
Chapter 859 Royal Academy of Arts

Chapter 859 Royal Academy of Arts

Chapter 450 IX Royal Academy of Arts

The three major priests grew up serving the emperor, how could they not hear the change in the emperor's mood just now?Manager Li's answer at this meeting is actually the emperor's own will.

"Yes!" The Son of Heaven sighed, "If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price! Even if I'm wrong, it's the same. I could hold the Royal Academy of Arts in my hands this time, but those pig-like things even win over Linglong. You can't do such a small thing well."

This involves the princes above the court, and of course the three major priests will not talk about it.However, I obviously despise those people in my heart. If I can't do small things well, what's the use of them?
The emperor suddenly discovered that what Wang Sheng himself did seemed to be a replica of what he was about to do.For example, Wang Sheng took in a bunch of beauties, started business, and made a lot of money.These things do not pose any threat to the emperor's royal power at all, more money is more money, but Wang Sheng did not show any ambitions other than enjoyment and practice, so the emperor has almost no doubts about Wang Sheng.

If the princes have the same understanding of the emperor and the royal family, and think that the emperor is just making money and playing with various arts, then who would think that the royal family is a threat?But influence has penetrated into all aspects of life unconsciously.

Some things are said with red lips and white teeth, which are far more touching than doing them for people to see the effect.Now after the Son of Heaven pondered over the taste, he finally saw the actual effect from Wang Sheng.

Speaking of strength, Wang Sheng was just a lowly barbarian at the beginning, where did his strength come from?Speaking of power?Wang Sheng had only one commander in the past, but later he just saved Meier and the others, and there were no more than [-] or [-] in total, and then developed into such a behemoth in the capital in just a few years.

But the emperor never felt that Wang Sheng was a threat, but Wang Sheng's power had skyrocketed like this right under his nose.Now Wang Sheng, how many people dare to provoke him at will?Isn't this the way to rise the royal family in the future?

"Decree, Second Prince, the two patriarchs of the Clan Mansion, and those Uncle Wangs who were implicated in it, will be executed at noon tomorrow. The heads will be sent to Chang Sheng Gong's Mansion." The emperor finally made his own decision : "These people's property was confiscated, their family members were enslaved, and their things were kept. All the gold coins and people were sent to Chang Sheng's mansion as an investment for the Royal Academy of Arts."

The three major priests hurriedly saluted and obeyed the order without a word of nonsense.Immediately, they split up and started to work, and the emperor couldn't help but be moved by his neat energy. If the officials in the court had half the mind of the three priests, some things would have been done long ago.

Wang Sheng didn't expect the emperor to be so efficient. He met the emperor the day before, and just after noon the next day, steward Zhou personally came to the door with a big box.

At this moment, Wang Shenggang had dinner with Master Yu, and was about to go to the small theater after dinner to listen to Master Yu's achievements in recent days.Before seeing Guanshi Zhou, Wang Sheng, who was far away, smelled a strong smell of blood. When he saw Guanshi Zhou, he frowned even more.

"Mr. Chang Sheng, this is the head that His Majesty owes you before you leave." Steward Zhou saluted Wang Sheng first, and then asked someone to open the box without saying a word.Inside were more than a dozen fresh human heads, judging from the stubble of flesh and blood, it was clearly chopped off not long ago.

"Second prince, two patriarchs of the family mansion, four uncles, and the heads of several ministers. There are seventeen heads in total, and one is quite a lot. I sent it to my father-in-law!" Zhou Guanshi didn't care about it. The master was right next to Wang Sheng, and after explaining the origin of the heads in the box, he added: "The property of these people will be counted and sent to the father-in-law. Your majesty said that this is the construction of the Royal Academy of Arts." funds."

Hearing this, Wang Sheng didn't feel any better, but Master Yu beside him had already widened his eyes.Fortunately, Master Yu was very measured, he didn't speak all the time, he watched Guanshi Zhou explain something quietly, then turned and left.When leaving, Zhou Guanshi did not forget to greet Master Yu.

"My lord, what's going on with the Royal Academy of Arts?" Master Yu asked eagerly after Steward Zhou left.

"The royal family plans to build an academy, invite great masters like you to teach in it, and recruit all kinds of qualified art students from all over the world, such as various musical instruments, conductors, dances, paintings, architecture, etc., to teach you all your life. Proud things are passed down." Wang Sheng explained to Master Yu simply: "The teachers who teach will have honorary barons, and students will receive graduation certificates after completing their studies. In the future, the Royal Academy of Art will be the art department. The highest institution."

Hearing this, Master Yu's eyes were almost red.He doesn't care about the title or something, but it is more important than anything else to be able to recruit qualified students from all over the world and pass on what he has learned.

"Don't get excited, master!" Seeing the agitation of the master's mood, Wang Sheng hastily reminded: "At present, this college is just a name, and it needs to clear a workshop in the capital in a short period of time, and it can only be listed after simple cleaning. In addition, for the time being Speaking of which, the only music teacher I can find is you, the master, and Master Liu of architecture is one, and the others need your help!"

"It's a duty!" Master Yu calmed down from the excitement, and nodded without saying a word.It is the most correct thing I have done in the past few decades for myself and Wang Sheng to see each other and go out of the mountain.

"These heads?" After talking about the Royal Academy of Art, Master Yu remembered the origin of these heads.God!One prince, two patriarchs of the royal family's family, four emperor uncles, and ten important officials of the court. When did the emperor owe Wang Sheng's head?

"A few trivial things are not worth mentioning." Wang Sheng waved his hand directly, ignoring the trouble, and asked people to move the box away and find a place to dispose of it.Manager Zhou is also true. Fortunately, this guy was delivered after the meal, otherwise Master Yu would have no appetite to eat: "They can use aura in the performance?"

"I have fumbled to a certain point, and I don't know if it will succeed, so I would like to ask you to go and have a look." Master Yu immediately forgot about other things when he talked about music: "After practicing for half a month, success or failure depends on this time. !"

Wang Sheng didn't talk too much nonsense, and immediately called several high-ranking Taoists from the Qing generation, and went straight to the small theater of the Duke's Mansion together.Mei'er and Qiangwei have been so busy these two days that they have lost their heads, they are not in the mansion at all, so they are not called, just these few people are enough.

When we arrived at the small theater, the musicians were already getting ready here.Before starting to play, Master Yu told everyone about the Royal Academy of Arts, and only after everyone got excited did he start playing.

(End of this chapter)

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