
Chapter 878

Chapter 878

Chapter 460 IX Old Daoist, I Want to Beat You Up

In all fairness, Ling Xu's veteran voice is not very good, but the song sung by that kind of old man with a broken voice that sees through the world really fits the artistic conception of this song.

When Wang Sheng sang, he had to drink enough wine, just like Huang Laoxie on the earth, so that he could sing that desolate taste.But the old Taoist Ling Xu just opened his mouth so casually, and the effect was much better than when Wang Sheng had been drinking.

Listening to the old Taoist Ling Xu singing this so-called deviant song with a completely open heart, and feeling the spiritual energy automatically flowing in his body, Wang Sheng couldn't help laughing.The old Taoist Ling Xu also told Wang Sheng not to sing this song in front of the little Taoist priests of the Qing Dynasty, for fear that they would imitate it badly, but in the end he sang it in front of them.

Fortunately, everyone, including the musicians, is actually controlled by the music in turn. Only Wang Sheng and Ling Xu are sober. Maybe they didn't listen to the lyrics at all, who knows?
During Ling Xu's old-fashioned singing, there was indeed an aura that was different from the quiet and inactive aura that rushed into the aura group. However, this aura was always like a lotus root out of mud, spotless and out of tune with the surroundings .He neither dissipated into it, nor absorbed the aura from it to strengthen himself, just like a fish swimming in the aura.

After only swimming for a while, the aura seemed to find an exit, and rushed towards one direction.

Wang Sheng just watched the wandering of that breath curiously, but he didn't expect that this breath would find him directly.At this time, Wang Sheng was tempering his body with spiritual energy, and it was impossible to escape from this mass of spiritual energy, and then he felt the aura of Lingxu veteran rushing into his body directly along the passage of spiritual energy quenching.

Boom, the aura rushing in was like a torch, directly igniting all the aura in Wang Sheng's body.An extremely powerful pure yang aura started from Wang Sheng's first acupoint, followed the route of Daozang's meditation method, and ignited each acupoint one by one.It didn't stop until the last acupoint on the exercise route, but also ignited the remaining unused acupoints, and then slowly merged into the circulating aura.

There is only one breath, but it contains the pure Yang aura that Lingxu has practiced all his life. After Wang Sheng's aura was ignited, his body was scalding hot as if on fire.In a blink of an eye, Wang Sheng's whole body began to turn red.

Ever since Wang Sheng started to practice, he has never encountered such a painful situation. He couldn't help but secretly scolded the old Taoist Ling Xu in his heart, and then, ignoring other things, he kept using the four-character formula on himself to help suppress the almost The out-of-control aura, and the body instinctively draws more aura from the outside world, trying to neutralize the burning aura.

Wang Sheng crazily snatched a huge aura from the aura mass, bringing a burst of coolness.Wang Sheng finally felt better, at least in his own body, this pure yang aura can still be diluted by a large amount of aura, as long as there is a way.

Next, Wang Sheng couldn't care less about staring at the old Taoist Ling Xu anymore, he frantically used the nine-character mantra, kept his mind clear and his body absorbing spiritual energy at a fast speed, frantically absorbed spiritual energy from the outside world, and eased the scorching heat in his body.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, there was only this kind of aura released by Ling Xu's absent-mindedness, and the song was finished in a short time.And Master Yu didn't continue to repeat the song, but repeated it from the beginning, which also gave Wang Sheng a chance to breathe.

Fortunately, the aura tempered by the four people's breakthrough triggered a large amount of heaven and earth aura, and the band lineup of all the great masters sorted out the surrounding aura very smoothly, which allowed Wang Sheng to have an almost endless supply of aura to pour Extinguish the flame within.

Of course, the greatest luck is that among the four people who broke through, two broke through the eighth level to the legendary level, and the spiritual energy they triggered lasted long enough for more than ten hours.The sparked aura was even more endless, which gave Wang Sheng enough time to suppress the fire in his body.

Master Yu didn't know how many times it was the first time to conduct the music. It may be the first time when he played "Tao". The master didn't play that piece of music at all, and Ling Xu Lao Dao had no chance to display his singing voice again, nor did he release his pure yang aura again.

The abnormal situation on Wang Sheng's side was obviously felt by the old Taoist Ling Xu. In fact, he knew it was not good after he released that spiritual energy, but at that time, he could no longer control it, and could only watch helplessly. The aura rushed into Wang Sheng's body, but there was nothing he could do.

Sensing the aura entering Wang Sheng's body, Ling Xu heaved a sigh of relief.With so many people here, if that aura enters the body of anyone other than Wang Sheng, it may cause a catastrophe.

The pure yang aura that was straightened out and stimulated by the music played by nearly [-] great masters in the twelve stages was far from being able to be received by anyone present.If that person wasn't Wang Sheng, then the person who was invaded by that spiritual energy would definitely have only one end, and that would be to explode and die instantly.Then a series of chain reactions were triggered. The best result was that only one old Daoist Ling Xu survived in the small theater, and what was more serious was that the old Daoist Ling Xu was still alive, but the entire Duke's Mansion turned into a powder-like hell.

Regardless of the fact that the entire band is all great masters, all of them are in the legendary realm, and the few Taoist priests of the Qing generation are also at the pinnacle of legends, but this is the explosion of the aura group in the entire small theater caused by the pure yang aura of Ling Xu's old way , joined the aura of heaven and earth, joined the aura of all of them, the attack power is probably dozens of times more terrifying than Ling Xu's old way.The fact that the old Taoist Ling Xu survived is definitely due to his extraordinary cultivation.

Fortunately!Fortunately, only Wang Sheng could accept the artistic conception of the song "Tao", so the aura didn't find anyone else, but directly entered into Wang Sheng's body, thus avoiding the horrible consequences.

But even so, it seemed that Wang Sheng was not having a good time, and the expression on his face was very painful.But fortunately, that's all, and it's not serious enough to explode.Only Wang Sheng, the author of this song, can barely bear the power inspired by that kind of deviant music!
Next, the old Taoist Ling Xu didn't dare to play anything to immerse himself in it, and honestly used the nine-character mantra to keep the entire aura pure and pure, maintaining the balance of the entire aura, and then waited for everyone to break through.

(End of this chapter)

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