
Chapter 876

Chapter 876

Chapter 460 Eight Great Master Band

It was also accidental to say that when Master Yu and the others were looking for a new Dimo, everyone was thinking about it in various ways, not knowing what to choose.

The fascia of Warcraft is strong enough, but the tone is not bright enough, the overall sound is dumb, and it takes a lot of effort to blow.Even after dozens of experiments, they were not satisfied.

When experimenting with a kind of fascia, the timbre was appalling. One of the masters was a little impatient and muttered: "This is not as good as the sound of bugs outside!"

One sentence reminded Master Shan who was thinking hard, bugs?good!Isn't the elytra the part where some insects make sound?Can I use insect elytra?

This gave all the participating masters inspiration, yes!Since only a thin film is needed to resonate with the flute, wouldn't it be appropriate to use the thin wings of some insects?
Some bugs themselves are medicinal materials, and several great masters didn’t need to come forward, they mentioned it to the servants who served them, and immediately all the whole bugs with wings in all the pharmacies in the capital sent a few of each to the Duke’s mansion, Master Yu In front of others.

It is still better to let a skillful master who is good at tanning leather take action, simply treat the translucent and transparent inner wings of these bugs, and then start the same experiment.As a result of the experiment, I told the master that the inner wings of several kinds of cicadas are the most suitable.

After the leather master came out to soften the slightly brittle inner wings, everyone chose among several kinds of cicadas' inner wings, and finally came to the conclusion that the inner wings of this six-star night cicada were the most perfect.

With Wang Sheng's performance, there is no need for everyone to ask how the effect is. Everyone laughed happily.It can be said that everyone present participated in the improvement of the brand-new flute with the membrane. This is a collective contribution, and it is also a famous anecdote that can be passed down through the ages in the future. Everyone laughed very happily.

So far, Wang Sheng no longer has to worry about these great masters' resistance to him. Such a happy atmosphere has clearly shown that these great masters have been integrated into the team for the time being, and they just need to slowly get used to it. up.

Next, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu waited for five days in the process of practicing and recovering, and waited for the first performance of the All Masters Band.

For these musical instrument masters, those brand new scores are only one day, which is enough for them all to memorize the tunes.In addition, the worst of these great masters is also the master of the peak of the eighth level. It is almost no difficulty for them to integrate the use of spiritual energy into the performance, and it only took two days to fully master it.

The remaining two days are used for team building and cooperative training with companions and conductors.On the contrary, it is the slowest progress of the great masters in this respect. After all, most of the time they used to play alone, team practice, especially the first time that such a complete range of band practice plus formal conductor, including the previous The time spent practicing that country ditty has so far barely reached the same level as members of the Royal Symphony Orchestra.

If it is an external performance, the standard of the Royal Symphony Orchestra is enough, but who are these people?They are all great masters, how could they be satisfied with such a small achievement?If they hadn't known that Wang Sheng could give them perfect guidance, they would probably have to practice for a while before playing.

The audience was still the same as before, Wang Sheng, Meier, Qiangwei, Ling Xu, and those disciples of the Qing generation.It can be said that these people are the ones Wang Sheng trusts the most, and even Tan Taiyao is not qualified to enter this circle.

In the small theater, the audience applauded, the band saluted, and then began to play.

A great master is a great master, and he is extraordinary when he makes a move.When the sound came together, Wang Sheng felt that his ears were drunk, and he was so intoxicated that he couldn't get out of the beautiful music at all.Immediately afterwards, spiritual energy vibrations that were several times purer and larger than those played by the first three symphony orchestras surged out from the surrounding formations, enveloping everyone in an instant.

Even with Wang Sheng's current ears, he couldn't hear any flaws in the performances of these great masters.Even their breathing, heartbeat and even blowing movements are perfectly integrated with these music, making Wang Sheng feel that these seem to be part of the music itself.Unlike when the Royal Symphony Orchestra was playing, Wang Sheng had to block part of his perverted hearing, otherwise the fine parts would be noise at all, how could he appreciate the beauty of the music?

In the ultimate enjoyment of the ears, Wang Sheng didn't care how his aura flowed spontaneously, but subconsciously followed the wonderful music, gushing out the nine-character mantra and four-character formulas one by one, which was indescribably smooth.

Just in this small theater, it took three pieces of time to form the same group of shared auras as in the performance at the Royal Grand Theater. Countless auras rushed from all directions, sweeping everyone in the small theater in it.

Boom, inspired by the aura of heaven and earth, the great master with the lowest cultivation base was directly driven by this mellow aura mass, coupled with the catalysis of the overall atmosphere, and began the process of quenching the body with aura.From the peak of the Eighth Layer Realm, straight to the Legendary Realm.

This is the first one, and the next one is actually Meier who is next to Wang Sheng.You know, Mei'er has already practiced to the peak of the fifth level, if it wasn't for the star level of the soul that restricted the improvement of Meier's cultivation base, it would be time to upgrade.

Wang Sheng helped Mei'er overcome the limitation of Yuanhun's upgrade. Under this atmosphere, Meier immediately crossed the last hurdle, and her cultivation level went straight to the sixth level.

Sister Qiangwei just upgraded to the seventh level a few days ago, and she failed to continue to upgrade this time, but the benefits she got were quite exciting.Originally, there were more than 20 people who had the effect of turning the universe upside down, coupled with the catalysis of music and aura vibrations, directly raised a small realm, from the early stage of the seventh stage to the middle stage of the seventh stage.

Immediately afterwards, another great master, who was also at the peak of the eighth level realm, hit the legendary realm.In the time of four songs, the cultivation base of the three people can break through the big realm, which really shines through the past.

But this is not the end, and soon after, Wang Sheng joined the ranks.After hundreds of combinations of the four-character tactic of the Nine-Character Mantra were used continuously and smoothly, Wang Sheng's aura for Wang Sheng's body had reached the extreme, and the process of aura tempering the body began logically.

Lingxu old Taoist and a few old Taoists of the Qing Dynasty have already advanced enough in their cultivation, and it is not so simple to break through.But although they failed to break through, everyone gained a lot from this atmosphere.Especially the old Taoists of the Qing generation, almost all of them can clearly feel the practice experience of other people.

(End of this chapter)

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