Runzifang that many big customers in Runzifang were about to blow up, so please invite Meier immediately Son came out to appease him.

Not knowing what happened, Meier was taken aback and hurried to Runzifang.Sure enough, a large group of noble ladies did not do beauty treatments, but surrounded the shopkeeper of Runzifang, waiting for Meier's arrival.

After Mei'er asked, she was relieved.It turned out that these big customers wanted to know what kind of clothes the beauties in Wang Sheng's collection were wearing, and they also wanted to buy a few sets.

It was with great difficulty that Meier calmed down these excited female clients, and then told them that the workshop next to her was under reconstruction, and that she would start business in this area as soon as the construction was completed.A specific time was given, and only then did those women die down.

Seeing these famous ladies leaving one by one, Meier was also full of pride.The idea that my father-in-law came up with can easily attract countless people.No, before it opened, some people couldn't hold back.Now Meier can fully imagine the grand occasion after the opening of the new industry.

Think about it, Wang Sheng is simply turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain in this respect!No, I have to tell Wang Sheng the news as soon as possible, lest Wang Sheng worry about what happened.

After rushing back to tell what happened here, Wang Sheng finally understood that potential customers had already come to the door before it even opened.That night Wang Sheng asked all the girls to wear dresses to attend the concert, and the advertising effect was really strong!

"No, it seems that there is still a little bit missing." Wang Sheng suddenly thought of a problem, and forgot to do it before leaving. This will make up for it.

"What else is lacking?" Mei'er asked in confusion, she felt that everything was almost ready, what was missing?
"I still need a pair of beautiful shoes." Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "Wearing a beautiful dress and skirt, you can't wear a pair of ugly and crappy shoes on your feet? Let's go to the palace. Before it opens, let's talk about it Talk about shoes."

(End of this chapter)

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