
Chapter 939 The Hidden Strength of Baoqing Yutang Continuation 6

Chapter 939 The Hidden Strength of Baoqing Yutang Continuation Sixteen

Chapter 490 IX The Hidden Strength of Baoqing Yutang Continuation Sixteen

Even the old Taoist Ling Xu, who is not interested in this kind of intrigue at all, understands what Wang Sheng means.

The Xia family wanted to annex Baoqingyutang, and took the opportunity to annex the retreat prepared by Baoqingyutang in the mountainous land. As a result, Baoqingyutang made a move, and instead used the Xia family without saying anything, and even kicked the Xia family. open.The Xia family suffered a great loss from being dumb, but they couldn't tell the pain, so they could only knock out their teeth and swallow their blood, and they knew the pain themselves.

"Old Taoist, have you ever been to the Land of Mountains and Beyond?" Wang Sheng suddenly asked Ling Xu.When Lao Dao was young, he almost traveled all over the world, and he might have been to the land of mountains and mountains.

"I've been to the edge." The old man replied honestly: "I've seen a group of barbarians who drink blood and drink blood, and I thought it was boring, so I left." After finishing speaking, he seemed to realize something, and added: "It's not about you! "

Wang Sheng curled his lips, and raised his middle finger at the old Taoist Ling Xu again in his heart, you are the barbarians!

"How big is it over there?" Wang Sheng asked again.

"It's not small, but the terrain is too dangerous, and there are many barbarian tribes, many of whom are experts. There is a large jungle and a big river, and those barbarians don't come here, nor do normal people, it's an uncivilized land." The old man said. Concluding remarks.

In a word, it is not suitable for normal human beings to survive, and it is not worthwhile to compete for territory with extremely powerful barbarians. It is better to keep the status quo and live in peace.After all, there is nothing worthy of normal people desperately grabbing over there, without enough benefits, who would risk their lives to do these things?

There is an opposite example, Thousand Jedi.It is also extremely dangerous, even more dangerous than the mountains and mountains, but it contains great secrets and great benefits, and all parties wish to rush in now, this is the difference.

"I have to go and see!" Now that he has received the news, whether it is for himself or for the villagers who were killed, it is necessary for Wang Sheng to go and have a look.

"Let's go together!" Old Taoist Ling Xu nodded indifferently: "Just go in and see what is there that can make Baoqing Yutang so interested that the whole family moves."

Going to this kind of place, it's not good if there are too many people. On the contrary, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu are two veterans, and the strategy of elite soldiers is the most practical.And the biggest purpose is to reconnaissance, not to annihilate, two people are enough.

"I'm going too!" At the family meeting at night, when Wang Sheng and the girls talked about their plans, Meier and Qiangwei were fine, they were used to Wang Sheng's actions and arrangements.But Ah Qi couldn't sit still, and directly asked to follow.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ah Qi.Although Ah Qi is not wearing the Alice combat uniform designed by Wang Sheng, she still has the big Laura braid on her head and a tight sportswear on her body.As soon as everyone's eyes focused, Ah Qi's face turned red again.

Ah Qi didn't know what was wrong with him, in the capital, in the Duke's mansion, Ah Qi blushed the most.Whether it is facing Wang Sheng or Meier Qiangwei, it is the same, she does not look like a powerful killer at all, she is clearly a young daughter-in-law who has never seen the world.

This is a family meeting, only Wang Shengmeier Qiangwei and Ah Qi, and at most there are some personal maids of the women, no outsiders.Even if she blushes, Ah Qi still persists.

"Are you serious?" Wang Sheng looked at Ah Qi's face and asked seriously.

Ah Qi nodded and said nothing, but her eyes became firmer.

"It's very dangerous!" Wang Sheng warned: "Two legendary masters of the Xia family have already died inside."

"More dangerous than Thousand Jedi?" Ah Qi asked indifferently.Thousand Jedi Ah Qi has entered and exited countless times, how can the land beyond the mountains be more dangerous than Qian Jedi?

"That's not enough reason!" Wang Sheng shook his head directly.Ah Qi used to have a higher level of cultivation than Wang Sheng, but it is obvious that as a dead soldier, she has not been cultivated in any way, and her original soul is only six-star, and her current cultivation level is only at the late stage of the sixth level. At the realm of cultivation, being able to survive on the periphery of Qianjedi is considered to be a very rich experience for Ah Qi.But it's not enough to deal with those barbarians.

"Since I was nine years old, I have been thrown into the forest in the Mountain Land. There have been four times before and after. Only those who survived can be left as dead soldiers. Later, during training, I entered the Mountain Land no less than a dozen times." Ah Qi looked at Wang Sheng stubbornly: "Is this reason enough?"

Ah Qi once said that he was born as a dead soldier and was thrown into the jungle to survive, but he didn't say where.Only now did Wang Sheng know that it turned out to be the jungle in the mountainous land next to Xia Guo.

If this is the case, Ah Qi's role will be great.Although Wang Sheng is also an expert in jungle life, after all, it is not as good as a person who is familiar with the local terrain to lead the way. Ah Qi has honed there, and she can save Wang Sheng a lot of time. At least she should know the distribution area of ​​​​the barbarians. There is no need for Wang Sheng to search for a needle in a haystack.

Looking at Ah Qi's stubborn face, after a while, Wang Sheng nodded: "Yes! But you have to wait until all your equipment is ready."

Ah Qi smiled all of a sudden, and the stubborn expression just now was swept away, and turned into a girlish joy, and she jumped up directly.

The last time Ah Qi and Wang Sheng went out together was in the Thousand Jedi, and that was only one or two times. Now, they can act together with Wang Sheng again.

Mei'er and Qiangwei are a little tasteful, but the two women also know their position, they are not the kind of people who fight and kill, and they have a lot of responsibility. On the contrary, it is not as convenient as Ah Qi, who can leave as soon as they say .

While Wang Sheng was discussing with the three women in his family, news from Xia Guo was also released.One of the elders of the Xia family was greedy for Bao Qing Yu Tang's huge reward, and provided convenience for Bao Qing Yu Tang to transfer property, and sent the people of Bao Qing Yu Tang to Shanyue in the south of Xia Kingdom.

Originally, the killer had already confessed that he came from the land of Shanyue, and Qiu Guo had obtained first-hand information about the killer when he bought it. The news released by the Xia family confirmed this point even more.

In line with logic and common sense, the land of Shanyue is indeed a place where all forces have not touched it. Baoqing Yutang hides there, no wonder everyone can't find it everywhere, so it is.In particular, there are barbarians in the mountains and mountains, and those guys are mysterious. As long as there are one or two people like Wang Sheng, it is not impossible to conquer a few flying mounts.

It can be said that all the clues have pointed to the land of Shanyue, and Baoqing Yutang should be hiding there.

Especially when Wang Sheng, Ling Xu, and Ah Qi left the capital early the next morning and went straight to the south, the news was even more confirmed.Suddenly, all parties couldn't sit still, and sent people to the land of Shanyue one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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