
Chapter 92 The Monster Beast in Disguise

Chapter 92 The Monster Beast in Disguise
Chapter 76 The Monster in Disguise
Wuyou City is not very big, it is slightly larger than Shanglin City and Linchuan City, but it is not that big.Although this is a main city, the level is only a little lower than the imperial city, and it can be regarded as maintaining respect for the royal family and the imperial court, but it is definitely not large in scale.

Unlike the main cities of the major families, the main cities of the major families are basically a big city with at least a million people, which is extremely prosperous and full of people coming and going.But this is not the case in the city of worry-free.

Prosperity is not at all, at least not in the outer city.There are only two big shops in the whole city that can communicate with the outside world, one is Baoqing Yutang and the other is Yubaozhai.These two stores are the largest and have the most traffic.In addition, there are only a few small shops, all of which are opened by people in Wuyou City. Not to mention the small scale, the products are not complete.

People in Wuyou City are not like people in other places who can sneak in and enjoy life. Basically, they are either cultivating, making money, or on the way to making money.Compared with the outside world, the pressure of life is not known how much higher.

However, no matter how hard you work, as long as you are alive, everything is possible, isn't it?The people in the city of worry-free basically think so.

Wuyou City has a city wall, but the city wall is very thin, basically just a high wall.Whether the people here want to come out or the people outside want to go in, they cannot be blocked by a city wall.So the city wall is nothing more than a symbolic meaning.

However, the city wall in one direction is at least twice as thick and more than twice as thick as ordinary city walls.The boulders used to build the city walls are all the best and the hardest, weighing several tons.Let Wang Sheng comment, these are definitely the materials used to build pyramids on the earth, and they are actually used to build city walls here.

Not to mention how it was built, just the strength of this part of the city wall is enough to make people speechless.

There is a gate on the huge wall.This city gate is also very unique, allowing only one person to enter and exit. It is more than two meters high and one meter wide.A normal, strong and tall person can block the gate of the city by himself, and a larger monster will be caught directly.If there is a situation, this narrow city gate can be closed with thirteen powerful metal gates at any time.In short, everything is considered from a security point of view.

The direction of the city gate is facing a mountain forest.In this mountain forest, a powerful aura will be vaguely revealed, and people with lower cultivation levels will tremble unconsciously when they feel this aura from a distance.

"Old Liu, this is the Thousand Jedi?" A young man whose cultivation seems to be at the second level at most, and a middle-aged man are sitting on chairs outside the city gate at the moment. The young man is facing the forest, feeling The breath coming from there asked a little uneasy.

"Yes!" Lao Liu is a middle-aged man with some shallow wrinkles on his face. His cultivation base is almost in the middle stage of the third level, and he is sitting with his back to the forest at the moment, and he replied slowly: "Xiao Yang, You are on duty here the first day, so get acquainted with the atmosphere here!"

"This ghostly place is so eerie, what is there to guard?" Xiao Yang is really restless now, he didn't expect that the first task he received after entering Wuyou City was to guard this door.At that time, he thought it was the same ordinary city gate as he entered the city, but it turned out to be facing Qian Jedi's side.

"Maybe there will be some powerful monsters rushing over?" Lao Liu has rich experience, but he is not as nervous as Xiao Yang, and replied with a smile: "Once there are monsters charging over, we have to warn immediately, and then worry The masters of the city are on the defensive. It is not easy for any monsters in Thousand Jedi to come out at random. Believe me, you will never let any monsters coming out from this direction rush into the city."

Xiao Yang shivered for a moment, probably because he thought of the consequences of the monster rushing into the city.Thousand Jedi's monsters, rushing in would definitely kill the city.He escaped to Wuyou City by narrow escape, but he didn't want to die in the mouth of a monster for no reason.

"Old Liu, old Uncle Liu, how could the monsters in Qianjedi leave Qianjedi?" Xiao Yang couldn't figure it out. There had never been monsters rushing out of Qianjedi in other directions. How could there be any monsters in this direction? ?
"Because this small half of our Wuyou City was built in the Thousand Jedi." Old Liu was very satisfied with the name Xiao Yang called the old Uncle Liu, and he did not hesitate to give this kid a little advice: "I remember that there is a road in the city. A street with a red line drawn on the ground, right? That line is the edge of Thousand Jedi."

Xiao Yang really remembers this street, because that street is so special.There are two big shops on the other side of the street, but there are a lot of simple-looking houses on this side, especially the red line, which is more than one foot wide and brightly colored like blood, which makes people feel scared at first glance. It's hard not to remember.

I always thought that it was a line drawn by some big man to warn some people not to cross the line, but Xiao Yang never thought that that line turned out to be the dividing line of Qian Jedi, and he suddenly showed a shocked expression.

"Those of us who have entered Wuyou City, even if no one dares to touch us outside, we have to be tense every day." Old Liu enjoyed Xiao Yang's shocked eyes very much, and even more enjoyed this way of pointing out newcomers. Process: "A small half of Worry-free City is built in Thousand Jedi, just to keep us vigilant all the time and not to relax."

Xiao Yang kept nodding his head, he didn't even know what to say about the arrangement of Lord Wuyou.He has just entered Wuyou City, and he doesn't know many things yet.

"Did you see the marks on it?" Lao Liu proudly raised his head and pointed to the terrifying marks in several places on the city wall, and said with a smile: "These are left by the monsters from the Thousand Jedi, almost all of them are They were driven away by the masters in the city."

"Almost?" Xiao Yang grasped the sensitive words in Lao Liu's mouth, and at the same time, his serious admiration was even brighter.

"The few that were unique were killed." Old Liu smiled, looked at them and replied: "Some monsters with low realms will not be able to return when they encounter masters in the city."

Xiao Yang admired him more and more.If the news of killing the monsters in Thousand Jedi was released outside, it would definitely make many people drop their jaws.

However, when he thought about the possibility that the monsters in Qian Jedi would come out from the forest in Qian Jedi at some point, Xiao Yang had the urge to turn around and run away at any time.

"Then we're still guarding the door here?" Xiao Yang was about to cry. Even facing his enemy's pursuit of killing Xiao Yang, Xiao Yang had never been so vulnerable. He just became anxious after hearing what Old Liu said. Among them is naturally the credit of Qian Jedi's fierce reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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