
Chapter 843 Band Upgrade

Chapter 843 Band Upgrade

Chapter 450 Band Upgrade

improve?Wang Sheng pondered for a while, nodded and said: "It can be improved."

The veteran has become interested. If this can really be improved, a small performance stage can be built to verify it.

"If every musician who plays an instrument is at the level of Master Yu..." Needless to say, Wang Sheng said the following, the reason is clear at a glance.

The musicians in the band now, to be honest, the average level is not yet at the master level, and the effect is already so remarkable.If everyone who plays is a great master, how far will the overall level be raised?

That is not a quantitative change, but a direct qualitative change.

Both Wang Sheng and Ling Xu knew that there was only one reason for the spiritual vibration in the theater, and that was because of the existence of Master Yu.If there are dozens of Master Yu, then it is not only the old Taoist Ling Xu who can find it, but people who may go to the theater to listen to music can feel it as long as they have some foundation in practice.

The perfect formation and the cooperation of so many great masters, the effect produced may even tempt the hearts of Ling Xu, let alone others?

"Another day, you should get out the song that I composed for the old Taoist!" The old Taoist Ling Xu gave the death order, and now he is really looking forward to the song that was specially written for him.Of course, the old Taoist did not forget to remind Wang Sheng to practice.

"Old Taoist, don't play the nine-character mantra and multi-character formula." Wang Sheng did not forget to tell the old Taoist Ling Xu.It doesn't matter if you lose control of your spiritual energy when you practice, especially now that your cultivation base has dropped to the second level, even if something happens, it won't be a big deal.But if the spiritual energy of the old Taoist in the twelfth level lost control, then the entire Duke's mansion would probably be gone.

The old Taoist waved his hand directly and asked Wang Sheng to leave. He himself would drink here for a while, and help Wang Sheng practice Dharma protection by the way.At about this time, it was time for Zi Shi, and it was time for Wang Sheng to practice again.

When Zishi was practicing, Wang Sheng revisited the dozens of combinations of three-character formulas he was already familiar with, and then began to use the dozens of unfamiliar ones.

After advancing to the second level, the controllable aura is almost ten times higher, making it easier to use.However, the unfamiliar combination was still unfamiliar, and it was inevitable that the aura would get out of control again.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the aura in the body is always circulating in accordance with Daozang's meditation method, and has not been affected.What is affected is only the surrounding aura brought about by the simultaneous use of the three formulas.However, Wang Sheng still underestimated the scale of the three-character formula's aura out of control.

When he was not in the first stage, Wang Sheng had limited use of spiritual energy, so the loss of control of spiritual energy was almost limited to the small courtyard of the practice room.But now that it has been upgraded to the second level, the aura is more abundant, which also causes the power of the three formulas to increase several times, directly alarming half of the duke's mansion.

Mei'er has calmed down Sister Qiangwei in such a short time, allowing Sister Qiangwei to recover from the shock of knowing the identity of the Son of Heaven.But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the movement from Wang Sheng startled Meier.

The two women hurried to the practice room, and when they saw Ling Xu drinking quietly in the yard, they breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the matter was not serious.As long as the old master Ling Xu is around, he will definitely be able to solve such a big matter.

"Master Daoist, is the Lord unable to control the aura again?" Mei'er felt relieved for the time being, but it didn't mean she could sit back and relax from now on, so she asked cautiously.

"En!" Ling Xu nodded his head.It is true that Wang Sheng can't control the aura when he contacted the three-character formula, but he can't talk more with Meier Qiangwei more specifically, so he can only nod his head.

With the old man's words, Mei'er didn't ask any more questions, and pulled Sister Qiangwei, and the two left Wang Sheng's practice room together.When she left, Mei'er had already made up her mind, no matter if the old Taoist agreed or not, she would definitely let Sister Qiangwei and those sisters in the palace help Wang Sheng to help the yin and yang.

The old Taoist Ling Xu didn't know that Mei'er had already made such a decision in her heart. The old god was thinking about the vibration of the aura while thinking about using multi-character formulas at the same time. That's all he can do now.

Early the next morning, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu went to visit Master Yu and others together.Master Yu and his team must have been excited and exhausted last night, so they didn't interrupt directly, so it's more appropriate to come here at this time today.

"Congratulations, master!" Wang Sheng, who was far away, bowed his hands to Master Yu and the musicians, congratulating him all the time.

Everyone was immersed in excitement. Who would have thought that yesterday's performance was a success, the audience stood and applauded for so long, and the emperor gave him the title of baron on the spot?
In the past, everyone was just a luthier and musician who was called around by those big shots. Those who performed well were the most rewarded, and they were satisfied with more rewards. Why did you think about those big shots standing up and applauding?

All of this was thanks to the person in front of them who congratulated them. Every member of the band stood up respectfully at this moment, and saluted Wang Sheng very respectfully.

"If the status and status of us people change from now on, even if the old man dies immediately, this life will not be in vain!" Master Yu is extremely emotional. In his 90 years of life experience, even if others respect him, At most, he just respects his piano-making skills, which is why he is in Linglong Pavilion.As for asking the emperor to stand up and applaud after listening to his performance, I never thought about it before!

"No hurry, no hurry!" Wang Sheng said to Master Yu with a smile: "In fact, the Royal Symphony Orchestra still has room for improvement, and Master Yu is still not satisfied!"

Upon hearing Wang Sheng's words, Master Yu's eyes lit up.Is there room for improvement?This is what Master Yu couldn't bear the most, so he immediately invited Wang Sheng and others into the room to ask for advice carefully.

"It's actually a matter of mutual benefit." Wang Sheng didn't hide anything in the room, and told the truth to Master Yu: "When I was in the Grand Theater, my brother discovered that the band you commanded, Master, can produce a spiritual shock effect in the Grand Theater." .It is very beneficial to practice. However, there is still a lack of musicians. I wonder if the master can think of a way? Call a group of super musicians who are qualified to be the chief of the orchestra to play it?"

"What is the chief of the orchestra?" Master Yu was confused by Wang Sheng's sudden vocabulary, and asked quickly.

"Oh, it's the one who is the strongest in each musical instrument. Everyone recognizes that the most powerful master of a certain musical instrument is the chief of this instrument. For example, the chief violin, the chief erhu, etc." Wang Sheng also forgot that the master did not understand These, hurriedly explained: "With the chief system, those musicians will work harder."

(End of this chapter)

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