
Chapter 911 You are too naive

Chapter 911 You are too naive

Chapter 480 You are too naive

Every faction actually has internal people who want to use some off-the-board tricks in order to get extra gains.Representatives of all forces are well aware of this point.It's just that this is not harmful to them. If they succeed, there must be benefits. If they fail, it is not because they lose their own hands, so they basically adopt the default method.

But Wuyou City's sudden attack made all those with other thoughts dumbfounded.

revenge?Tired of life and dare to take revenge on Wuyou City?explain?To whom to explain?The only thing that can be done is to take the bodies of those people back, and then dare not say a word.

The only thing that can be comforted is that when recruiting these musicians, the people they send out are not masters, they are just relatively ordinary people. .

Worry-free City was clearly waiting for the right time to make a move, and it happened to be the eve of the Royal Academy of Art's entrance examination, which shocked many people.

The imperial snake royal in the capital remained silent, apparently tacitly acquiescing.Chang Shenggong's mansion also kept silent, and also tacitly agreed.If the killer of Wuyou City took action, then these people could only die in vain, and there was no one to take revenge.

After one night, there were only a few fewer people preparing to take the test the next day.In short, those who planned to study honestly stayed, and those with crooked thoughts quickly restrained themselves.Seeing the attitude of Wuyoucheng's move, it seems that it intends to take the initiative to bear the notarization of this selection. Who would not have eyes to fight against Wuyoucheng at this juncture?Even if you want to do it, how many lives can you do it against?
Candidates who are eager to join the Royal Academy of Art waited tremblingly for the assessment one by one, and then they were pleasantly surprised to find that the examiners did not make things difficult as they expected, but only seriously assessed their performance level, and it was very easy for them. Fair and unbiased, this made everyone overjoyed.

I thought that I needed some other means to get into the Royal Academy of Arts, but now I found out that there is no need for it at all, as long as I honestly improve my level of playing musical instruments.If I knew this earlier, why bother playing with those schemes behind my back?

People who have participated in the assessment don't have to wait for the result for a long time, as long as they finish playing for a few minutes, several examiners present will discuss it together, and will soon tell the examinee whether it is acceptable or not according to the level of the examinee, and they don't need to worry about it. a few days.

What is even more gratifying is that the first batch of examinees, in addition to the musical instrument masters selected by all parties, also came to participate by themselves, and their level is basically good.Anyway, among the people who took the exam on the first day, excluding those who quit by themselves, the acceptance rate of the remaining people was quite high, almost reaching [-]%.In other words, as long as you have a certain performance level and can independently play several suitable pieces, you can basically be admitted.

The ones who were really brushed off were a group of half-bottle vinegars who temporarily devoted themselves to this profession because they knew that the musicians would have a high status.I just learned a little fur and wanted to enter the Royal Academy of Arts. Not to mention the examiners, even the other candidates who heard them playing outside kept shaking their heads.Therefore, these people were brushed off, and no one felt it was unfair.

Those people who were killed by the killer of Wuyou City are really wronged!If you knew this earlier, why do you need to do those thankless things?

The basic class of the Royal Academy of Arts has a large enough place and enough teachers. Each musician of the Royal Symphony Orchestra can teach several or even dozens of students at the same time.For the basic class alone, nearly [-] students were recruited within ten days.

On the other hand, the assessment of the advanced class is like hell. The examiner is frighteningly harsh because the master and dozens of great masters are serving at the same time.Generally, those who are not of sufficient standard can have weak calves just by facing this group of young Gao Dexun grand masters, let alone perform well.

If you want to enter the advanced class, you don't have the level of the first three seats of the Royal Symphony Orchestra's various instruments, so you can just turn around and leave.Even if the level has been reached, all the great masters nodded, but there is still a huge hurdle waiting for them.

That's right, this huge hurdle is tuition fees.Now, everyone who has dealt with Wang Sheng knows one thing, that is, to do business with Wang Sheng, just one word, expensive!Wang Sheng wanted money to death, and the goods he gave were absolutely real, but the money he asked for was definitely not cheap.

The advanced class of the Royal Symphony Orchestra is taught one-on-one by all the great masters. The schooling period is half a year, and the tuition fee is 100 million gold coins per person. The basic class also has a half-year schooling period, and the tuition fee is [-] gold coins per person.This is the price set by Wang Sheng. If you can't get it out, I'm sorry, but you are not eligible to participate in this advanced class. Wait until later!Maybe when there are more great masters, the tuition fee will drop and become cheaper.

However, is this possible?With Wang Sheng's usual way of doing business, have you ever seen the business that Wang Sheng lowered the price later?Therefore, the latter statement is actually a consolation.

Is it expensive?expensive!Really expensive!But is it worth it?Think about the performance of the Great Master Band, each audience has [-] gold coins, and a harvest of [-] million at a time, excluding the maintenance cost of the Grand Theater, excluding Wang Sheng's account, and distributed to each Grand Master, there are at least hundreds of thousands.A mere million gold coins is just a matter of two performances by a great master.

If you graduate from the advanced class, you can't guarantee that all the students will reach the level of a grand master, but at least you can guarantee that the level of the principal of the Royal Symphony Orchestra will be the same as that of the current Royal Symphony Orchestra.You must know that even the current symphony orchestra can lead the audience into the atmosphere of spiritual practice, and this is still the case that the level of symphony orchestras is not uniform.

They have all reached the chief level, and I dare not say that they are comparable to the great masters, but they are definitely several times better than the current symphony orchestra.Is such an effect worth the investment of all parties?
The answer is of course yes. Therefore, almost every musician who can study in the advanced class has a force behind him. The tuition fee of a mere million gold coins is no problem at all.

The first basic class received almost 2000 students, and the musicians of the symphony orchestra gave major classes.In the first advanced class, there are more than 90 students and more than 20 great masters. Each person has an average of less than four, and it is completely possible to give pointers to professors in a small area.Half a year is enough for these people to improve their level.

"I only earned more than 1 million gold coins in half a year, and I still have to distribute the profits to those musicians and great masters?" Someone simply calculated the account, and then was very surprised: "Chang Shenggong has changed his sex? Open it with great fanfare?" You only earned so few gold coins after joining the Royal Academy of Art? No way?"

All parties couldn't believe their eyes, but the tuition fee of 100 million was obviously not cheap anymore.Could it be that Wang Sheng's business is doing so poorly this time?
"You guys are so naive!" Mei'er sneered when she heard this statement.

(End of this chapter)

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