
Chapter 892 You Draw A Way

Chapter 892 You Draw A Way

Chapter 470 Six, Draw Your Way

Things got bigger.

The entire capital is now discussing what the [-] gold coins per ticket concert will be like. The momentum is so loud that even yesterday there were two beautiful and outrageous twins parading through the city in some fancy outfits.

"Good trick!" Uncle Li praised, standing in front of him were the two twin beauties from yesterday.

I went out early in the morning, and I heard many rumors about this concert.Of course, the two women must have attracted a lot of attention, and those who really inquired about the news were those who did not show up in Wuyou City.

Uncle Li is very aware of Wang Sheng's methods, this matter is getting bigger and bigger, even Uncle Li dare not do it lightly, otherwise, once it really arouses public anger, don't look into Wuyou City, which claims to be able to avoid being chased and killed , but when all the forces in the world are planning to chase and kill a person, Uncle Li may not dare to be an enemy of the people in the world.

Maybe the owner of Wuyou City will be the first to hand him over at that time.So what if the cultivation base is high?Can it really kill everyone in the world?

"It's such a big deal, it's forcing me not to do it!" Uncle Li sneered.

Seeing that Uncle Li's expression was wrong, the two twins hurried forward, one left and one right, and began to massage Uncle Li. While massaging, they did not forget that their two elastic bodies were also rubbing against Uncle Li's body.Originally, one of the tasks of the two of them was to take good care of Uncle Li, but now it happened to let him calm down, so as not to cause any major incidents in the capital that were more difficult to end.

Wang Sheng's method is very simple and can be seen through at a glance.Uncle Li now has two choices, one is to kill Wang Sheng with a thunderbolt before Wang Sheng can make a big fuss through the concert, completely jeopardizing Wang Sheng's future development and everyone's opportunities. Directly wiped out in swaddling infancy.

Another option is to wait for Wang Sheng to hold the concert successfully.However, this choice is actually not a good choice for Uncle Li, because once Wang Sheng's concert becomes popular, I am afraid that Uncle Li will not dare to take action against Wang Sheng easily in the future.Of course, if Wang Sheng's concert is just a lot of thunder and rain, then Uncle Li can kill Wang Sheng to his heart's content, and no one will say anything.

The question is, Wang Sheng took the initiative to stir up such a big momentum, is there any possibility of failure?Uncle Li had done some research before coming here. When the Royal Symphony Orchestra performed a few times before, there were indeed breakthroughs, and it was indeed of great benefit to the practice. If he was not sure, how could Wang Sheng do this?
"It seems that I have to do it as soon as possible, and I can't leave him a chance." Uncle Li leaned back, feeling the elasticity of the bodies of the two red card killers of Wuyou City, and said to himself.

"Ah!" A sigh that seemed to be there, sounded in Uncle Li's ear, full of regret.

"Who?" Uncle Li was shocked!How could it be possible for such a master to sigh beside him so silently, and he only sighed after he said a word to himself?

The two twin beauties didn't hear anything at all, but when they saw Uncle Li startled suddenly and his face full of vigilance, the two girls were stunned.What's wrong with Uncle Li, he suddenly became like this?Is it too much pressure?Or is it too long and too depressed in the arsenal to have auditory hallucinations?
"Ah!" There was another sigh, this time Uncle Li heard it clearly, it was really someone sighing in his ear.

What made Uncle Li feel the creepiest was that the two girls beside him didn't notice anything.Uncle Li is not the kind of person who makes a fuss, but this time he is really under pressure.

In the underground arsenal of Wuyou City for decades, Uncle Li has seen many red card killers in Wuyou City.To be honest, no one can make him feel the pressure.Even if it was Wang Sheng, it wasn't pressure on his cultivation, it was just that Wang Sheng was able to damage the scrolls in the arsenal, which made him a wary weapon.

However, those two sighs just now were a completely different feeling.A peerless master, even he can't detect where the person is, but he can easily hear his words, monitor his movements, and can accurately transmit the sound to him alone without attracting the attention of the two legendary masters next to him. master.

Uncle Li has maximized his senses and breath, within a radius of [-] meters, I believe that even a mosquito cannot escape Uncle Li's sense.However, even so, Uncle Li still didn't notice the opponent's position.

"Senior doesn't show up, but what advice do you have?" Uncle Li suddenly bowed to the air, and said seriously.

The two beauties had already sensed something was wrong before, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find anyone around them.As soon as Uncle Li opened his mouth, the two girls were shocked.Uncle Li was already the senior they were talking about, so what was the origin of the senior Uncle Li was talking about?
Now the two girls dare not say a word, for fear of offending the senior that Uncle Li was talking about, and Uncle Li will use them to vent his anger.

"Go out from the west gate of the capital, and go to the small forest five miles outside the city. I'll wait for you there." In Uncle Li's ear, there was a clear voice of instructions, very calm, but with a kind of intolerance. The power of disobedience.

"Okay!" Uncle Li suddenly became eager to fight. Such a great master, even though he knew that his cultivation might not be as good as the opponent, still made Uncle Li extremely excited, wishing to fight the opponent.

After agreeing, Uncle Li went out without looking back.At the same time, I did not forget to say: "You wait for me here!"

The two girls didn't dare to move, the high fighting spirit that Uncle Li suddenly burst out made them both almost collapse.Hearing Uncle Li's words, the two girls came back to their senses, and hurriedly agreed, not daring to say anything else.

Usually the two girls think that they are masters in the legendary realm, but in front of Uncle Li, they are like two children, they have no strength to resist at all.Uncle Li didn't even need to use his hands, his momentum alone could suppress them.Now Uncle Li has met an even more terrifying master. The capital is so hidden. Before, the two girls dared to wear the clothes of Mengzhifang to show off on the streets of the capital. Now give them ten courages. Don't dare to be so presumptuous anymore.

Uncle Li had already walked out, and he didn't dare to shock the world too much, so he went straight to the west gate of the capital at a slightly faster speed than usual.Now he can't wait to meet the master who can put such pressure on him, and wants to learn from each other.Even if he is defeated, he still wants to know where he is missing.

After leaving the west gate, there were not many people at this time, Uncle Li speeded up, and within a short while, he saw a small forest.

(End of this chapter)

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