
Chapter 882 Influence

Chapter 882 Influence

Chapter 470 Influence

Meier and Qiangwei personally brought the lunch into the practice room from outside and ate it with them. During the meal, Meier and Qiangwei couldn't help but stop laughing and cover their mouths for half of the time. It was so delicious that the two girls didn't even have the mood to eat properly.

Wang Sheng and Ling Xu are old-fashioned, their faces are covered with bruises, and the skin is broken in some places, but they just went through a simple cleaning without even applying medicine, so they were just exposed in front of the two women.In some places, large and small bags are bulging, and the face is deformed at first glance, as ridiculous as it is.

From the chest to the shoulders, there are all bruises, and the rest of the place is also red and swollen. It doesn't look so terrible, but it is too funny.

At the beginning, the old man was shy and embarrassed to take off his shirt, but Wang Sheng said directly: "Why, are you afraid of being seen by my woman?"

In a word, the old Taoist also let go, imitating Wang Sheng, and began to drink with Wang Sheng with his upper body naked.On the other hand, Meier and Qiangwei blushed when they heard what Wang Sheng said, they poured wine to cover them up, but they didn't know how happy they were.

These wounds are all flesh wounds, none of them hurt the internal organs or the brain. It only takes half a day for the two of them, and the nine-character mantra can restore the body to its original state.Not going out at this time is also out of this consideration.

The appearance of the two of them is really ridiculous, one piece of blue and one piece of purple and one piece of red are all over the body.Wang Sheng is fine, his body is very muscular, even if his body is bare-chested, he still has a muscular beauty.But old Taoist Ling Xu was different. After he took off his upper body, his whole body was thin and ribbed, which formed a stark contrast with Wang Sheng.

After drinking several bowls of spirits in a row, the old Taoist Ling Xu let out a breath of alcohol, and then asked Wang Sheng, "How did you feel yesterday?"

"Almost burnt to death, what do you think?" Wang Sheng gave old Taoist Ling Xu a dissatisfied look, and replied tit for tat: "You say that you, such a big master, don't even have this bit of control, isn't it embarrassing?"

"Accident! Accident!" The old Taoist Ling Xu sneered, explaining with accident again and again.

At this time, Mei'er and Qiangwei could tell. It turned out that when everyone was listening to the music breakthrough yesterday, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu made something up, and Wang Sheng was almost burned to death.This frightened the two girls so much that they didn't even bother to make jokes, Mei'er kept asking what was going on.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that I accidentally sang a song while listening to music, and then accidentally released a burst of spiritual energy." Ling Xu said lightly: "It only affected this kid, you are all fine, everyone All good, all good."

"Grandpa, how did it affect you?" Mei'er would not be prevaricated by Ling Xu's words, and asked after Wang Sheng.

After fighting against the old Taoist Ling Xu for such a long time, the depression in Wang Sheng's heart was almost vented, so he didn't say anything more at this time, and also said lightly: "It's okay, the spiritual energy of the old Taoist helped me condense my body. The aura, the process was a bit dangerous, but now it has passed, it’s all right.”

Wang Sheng said it easily, but Meier and Qiangwei didn't believe it.Wang Sheng just said that he was almost burned to death, so one can imagine the danger.In addition to what Wang Sheng said yesterday, it made Meier and Qiangwei realize that during the period of spiritual energy quenching, everyone was walking on the verge of life and death.

However, even if they guessed it, Mei'er and Qiangwei were smart enough not to ask any further questions, it was meaningless.

"Don't worry! This kid said it's all right, so it's really all right." The old man Ling Xu seemed to have guessed the two girls' thoughts, and added a heavy weight to the two girls' hearts.

"Then, has your father-in-law's cultivation increased?" Mei'er immediately asked.

"Of course!" Wang Sheng laughed: "I also made a breakthrough at that time, didn't I? I haven't congratulated you yet, Meier!"

Hearing what Wang Sheng said, the old Taoist Ling Xu was taken aback, his eyes moved to Meier's body, and he began to look carefully.After quite a while, the old Taoist Ling Xu was finally sure, it turned out that the girl Mei'er had really made a breakthrough, and now she is already in the sixth level.But isn't Meier's soul the four-star phantom spirit fox?
With suspicious eyes, he moved to Wang Sheng's side, and Wang Sheng nodded lightly, as a tacit consent to some things.Only then did Ling Xu feel relieved.

"Meier also made a breakthrough? Congratulations!" Qiangwei congratulated Meier with surprise when she heard what Wang Sheng said.She didn't know what Meier's original soul was, she just thought that Meier's cultivation base had improved.

"Then can I practice the Yongchun Heart Method?" Meier accepted Qiangwei's congratulations, and then immediately asked a question.

"No!" Qiangwei refused directly, without any hesitation.

"Why?" Mei'er asked in confusion: "My cultivation is already enough!"

"Because people who practice the Yongchun Heart Dharma cannot conceive and have children." This is not Qiangwei, but Wang Sheng said, he looked at Meier seriously and said: "This is the price of practicing the Yongchun Heart Dharma, are you willing to bear it?"

Can't have a baby?Meier never knew there was such a price.Can I pay the price for not being able to have children for the sake of beauty?Looking at Wang Sheng, Mei'er suddenly realized that she couldn't make up her mind.

"Don't worry, as long as your practice continues to improve, your appearance will not grow old." Wang Sheng comforted Mei'er: "As long as you can reach the legendary realm, these are not a problem. Right, old man?"

"Yeah!" The old Taoist Ling Xu hummed and nodded, which was his answer.

Only then did Meier feel relieved, raised her small fist to cheer herself up, and then happily poured wine for the two of them again.After each filled a cup, Mei'er remembered something, and suddenly asked: "Grandpa, will the Daoist's aura affect your recovery?"

"A little bit! A little bit!" Wang Sheng had no way to answer, and the old Taoist Ling Xu could only smile and said again: "It's just a little bit of influence, and the recovery time will be delayed a little bit, but after recovery, the aura can catch up with the old Taoist I am half pure, but my overall strength has improved."

"How long is the delay?" Meier became anxious. If Wang Sheng couldn't recover for a long time, many things in the future might be affected. It's no wonder that Meier is not worried.She had vaguely heard that Wang Sheng seemed to have offended a super expert in Wuyou City, but she hadn't verified it with Wang Sheng.Wouldn't it be bad if Wang Sheng's recovery was affected?
"It will probably take twice as long." The old Taoist Ling Xu didn't dare to guarantee the ticket, and explained with an apologetic smile to Mei'er: "Don't worry, I will follow him all the time, the old Taoist, and there will be no safety problems."

(End of this chapter)

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