
Chapter 855

Chapter 855
Chapter 450
Women's pursuit of beauty is almost endless.Just to learn how to walk beautifully in high heels, all the women who came to Mengzhifang today signed up for the most basic posture training after the crazy shopping, without exception.

In addition, those various shaping methods also brought a new space to these female clients, especially when the beautiful models in their eyes were said to use these methods to shape their shapes, no one could hold back anymore.

One-on-one service, guests can choose an exclusive fitness trainer at will, and guide them individually from a series of courses from the most basic posture training to the most advanced bodybuilding and bodybuilding training to court etiquette training.For this item alone, half of the more than 2000 participants signed up.

The remaining half are not unwilling to sign up, but not eligible to sign up.Half of the people who came to Mengzhifang today were brought in by those real high-end female customers. They can buy things, but only two sets; they can do the most basic posture training, but they can't help them with the more advanced rose service enjoy.

Treat differently, this is also a sales strategy that Wang Sheng said, which will promote those women who have seen the beauty of Dream Workshop to desperately want to become members of Dream Workshop.

The ultimate goal of Qiangwei's service, in the most vulgar words, is to go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen, enter the bridal chamber, fight against the outer room, and dig the big house.Of course, the latter sentence is for spectators to serve food. If it is the main room, it can only be said to be better than the outer room, and if it is a side room, it can be said to be better than the big room.

"Are you planning to cultivate a bunch of enemies in the harem for me?" Of course the empress knew all about it, and Meier told the empress all these things in detail, making the empress listen to a black thread.

"So you have to come here often to beat them!" Mei'er made no secret of her purpose, and it was nothing more than to grab her, the most honored customer.

"You!" The empress nodded her finger on Mei'er's forehead, hating iron and iron, "You stupid girl, you just watched that Qiangwei climb up Chang Shenggong's bed, and you are not jealous at all? "

"Isn't my physical condition relatively special?" Mei'er twitched and replied: "When the father-in-law has reached the eighth level of cultivation, there is no need to worry."

"Anyway, you have to be careful, that Qiangwei is a disciple of the Triumph Palace Yintang, and there is an old witch behind her who is pointing out, you must not be replaced by her." The queen still warned Mei'er in a low voice.

"Don't worry!" Mei'er is very confident about this: "Grandpa is not that kind of person. If you want to love and trust beautiful women, which one of these hundreds of beauties is worse than serving men? But did you touch any of them?"

"You are lucky to meet such a man." The Empress said with some relief, thinking of her husband, alas!There are dozens of harem concubines here in Mengzhifang.

While sighing, the queen abruptly turned her attention from the harem back to her eyes.I have to say that these things in the Dream Workshop are simply heart-pounding!Even her majestic empress wanted to bring all of these back home, let alone others.

There is no cash transaction in Dream Workshop, everything is settled by the VIP card of the VIP.These female guests knew this when they received the notice, so they loaded a lot of gold coins into their VIP cards in advance.There are hundreds of thousands less, millions more, and so on.

Anyway, I can’t see the gold coins, so I don’t feel distressed about passing the gold coins. This is good for credit card transactions, there is no concept of spending money at all, and I am so happy to swipe and swipe.

Those who came in with the distinguished guests did not consume much, because their consumption was restricted, but almost everyone bought two sets in full.As for the VIPs themselves, they almost have the stance of evacuating the Dream Workshop.On average, each person has seven or eight sets of clothes and more than a dozen pairs of shoes. As for Qiangwei's services, they have customized one-to-one exclusive services.

The business of Mengzhifang is beautiful and sexy. Of course, the goods of Mengzhifang are still the same sentence, just one word, expensive!The cheapest piece of home clothes costs [-] gold coins, the cheapest set of underwear is the most conservative set, [-] gold coins, and the others are more expensive.

At first, Mei'er also felt normal, and didn't feel anything.But when Sister Qiangwei sent most of the day's turnover to Mei'er in fear, Mei'er was also taken aback.

The guests brought in by more than 1000 distinguished guests cost an average of 1000 gold coins.The average consumption of more than 15 distinguished guests is 8000 gold coins.In other words, in the past half a day, the turnover of Dream Workshop has reached [-] million gold coins.

Although Meier is already a rare rich man, she basically only has a numerical concept for gold coins, so she is not surprised.But when she saw this number, she was still in a daze, dumbfounded.

As for Sister Qiangwei, when she saw this number, she was totally dumbfounded.Whether it's in San Francisco or Triumph Palace, where has Sister Qiangwei seen such a turnover?When the Killer Hall is at its busiest, is there such a figure for a month's turnover?You know, after excluding the cost, one-third of it belongs to Sister Qiangwei and the sisters in the palace. Even if the cost is 3000 million gold coins, the profit is 5000 million gold coins!

This is a one-time calculation of the fixed cost of the house and land.It's just one day!Although those customized rose services are available every three months, that is, no other gold coins will be received within three months, but the problem is that those clothes, underwear and shoes can be purchased every few days!If we continue to operate according to this trend, wouldn't it be hundreds of millions in a year?

Where did the lord find a place for the girls to settle down?It is clear that they have found a big cornucopia for them, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. With this financial support, the side effects of the reversal of the world are simply drizzle.

With such a father-in-law, what is there to be dissatisfied with?Could it be that those guys in the Triumph Palace are satisfied with selling the sisters?What's more, even if they were sold for a high price, it would only be more than a million gold coins. Compared with the grandeur of the father-in-law, the Triumph Palace is a scum, and it deserves to be destroyed.

The empress has been with Meier all the time, Meier saw this number, and of course the empress also saw it.Just glanced at it, Rao Niangniang is already the mother of the world, and she has seen so many great worlds, but seeing this number still makes her blood rush to her head in an instant.

There are 5000 million of them that belong to the empress, this is just a one-day business!Even if the sales will gradually decrease and stabilize in the future, it will not be less than a few million profits, one day!
Compared with Wang Sheng's business, what a daily profit, that's nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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