
Chapter 915 Attendance of Important Persons

Chapter 915 Attendance of Important Persons

Chapter 480 Seven Important Persons Attend

Sitting in his own box, Wang Sheng, Lao Dao and Meier Qiangwei quietly waited for the royal family to report the important people who came to this concert one by one.

The royal family must be very concerned about this information. It doesn’t matter what Wang Sheng said, they will also collect it. Wang Sheng said, it’s just giving Wang Sheng an extra copy. ?

"Everyone in the Lord's mansion has arrived."

"Six viewers have come to the Laojun temple, among them the master of the big temple is also there, and the rest are all high-ranking Taoists with Qing characters."

"Thirteen red-card killers came from Worry-free City, including the city lord's butler."

"The proprietor of Yubaozhai and his personal maid have arrived. Lu Dongzhu brought eight guards."

"The proprietor of Baoqing Yutang brought three guards."

"Six elder-level ministers from the Song Dynasty brought a total of more than 30 guards."

"Three elder-level important ministers came from the Tang Dynasty, and they brought seven guards."


A series of messages were sent non-stop, allowing Wang Sheng to have a preliminary judgment on the influence of this concert.

Judging from the news sent, all major princes and states have elder-level officials present, at least two came, and the most, like the Song Dynasty, came directly six.It can be said that the influence of the concert has been completely spread out, and all countries have paid great attention to it.

The so-called master guards brought by each vassal state are basically the ones who are at the peak of the eighth level and can break through at any time.The rare ones are also in the late stage of the eighth level. According to the previous experience, a master of this level also has a great possibility of breakthrough.

However, there may still be safety concerns. The most important people from various countries are the elder-level ministers. The one with the highest status should be the great elder of the Xia Kingdom. As for the king, none of them came.It's normal to think about it. The identity of the country leader is so important. Once he comes and is detained by the royal family or assassinated by assassins, it will be a big deal.

On the contrary, business families like Yubaozhai and Baoqingyutang have no such scruples.Lu Wenhou brought Ling'er, and Old Proprietor Zhu brought a few guards, all of whom were there in person.

Both the emperor and Wang Sheng are very satisfied with this.Although the lords of the various countries did not come, at least there were elder-level ministers here. This also means that the concept of the cultural and art center that Wang Sheng had mentioned to the emperor before has slowly gained a reputation. This time, let people see the incomparably safe atmosphere here, and I believe there will be kings who dare to break the rules and come to appreciate it.

There are many masters present today. It can be said that except for Wang Sheng, 90.00% of the other parties are masters at the peak of the eighth level. together.I believe that after the three major offerings have gone through this time, they will definitely be able to gain again.

There are only a few people with insufficient cultivation, Lu Wenhou, Ling'er, old proprietor Zhu, and the old housekeeper of Wuyou City.However, the identities of these people are not simple. Even if they haven't reached the eighth level realm, they are basically at the peak of their own realm, waiting to break through.

The previous experience told everyone that this concert may last for two to three days, so the guards outside have already been heavily guarded, and the 200 meters around the Royal Grand Theater are tightly protected.

This is more than that, this time because of the arrival of important figures and masters from all parties, all parties have brought a lot of powerful guards.The Son of Heaven was very generous, allowing people from these parties to temporarily form a patrol team to patrol around the Royal Theater during the performance.As soon as there is any trouble, these patrols with the theme of the legendary realm will collectively attack.

The attitude shown by the emperor surprised all parties, but at the same time they were very satisfied.This also means that one's own safety is not only in the hands of the emperor's imperial forest army, but more in the hands of the masters he brought.

As for how to coordinate the parties, it is easy.No matter what quarrels or unhappiness everyone had before, when they came to the capital, the only goal was to protect the successful completion of the concert and the safe advancement of the family members inside. As long as they were in the capital, everyone agreed and no one could do anything.

After Wang Sheng heard about it, he gave the emperor's arrangement a thumbs up.Without making a fuss, the emperor sent out the concept of the capital as a neutral place where all parties put down their weapons and did not use their weapons.The same situation happens several times, and basically everyone will recognize this concept.From now on, when it comes to the capital, it is a neutral place and cannot be used.

Outside the Royal Coliseum, there is a special team, ready to start at any time.Whether it is the Royal Forest Army or the expert guards from all sides, they are very courteous to this team.Without him, this is a medical team, a medical team waiting to use stretchers to carry those great masters out for treatment after the performance.We all know that a performance is a very exhausting process for these great masters, and no one will delay their saving lives.

It seems that the great masters will have a great loss in playing a game, but the great masters in the game are actually very clear that they are really tired, and they can be so tired that they can't get up without even thinking about it. move.However, during the performance for several consecutive days, while the audience was being guided by them to advance to the breakthrough, they were also enjoying the nourishment of the aura ball.

After each performance, they can feel that their realm will improve again.This is very attractive to great masters, but more importantly, after each performance, they will have a deeper understanding of their playing skills, and a deeper understanding of the repertoire, instruments, and conductor , It will allow them to take a step further in their musical attainments, which is what they value most.So when they heard about the official performance, every great master was very enthusiastic.

Of course, it was their greatest pleasure to listen carefully to the comments of Wang Sheng, an expert with extremely professional ear skills.Who would have realized that breathing, heartbeat and even the friction of clothing materials can bring different effects when playing?
For this reason, Wang Sheng even designed a set of performance costumes for each of the great masters that would not affect their performances. It was completely different from the toga with large sleeves that they used to wear when they performed. It was more neat, but it was not rude at all. , As expected, he is a great master in the field of fashion design. He can design beautiful women's clothing that makes everyone unable to take his eyes off. He can also design highly professional clothing such as protective clothing and performance clothing.

In the mood of anticipation from all parties, Master Yu led the great master musicians to file out, walked to the stage, and began to salute the audience.

The show is about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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